Saturday, November 16, 2013

What is the best brand of acoustic guitar for a beginner?

inexpensive acoustic guitar for beginners
 on How to Choose the Best Beginner Acoustic Guitar
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Agent 007

I am familiar with music, i've played the piano for 5 years and the clarinet for 4. However, I want to learn the acoustic guitar and I haveno experience in that.

I am looking for a cheapo brand to learn and practice on. Since it 's my first guitar I don't want to spend a lot of money, but at the same time I don't want it to sound like a toy. What brands offer the most value and durability for beginners?

Also, would it be better to take private lessons, or group lessons?
I learned to piano via private lessons, and the clarinet through group lessons in my school. I have to say that I favored the group lessons- since my classmates were there I felt more confident. However some music veterans tell me than private lessons are more focused towards progress. What is your opinion on this?

Whatever works for you is best. I teach group lessons in middle school and have up to thirty five guitars in a room. I can tell you that the group lessons are definitely geared toward making sure everyone is comfortable with the material before moving on, but I do keep a bunch of enrichment material available for students who want to move ahead.

As far as inexpensive guitars, there are starter packs that come out between the start of school and Christmas, that are usually a pretty good deal. Yamaha, Epiphone, Kona, Ibanez, Fender, and Washburn all put one out. You need to decide whether you want a steel string ($100 - 300) Nylon string ($100 - 200) acoustic electric ($150 - 300, sometimes a little more if it comes with an amp and a tuner) or electric ($150 - 300) You can get an idea of the price from Musician's Friend, Sam Ash, Elderly Instruments, or even Yahoo shopping, then take what you've learned, go down to your local store and actually put your hands on a few. If their prices are about the same as mail order (or if you can convince them to sell it to you for that price since you have the printout in your hand!) buy it right there. Best of luck, hope this helps and give me a shout if you have more questions.

What is a good, inexpensive, electric acoustic guitar?


I want to start learning how to play the acoustic guitar, but I would also like it to have an electric output so that I could hook it up to an amplifier as well. Since I am just a beginner, I am just looking for something inexpensive, and I don't need anything too fancy in terms of brand name or whatever, but as long as it is good quality and has a good sound (after tuning, of course) I'll be happy. If anyone could recommend a good brand of these types of guitars I would appreciate the help. Thanks!

My first guitar was from Ibanez.

I highly valued this for learning because it comes with extra strings, side tuner, amp, gig bag, picks.. everything you'll need! (Also an instructional DVD now).

Might I also recommend Hal Leonard's Guitar Method books??

The jampack is around 220$ You can get them at pretty much any instrument store, as well as the books, which are around 6$ each.

Good luck! & Have fun, rockstar! :]

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FL Studio disadvantages?

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 on ... Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced Acoustic Bass Expansion KONTAKT
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I'm trying to work out what digital audio workstation is best for me. FL Studio seems impressive looking through their website, but I'm wondering what the drawbacks of it are. I'm considering going for their most expensive package at $1000 with all plugins - what would this not include, that other software would have?

Most important to me is high quality virtual instruments, mainly strings, guitars and wind instruments. I'd want to create extremely realistic sounds, such as when a guitarist slides a finger down a string, or when a violinist applies a varying pressure on the bow.

One other important quality is vocal editing, I'd like to "fix" vocals that are slightly out of tune. I'm not sure what this process is called.

Any other disadvantages or missing features could be significant, any thoughts very welcome!


FL Studio Signature includes all you need for music production and editing. It includes audio recording and the tools to fix vocals (newtone and pitcher) and if you get all plugins you get a wide range of quality instruments and effects to create any type of music. You don't really need anything else to produce music.

One thing though, natural instruments (like guitar, strings, wind) are hard to get from synthesized virtual instruments. There are a number of good instruments included, but for best results you're probably also going to want to look at some 3rd party sample libraries. These are usually based on Kontakt, and as they are sample libraries you'll get the sounds of the real thing, usually with a host of options to make things flexible while still realistic sounding. On the cheap you can also check the internet for soundfonts or acoustic instruments. There are tons of quality free soundfonts out there, which you can use in the included soundfont player in FL Studio.

FL Studio is simply an amazing piece of software, and if you liked the demo (check it!) you'll surely enjoy producing music with it.
Make sure to use the promo link for new customers to get your 10% discount on the entire order at the Image-Line online shop:

Alternative to hiring session orchestra musicians for own album?


Heya, I am into composing experimental music which combines popular music, such as Progressive Metal, Jazz, Electronic music, Ambience and film music and many, many other genres, with Orchestral and World music, similar to film music and music that require an orchestra. However, I am not able to afford £50,000 or so for hiring out musicians to record my album (instrumental guitar album) I am producing. I have a budget at around £6000, I am a electric, acoustic and classical guitarist and have only got available a selection of guitars and Cubase/ Sibelius music software, I have looked at sampling but sometimes they are not realistic enough, anyone suggest some hardware or software which has some realistic orchestra and world music instruments. What do film music musicianâs use that don't have the money to hire a full orchestra for world music. I listen to some of the works in film music and symphonic metal bands (e.g. therion and nightwish) and many actually have hired out real orchestras for their albums/ compositions, I want to get into composing and producing my own records, I have some basic knowledge of producing records and mixing etc in A level music technology and how to write classical music in A level music (classical) but I havenât got the budget for hiring out an orchestra, any suggestions? Btw I'm a first year student (second year in september) at Sixth form College and doing Music, Music Technology, Film Studies and Computing to give you a understanding on the resources I have available and sort of experience I have.
Ableton Live 8 seems like good software which relies on samples, but I haven't bought it yet and not sure what the software is like for orchestra instruments
Ableton Live 8 seems like good software which relies on samples, but I haven't bought it yet and not sure what the software is like for orchestra instruments

There are some pretty advanced samplers and sample libraries out there that can be quite convincing if you're good enough at sequencing.

Personally, I like NI's Kontakt. It's a VERY advanced sampler, and while the included libraries are quite good, when you combine it with something like the VSL or Miroslav library you can get some really great sounding stuff.

As I said earlier, it's really more about your sequencing abilities than the specific samples you're using. If you really understand that instruments you're writing for/trying to mimic, then you know how to write in lots of subtleties that can really take something to the next level.

Ableton Live isn't the way to go. It's basically live DJ software and is more suited to loop-based music, not orchestral mock-ups. When I'm not doing anything with audio, I usually prefer to use Logic. If I'm using audio, I gravitate towards ProTools, however more recent versions of ProTools have had much better tools for MIDI sequencing, so I find myself using Logic less and less.

I know that Danny Elfman does all of his mock-ups in Digital Performer. Other than the LA Scoring Strings library, I'm not sure what else he uses.

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How do I convince my mum to let me play acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitar for 7 year old
 on ... Surfcaster 325 Slx ? Acoustic Electric Guitar | Charvel Guitars
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Cup o' Tea

I keep asking my mum to let me have guitar lessons but she won't let me.

I know why, there are two reasons. One, I have GCSE exams this year which are really important and I understand how important they are, and I am studying hard for them. She thinks I am too busy with revising, but the thing is in the past year I have quit like a billion clubs that I used to do so that I can have enough time to do studying. In the last few years I have quit gymnastics, the school swimming team, my club's swimming team, ballet, the school chamber choir, trampolining and drama. Now I only do swimming one hour a week, Japanese for two hours a week and I volunteer at the local primary school for 30 minutes a week (during lunch time on tuesdays, I read with children). I quit all those clubs because of school and I also wasn't really interested in them much, I am more interested in my computer/the internet. But I really want to learn the guitar, I think I will be able to practice and I just think it would be great for me later in life - just like an accomplishment.
Also when I was younger (like 7 years old) I went to piano lessons. But I never did any practice and hardly improved at all after like a year. But I was 7 then. I was lazy and I wasn't even really interested in piano.

In the last few weeks me and my friend in school have been talking about how we both want to learn guitar. She knows a local guitar teacher that does lessons that you can have with friends, so we could both learn guitar together, and it's cheaper too. She did a guitar course in the summer holidays and already knows the tunes to a couple of her favorite songs! We both know that at the moment we should focus on GCSE exams but if we just take courses together in the holidays it shouldn't interfere too much with exams, right?

Do you think that considering I am already 15 years old that it is too late for me to start learning guitar? Do you think I should not bother? If you think I should play guitar, how can I convince my mum to let me?

Tell her that learning to play an instrument will not disadvantage you. Infact it actually helps you become much more imaginative. Its funny because Universities such as Oxford only accept students who have done some sort of extra curricular asides from their studies, one example is learning an instrument. I have a couple of friends that did that. And you're right, it is an accomplishment. Let your mother know that this is for your own good, it will not in anyway affect your studies because no one studies ALL THE TIME. It would be a good alternative to procrastinating and spend your time on the computer for instance. It opens up your mind and makes you look at thing from a different perspective, which is a good thing! Good Luck !

What is the best acoustic guitar for a 7 year old child to begin learning on, not too expensive please.?

Q. My son has expressed an interest in learning how to play the guitar but I am not sure which one to buy. I don't want to pay too much as this may or may not be short lived. Can anyone advise please.

Go to a bricks and mortar music store and by a decent used guitar. They may even cut you a better deal if you sign the kid up for lessons there.


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Friday, November 15, 2013

Are the Mel Bay books for learning the guitar any good?

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 on When learning how to read guitar music notes think about the musical ...
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I'm planning on teaching myself the acoustic guitar (due to lessons being unavailable a reasonable distance from where I live), and I've had a few people recommend me starting with the Mel Bay books. If any of you have used them, what's your opinion, and are they good & relatively easy to understand for beginners?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I still have a tattered copy of one of these from the 70's. Follow it cover to cover, and do the exercises regularly and in 6 months you will be better than you thought possible.

How can I help my daughter learn to play the guitar?

Just The W

My 9 y/o daughter got an acoustic guitar for Christmas and she really wants to learn how to play it. Times are tough right now and I can't afford lessons. Is there anything I can do to help her learn and keep her motivated?

PS - I know this isn't really a home-schooling related question, but I thought I would get some good answers here. Thanks.

The first thing to do is to get her a good book of guitar chords.

By learning chords, she'll open up a world of songs from which to learn. What's important, at the early stages, is that you find out what music she likes.

Since she's nine, you'll probably be looking for the chords to the latest Jonas Bros., or Hannah Montana songs...even SpongeBob has some easy songs that might motivate her to learn.

Do not throw a bunch of stupid exercises and scales at her right now. she has to have fun, and the only way to do that is to have her learn songs she loves.

Today, you can probably find the chords to pretty much any song on the internet...just do some searches.

Besides learning's important your daughter understands how to tune a guitar. Guitar tuners can be had for as little as $10. If she's not in tune, and she tries to play along with a Miley Cyrus song...she may get frustrated?

Also...if she has a friend near her age who also plays...this will improve her playing ability 10 times as fast as it will sitting alone in her room.

You sound like a great mom. ( I'm just being nice so you don't whip out the 'ol samurai sword and track me down, Kiddo. LOL)

Have a Merry Christmas!

When she's's a great web lessons from beginner to pro...

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Can I take my acoustic guitar on the plane as a carry on? (International flight)?

best acoustic guitar travel
 on the traveler escape is a full scale acoustic travel guitar built like ...
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Hello next week I will travel from Crete (greece) to Los Angeles ( USA) and I want to take my acoustic guitar on board with me... Well my tickets are with Aegean airlines from Crete to Athens and with British airways from AThens-England and ENgland-Los Angeles ....
Their policies are saying that the instruments must be in the dimensions of a hand bagagge which is 56cm x 45cm x 25cm in both companies....
My guitar's dimensions with the case are 109x43x23 cm without the case are 103x40x18 cm (I have a hard case)....
I have a standard acoustic guitar and I don't want to give it with the luggage cause it will break ...I don't want to pay an extra seat either..I asked how much money need if they ship it separately but they told me a lot....I mean with the same money I can buy a new guitar ......I already emailed both companies and they didn't tell me anything more except of what they are saying in their websites..
. I will not have any other carry on with me not even a bag... So I ask you if you can help me...please give me your advice if you had any experiences like this before.. What do you suggest me to do.? I really need my guitar with me! Thank you in advance!

no you can't, though if you have to check it I hope you've got a bulletproof case, cause I've heard some real horror stories about musicians getting their instruments smashed by airlines

....though I think dave carroll is the only one who wrote a song about it,lol

How do you get an aoustic-electric guitar to sound like an electric guitar?

Chris J

I have an electric-acoustic guitar and i want to play electric songs on it. How can i do this? Thanks for the answers.

Short answer - you can't.

Longer answer - acoustic guitars rely on sound waves and need a microphone to be amplified. Electro-acoustics use a piezo-transducer or a microphone (or a combination of both) to change those sound waves into an electical circuit. The sound must travel from your strings to your saddle, your saddle to your bridge, your bridge to your soundboard, and your soundboard to the open air for a mic, and from strings to saddle to piezo/bridge. All of the elements above interact with one another, giving you a warm, very complex tone and sound wave. This complex tone does not play nicely with distortion or other effects.

Electric guitars use a different way to create sound - the vibration of the strings moves electrons in the pickup's coil, creating a direct connection between the vibration of the strings and the amplifier. This gives you a much simpler sound wave, and thereby is much more compatible to effects.

Acoustic guitars also feature a much higher action (string height) than electrics, heavier strings, and very low sustain. As a result, the acoustic cannot be played like an electric to begin with. Anything featuring hammer -ons/pull offs, fast playing, effects, ect will be more difficult to do with an acoustic.

BUT you can buy electric pickups and have them installed in your acoustic. The problem with this will be the space between the strings and the pickup - the farther, the less output. The less output, the less distortion.

The best way to get the sound of an electric - save your cash (which is hard now I know) and get yourself a decent electric guitar.

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Good acoustic Guitar for beginners?

best acoustic guitars under 800 dollars
 on Great Guitar Gifts Under $25
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Hi I Just started to pick up Guitar and and was wondering what is the bet Guitar can get for around 100-400 Dollars?

Also should i be looking for nylon or steel string ?

It will be my first Guitar so any tips are appreciated

For a beginner guitar player most guitar music teachers
suggest the nylon string guitar for two main reasons:
1:Nylon strings are much easier on the fingers - no pain -
new players can play longer practice sessions.
2:You develop finger dexterity quicker since you are not using a "pick"

The other side of the coin is that nylon-string (AKA Classical)
guitars are built with a little wider neck than a steel-string guitar.

Players that will concentrate on "chord" playing as back-up
tend to prefer the narrower neck of the steel-string acoustic.
Most players of this instrument tend to use a "pick" rather
than "bare" fingers (maybe because of the hardness of the strings?).

If you prefer to play the melody of the music instead of chords
then the nylon string instrument may be more to your liking.

It is a matter of individual opinion since both types of
instruments can be used to play any kind of musical genre.
Nylon-strings guitar produce a "mellower" sound and
steel-string produce a "brighter" sound overall.

Be aware that almost all lower-priced guitars (under $800)
are manufactured overseas - primarily in the Asian/Far East
Many of the instruments come out of the same factory
and therefore "Brand/Labels" mean nothing.
Go For "Sound" and "Playability" Not for Labels.

My experience in buying guitars is that beginning at about
$ could get a reasonable good instrument
(regardless of "brand") with a solid-top.
Guitars with solid-top project sounds much clearer
and tend the improve as the wood "ages".

It is hard to find a solid-top guitar for under $200 but there
are fairly decent instrument (sound-wise) under this price
with a laminated top.
The laminated top guitars are "sturdier" - can take more
"punishment" but their sound will never improve with age.

My first guitar was "laminated" and I keep it for "sentimental reasons"
I now own 4 solid-top guitars with cedar, spruce, and mahogany solid tops.
My guitars cost from $200 to $600 .The most expenisve:
The Alvarez MC80 is from China It is solid wood all around.

One good value in a $200 solid-top guitar comes with
a "Sunlite" label Model GCN 2000F
This is a Classical guitar built with a Torres system
of bracing, a rarity in guitars at this price range.

A good source for Reviews of Acoustic guitars is
Harmony Central at
Many brands and specific models are given
reviews by actual players.
I have used it to "eliminate" instrument models
with poor ratings and to find what the player
did not like about the guitar.

In the final analysis it is you that have to decide what is best for you at your present level of guitar skills.

I hope this help in your search. Good Luck and Enjoy your guitar

which is a good acoustic guitar in lss price range?


I'm not sure what the lss price range is either but here's my general list in US dollar ranges (give or take a few I might forget):

Around $100:
Takamine Jasmine
Epiphone DR100 (only if you don't mind the chunky neck)

Under $200:
Yamaha FG700S (great beginner guitar with solid spruce top - plays nice)
Washburn D10S (also a good solid top guitar under $200)

Under $500:
Seagull (excellent guitars made in Canada)
Takamine G series

When you get into the $800+ range you can start looking at these:
Taylor (I really like the 114ce at around $800)
Some of the higher-end Takamines
Gibson (starts getting closer to $2,000 for these and they're not worth the bloated price in my opinion but they do sound nice).

If you have a several thousand dollars you can start looking at some hand made guitars like:
Santa Cruz

If you have an unlimited budget, then you could go with a Olsen guitar for over $10,000. A lot of professional acoustic guitarists play them.

EDIT: Wow, someone's in a thumbs down mood again today.

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What acoustic guitar brand should i get for a beginner and price range?

acoustic guitar for beginners price
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acoustic guitar for beginners price image


i was thinking an acoustic guitar, maybe black.
would yamaha be a good brand for beginners?
i don't know much about guitars, and what price range should it be in? i heard that you shouldn't get one too cheap. so im not sure.
Thanks for helping!

I could name you brands of guitars I've heard, and brands I've played, and brands I like, but it wouldn't make a difference. Instead of telling you which brand is king, here are some tips:

Honestly, my best advice is to go to your guitar shop and look at the brands. You can go online to get one, but it's a hit or miss when talking about how you'll like the sound and the feel.

Type: If you're a beginner, I would go for a nylon string guitar, as a nylon string guitar is easier on your fingers. The first guitar I played was on a Yamaha classical guitar, so I think Yamaha's are great. But I wouldn't say only get the Yamaha, because there might be a better guitar you find there.

Price range: Below $500. I wouldn't say you need a minimum, as long as you don't get the "Learn guitar in whatever kit" with the cheap ass acoustic the size of a breadbox at Barnes & Noble, but probably not under $100 (unless it seems legit. If you can't tell, probably don't get it).

Size: Find a guitar that you like at the shop, based on the size and feel. In classical guitars there isn't much of the size issue (they're pretty much all the same size), but if you get a steel string, there will be a great variety of sizes. Concert size, dreadnought, curved back, jumbo, etc... Size is just a couple of numbers and dimensions. What matters is how it feels for you to play it. If it's too big or small, the size will get in the way of learning the guitar. So the best thing to do is not worry about the brand name and experiment with different sizes.

Sound: You don't want it to sound terrible, but it doesn't matter as much as the feel. It's great to have a nice sounding guitar, but it's not going to make a difference. A guitarist might sound better on a new Alvarez than a half a century's old Yamaha, but a great and experienced guitarist playing an old, rickety guitar will always sound better than a beginner with an expensive and exquisite sounding Martin or Taylor.

Pawn Shops: Is there one in your area? Go! They'll almost always have guitars in store, so check it out. When dealing with pawn shop guitars it's almost always necessary to have an expert, or anyone who knows about guitars with you, so ask your guitar teacher to go shopping. If your pawn shop is a nicer one, some or all of the guitars might be new. Sometimes, guitar manufacturers will sell new models to pawn shops, just because there is a blemish in the wood, or a weird pattern. The pawned ones are very cheep, but the "outlet" models will still be cheep. I got a new Michael Kelly from a pawnshop for $150, and it's been great for five years so far.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW A GUITAR EXPERT, but still want to go to a pawnshop, look out for a couple of things.
1) Play the strings: Go up each string, and play them at each fret (not long), just to make sure there is no buzzing. If you're not sure what this means, or you're having trouble with this, ask the pawn shop guy to do it. They all pretty much have basic guitar knowledge, if they aren't experts.
2) Sight for problems: From the base of the guitar, look up across the fret board. If you, see a strange bend back, or if any frets look out of place, or crooked, not good. Again, ask the pawnshop guy.
3) STAY AWAY FROM CRACKS: It might mean that the guitar is cheap as dirt, but with use, the crack will spread, and your precious little antique of a guitar will crack in two, with damage beyond repair in a guitar shop.

Thats pretty much it. I hope that you can use this advice and get yourself a great guitar.

What is a good beginner acoustic guitar for teen girls?


I'm 5'1 and my hands are very small. I need a good beginners acoustic guitar for a reasonable price. Also, what size would you suggest for me since my hands cannot fit around a full size guitar? Thanks!


The best way to find the right guitar is to go and play on several different ones.

You will be safe if you start looking along the lines of a Yamaha, Ibanez, Alvarez, Fender and possibly a Takemine.

I would ask the sale people to assist you in finding acoustics with slim necks, but you will definitely want a full body. Stay away from the small toy guitars. covers this topic in depth, as well as many other aspects of the acoustic guitar. You might want to check it out to help in your research.

Good Luck

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I need advice on buying an electric guitar?

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 on ... 1680-NWT Premium Graphite Top Acoustic-Electric Guitar with VIP Preamp
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III Skin

I need some advice when it comes to buying an electric guitar. I have been playing acoustic for a while and I'd love to now get an electric guitar. However, I have never owned or even played one. I have seen the stereotypes, the Gibson Les Paul, the Gibson SG and the Fender Stratocaster, and those all LOOK good, but if someone could explain about the different sounds produced by different electrics (not necessarily those 3) it'd be great.

Luke summed up the single coil versus humbucker thing which is a big one. I think the HSS strat is a good idea also since it is one of the few guitars that offer both humbucker and single coil pickups. I would suggest going to a Guitar Center if you have one nearby and play as many guitars as possible in your price range. Then go to Harmony Central and read reviews on the ones you are interested in. If you just don't have any music stores around with a decent selection you can't go wrong with a Mexican Fender. I say ths all of the time but only because it's true.

Beginning guitar, epiphone les paul special 2 or squier stratocaster?

Chasing Ca

I'm new to guitar, and i've played acoustic for a little.

I wanted some opinions on whether to get the epiphone les paul special 2 or the squier stratocaster.


Well, it is mostly about the feel you get for it when you hold it, but there are some factors.

The Les Paul models, be it Gibson or Epiphone, tend to be heavier than a strat. If you want to play more standing then the strat might be a good option, but if you get a good strap, the the Epiphone would be O.K. too.

I'm currently looking at buying an Epiphone Les Paul studio, and I've heard good and bad reviews. A lot of players really like it, because it is lighter than a Gibson, and they say it plays well. I have also heard that Epiphone went cheap on the electronics, and most of the people replaced the wiring with better pickups and wiring for better sound and had no complaints after that.

As for Squire, I haven't heard anything good about them. I have heard that the body is often shoddy and cheaply put together, and the wiring and pickups are bad too.

If you really want a stratocaster, maybe look up the Fender Starcaster. It was my first electric guitar, and it is fairly cheap. The set includes a strat guitar, a cable, an amp, 3 picks, and electric tuner, and gig bag, and a DVD. It is still a stratocaster, but I will admit that the pickups aren't great. Style wise the guitar is actually pretty slick looking and is fairly lightweight. I got my set for somewhere around 125 bucks, and it is worth it for a first guitar.

Sorry for the length, but I hope I helped out a little.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Would you recommend buying guitars used?

best acoustic guitar for 700 pounds
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best acoustic guitar for 700 pounds image


Both electric and acoustic

Sure, just be VERY wary of defects, and worst of all, fake instruments. If anything, buy used from a shop, not privately. My friend ended up paying 700 pounds for a so-called Fender, turned out to be a re-stickered Squier.

Just look out, you will be fine :)

Math word problems, please help?


1. In one week a music store sold 9 guitars for a total of $3611. Electric guitars sold for $479 each and acoustic guitars sold for $339 each. How many of each type of guitar were sold??

2. A nut wholesaler sells a mix of peanuts and cashews. The wholesaler charges $2.80 per pound for peanuts and $5.30 per pound of cashews. The mix is to sell for $3.30 per pound. How many pounds of peanuts and how many pounds of cashews should be used to make 100 pounds of the mix??

Thank you very much!! The first answer to get it right and solve by each step gets BEST ANSWER!!!

1. In one week a music store sold 9 guitars for a total of $3611. Electric guitars sold for $479 each and acoustic guitars sold for $339 each. How many of each type of guitar were sold??

HINT: Write what you know in a table.

Type â¦â¦......â¦â¦. Qty â¦â¦. Worth â¦â¦. Total
electric guitars â¦... e â¦â¦â¦. 479 â¦â¦.... e * 479 = 479e
acoustic guitars â¦. a â¦â¦â¦. 339 â¦â¦â¦ a * 339 = 339a
Total â¦â¦â¦â¦........ 9 â¦â¦..... ----- â¦â¦â¦ 3611

The first 2 rows of the first column always add up to the third row in that column.
e + a = 9

The first 2 rows of the last column always add up to the third row in that column.
479e + 339a = 3611

You now have 2 equations.
479e + 339a = 3611
e + a = 9

Solve the 2nd one for e.
e + a = 9
e = 9 - a

Replace e with 9 - a in the 1st one.
479e + 339a = 3611
479(9 - a) + 339a = 3611
4311 - 479a + 339a = 3611
-140a = -700
a = 5

Plug this solved a value into e = 9 - a to solve for e.
e = 9 - a
e = 9 - 5
e = 4

ANSWER: There were 5 acoustic guitars and 4 electric guitars sold.


2. A nut wholesaler sells a mix of peanuts and cashews. The wholesaler charges $2.80 per pound for peanuts and $5.30 per pound of cashews. The mix is to sell for $3.30 per pound. How many pounds of peanuts and how many pounds of cashews should be used to make 100 pounds of the mix??

HINT: Write what you know in a table.

Type â¦â¦â¦â¦. Qty â¦â¦.. Cost/lb â¦â¦.. Total
peanuts â¦â¦â¦. p â¦â¦â¦. 2.8 â¦â¦â¦â¦. p * 2.8 = 2.8p
cashews â¦â¦... c â¦â¦â¦.. 5.3 â¦â¦â¦â¦. c * 5.3 = 5.3c
Total â¦â¦â¦â¦.. 100 â¦.⦠3.3 â¦â¦â¦â¦ (p + c) * 3.3 = 3.3(p + c)

The first 2 rows of the first column always add up to the third row in that column.
p + c = 100

The first 2 rows of the last column always add up to the third row in that column.
2.8p + 5.3c = 3.3(p + c)

Replace (p + c) with 100 and simplify.
2.8p + 5.3c = 3.3(p + c)
2.8p + 5.3c = 3.3(100)
2.8p + 5.3c = 330

You now have 2 equations.
2.8p + 5.3c = 330
p + c = 100

Solve the 2nd one for y.
p + c = 100
c = 100 - p

Replace y with 100 - p in the 1st one.
2.8p + 5.3c = 330
2.8p + 5.3(100 - p) = 330
2.8p + 530 - 5.3p = 330
2.8p - 5.3p = 330 - 530
-2.5p = -200
p = -200 / -2.5
p = 80

Substitute p with 80 in c = 100 - p to find c.
c = 100 - p
c = 100 - 80
c = 20

You need 80 pounds of the peanuts and 20 pounds of the cashews to make a 100-pound mixture worth $3.30 per pound.

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What is a good beginner acoustic guitar?

acoustic guitar beginner basics
 on How To Play Guitar Chords For Beginners Acoustic | Shop4Choice Blog ...
acoustic guitar beginner basics image


Honestly I don't know anything about guitars but I really want to learn how to play an acoustic guitar and then electric guitar. So...what is a good acoustic guitar for beginners? And also do they make any self teaching books on acoustic guitars? Sorry if some of that doesn't make sense! lol

Yeah, there are self-teaching books, as well as online resources. But my advice to you is this: Find a friend or an instructor to teach you the basics at the very least because it'll prevent you from starting of with bad habits. It's alright to do the later parts on your own, but things like how to hold the neck, posture etc need to be correct from early on because they're hard to fix once it's a habit.

A good acoustic guitar for beginners?
Well first of all, it's important to have a budget, or the saleperson at the shop will try to get you something expensive that you don't even need.

Once your budget has been decided, look at all the guitars in your price range. Now here comes the difficult part: You're going to have to try them. I know you probably can't play yet, but it's still important you hear and test them. Do NOT get the first instrument you see that you can afford, or the nicest looking one, too many people make that mistake.

First, have someone play it for you, and see if you like the sound it produces. Also, strum the strings yourself, and see if you like it. Pluck individual notes and take notice of how long the note holds. It's generally a rule that better guitars have better sustain, meaning that the note will ring longer. Next, hold down the strings. Notice how hard you have to push to get them down. A better guitar shouldn't hurt you too much. If it feels like it'll bust your fingers if you hold on for longer than a few seconds, it's probably not the ideal choice.

Next, wrap your hand around the neck, with your thumb under, and your other four fingers on strings within reach. Does it feel too thick? Too thin? Only you can decide, because it's personal preference. Also, check the tuning pegs, turn them and the should offer some resistance, but not too much. Finally, check for overall construction, make sure it's all in good shape.

Do this, and decide on what is best. Try not to look at the brand names, because honestly, at entry level they're usually all made in China and of similar materials, and sometimes even in the same factory. So, get the one that sounds and feels best regardless of brand.

However, just to give you an idea of what is worth looking out for, the following brands are popular amongst beginners and are generally good value. Don't be afraid to try something else though, remember, it's whatever feels and sounds best.

- Takamine
- Yamaha
- Ibanez
- Seagull
There are others of course, just as there are brands to avoid, so I'd suggest testing them out. Oh, and in my opinion, cheap Fender guitars suck. So avoid them like the plague.

Good luck, hope this helped and have fun! =)

What is the best guitar for a beginner?


I am really interested in learning to play the guitar! I was wondering what good beginner acoustic guitars were available and the best brands to get for your money? Also, for someone who has never had any experience playing a guitar, whats the best route to go about taking lessons. I was planning on doing lessons for the first few months to learn the basics, then moving on to using books and programs to teach myself. What do you guys think would be the best approach for a beginner wanting to learn to play?

PluckandPlayGuitar has free video based lessons for absolute beginners and assume you know nothing or close to nothing.

It takes you step by step through the basic guitar chords one by one. There's also lessons on guitar scales, techniques and some easy songs to play.

The Dean Playmate is the best beginners guitar you'll get. It's a cool guitar for only 70 bucks.

Here's some reviews for the Playmate and other good entry-level guitars.

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How much money would a nice quality acoustic guitar cost?

best acoustic guitar for around 600
 on 1974 Gibson J-45 Deluxe Acoustic Guitar J45 | Gibson Acoustic
best acoustic guitar for around 600 image

Rose Harri

I have an Acoustic guitar already, but it's to small for me, and I plan on getting another one. Right now, I have $40.00 saved up. How much money do I need to save in order to buy another one? The guitar I already have was given to me by a relative, so I have no clue how much they payed for it. Thank you.

A nice guitar will start around $600 or more

a decent guitar with a neck that plays well starts around $200-300
anything cheaper is made from green uncured wood and will warp

Can somebody recommend me an acoustic guitar?


So I've been playing electric for about 5 years. I would like to buy an acoustic guitar for college but I don't really know anything about acoustics. Anything to ease the transition, and easy access to high frets would be nice. Price range up to about $600. Any suggestions?

Go to your local music store and try every acoustic guitar in your price range. Buy the one that sounds and feels the best to you. The guitar should choose you, not the other way around.


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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

what are perfect guitar gear for beginners with an acoustic electric guitar?

acoustic electric guitar for beginners best
 on Best Acoustic Guitar Strings for Beginners | Best Acoustic Guitar ...
acoustic electric guitar for beginners best image


Besides the guitar straps, carry bag, and pick, what else should a beginner get for an acoustic electric guitar?

well, as mikey points out an amp, cable, and tuner are obvious choices. Some less obvious choices would include a couple extra sets of strings, a capo, a guitar stand, Some good acoustic guitar songbooks as well as a good chord book, guitar polish, a slide, maybe an instructional DVD or a gift certificate for a month of guitar lessons.

What sort of acoustic-electric guitar should I buy?


I'm a beginner and I have a friend who has played for years and he recommended I get an Ovation acoustic-electric guitar.

We've sort of agreed on Ovation Celebrity CC24 Acoustic-Electric Guitar but I would like to know if anybody has an other recommendations?

Any other brands?

This will be the first time I've actually PURCHASED my instrument so I want as much feedback and help as possible.

go to a music store and try a bunch out. buy the one that feels and sounds the best to you in your price range. there are lots of good brands of guitars i just depends on what is the best fit for you. Everyone has their personal favorite.

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What is a decent acoustic guitar for boyfriend's Xmas gift?

acoustic guitars for beginner adults
 on Guitar Lessons Melbourne Eastern Suburbs (Box Hill) | Modern Guitar ...
acoustic guitars for beginner adults image


My boyfriend really wants an acoutstic guitar for Christmas. He's not picky, which is good because I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars. But, can anyone tell me a good acoustic guitar for a beginner (adult) that is under $160?

Websites for purchase would also be helpful. But anything you can tell me is appreciated!

here ya go I picked one out for you. but your cutting it pretty close for delivery, might want to go find a guitar shop, there usually the same price.

What is the advantage of getting a beginner acoustic guitar?

stacey j

I'm about to buy an acoustic guitar online and I noticed that there are beginner guitars and adult sized guitars. the guitar that I really want is an adult sized but, since I'm a beginner, I was wondering if i really need to start out on a beginner instead.

Stacey, beginner is not a size.

The only advantage of a beginner guitar is that if you give up in six months, you didn't dump 500+ bucks down the drain.

Other than that, they are 'inferior' instruments.

But don't get too caught up on that. In six months to a year, if you are looking to keep playing (I hope you will be) you will have enough experience to begin to appreciate the differences in more expensive guitars. At that point, get yourself a good mass-produced job (300-500 bucks) and pass that beginner guitar on to a niece or nephew or friend's kid.

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What is the best acoustic guitar for a beginner?

acoustic guitars for beginners lessons
 on Brighton Guitar Lessons - one to one lessons
acoustic guitars for beginners lessons image

Lena A

I'm just starting out, and am looking to make an acoustic guitar out there my own. My price range is around 200-350, and I really want a guitar that will make me love playing music. What is the best acoustic guitar for a beginner?

There are a lot of different things to consider when buying a new acoustic guitar. For a beginner it is important to weigh up quality with price. It is much better to go for a acoustic guitar that is on the lower end and then as you get better buy a better guitar.

Having the best guitar won't make you the best guitarist so there is no point investing in a really expensive instrument.

For around $200 or $350 i would suggest purchasing perhaps a Yamaha FG700S Folk Acoustic Guitar.

I hope this information helps.

Check out the site below for more information about acoustic guitars. You can also sign up for a free guitar lesson.

Any online acoustic guitar lessons for beginners ?

'Open your

Do you know of any websites for acoustic guitar lessons, like step by step and that are free.
Any videos would help. thanks.

Not that I know of.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Good beginner acoustic guitars?

how to play acoustic guitar for beginners video
 on Teach Yourself How To Play Guitar For Free  Jamorama Review
how to play acoustic guitar for beginners video image


I really want to start learning how to play acoustic guitar but I dont know where to start off. Whats some good beginner acoustic guitars?

Also, are there any tutorial sites or videos that are good to learn from?

I started with a fender T-bucket 300ce, for a beginner, it's an amazing guitar. Around $200-300 depending on the sales you find. But there are many decent beginner guitars out there, try to look for one that has a "solid wood top" and "solid wood back and sides", the sound quality is MUCH better. is the-place-to-go for learning some songs fast. You will need to learn how to read guitar tablature (not the same as sheet music) which is quite simple after a couple weeks of study. Learn some "open chord shapes" (A, C, D, E, G, A minor, E minor) they will come in handy once you memorize the shapes. Once you learned those chords, move onto "barre chords" (B, F etc..), these take a little more time to learn since they wear your hand out VERY fast, but you will get used to it.

After you learn some simple songs and figure out if you want to take music more serious, buy a better acoustic (Martin, Taylor, guild) and start learning more advanced chords, scales, theory, and fingerpicking.

Have fun!!!

Is there a book that teaches you how to play the acoustic guitar?


Okay, I want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar
but I don't want to take a class because I don't
like meeting new people. So is there a book that
can teach you everything you need to know about guitar
and how to play it? And is there a certain type of acoustic
guitars that beginners should use?

A great book that I always recommend is The Guitar Handbook by Ralp Denyer. I have had my copy for over 20 years.
Theres also some excellent video tuition about too.
Lick Library have great DVDs that you can sometimes buy cheaply on eBay. Also a site called guitar tricks has good and varied video lessons.
I also have a youtube channel that has some guitar videos that are ideal for beginners.
Good luck with your quest.

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Can I put nylon strings on my steel string acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitars nylon
 on ... semi-Acoustic-electric-Nylon-String-Guitar-solid-Spruce-top-Cyber-Sale
best acoustic guitars nylon image

Kimberly A

I have a steel string, Yamaha acoustic guitar that I am learning to play at home. But at school I use a rented nylon string guitar. I like the feel of the nylon strings better then the steel strings and i was wondering if i can just switch strings or if i should just get another guitar. Can anyone help?

No, a steel string guitar is built and braced for the greater tension of steel strings, which means it's too heavily built to respond properly to nylon strings. It would sound awful. Besides, the slots in the nut are too narrow on a steel-string, the action is too low, and the bridge is made for ball end strings (most high quality nylon strings are plain end). And you would have to turn the narrow string posts on steel-string tuners forever to get anywhere with stretchy nylon strings.

Where to buy an acoustic guitar strings?


Hi, I'm a first time buyer of an acoustic guitar strings. Is it better to buy from an online or where? And also I don't know how to choose an acoustic guitar string. Is NYLON better so I won't hurt my fingers?

Amazon is a good place to buy an acoustic guitar strings. I recommend Elixir brand.

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What is an inexpensive but really nice guitar brand?

best acoustic guitar 1500 dollars
 on ... Guitar 6p Solid Top, Made In Spain | Classical Acoustic Guitar
best acoustic guitar 1500 dollars image

I'm looking for a new guitar and have been playin a cheapo guitar for about 6 months and I need a new one with a better sound. One that has a rich bass.

Acoustic Brands:
Oscar Schmidt

Squire (they do make nice guitars believe it or not)

Guitar Brands to avoid at all costs:
Martin (if under a grand)
Dean (if Under a grand)
Indiana (garbage brand)
Austin (unless you have it set up)
Gibson (if under 1500)
First Act (just no)

A fender would do ok. Also you can find a good custom build one for about a grand that is equivalent to one 3 or 4 times the cost at CHW Guitars Custom Shop. Their lowest line being 600 dollars for an electric and 1100 for acoustic, great guitars that outplay any ive ever played.

is it harder to play the electric guitar or bass?


well my best friend and I want to start a band but we both have to take lessons first. she already has her electric and i have want to play the bass. i already have an old acoustic. but which is harder to learn? and would there be a price diffrence?

I don't play either....I play classical guitar....and acoustic...but I would imagine that the bass is harder...especially if your a girl...those strings are so fat !!!!! I think electric would be easier....or course you have two more strings to learn....why don't you go to the Guitar Center and hang out and play around with both of them....they even have private little rooms where you can go if you don't like playing in front of people....I wouldn't buy either until you play around for a while and see which you find could even buy one and bring it home and play it for a month...Guitar Center is very good with that. I bought a classical guitar that I payed $1500.00 - $1600.00 dollars for and after I had it home for a while there was something about the sound that I didn't like....They had no problem taking it back....I got another one for half the price and liked that one a lot it isn't always the price...for me it's the action and the sound.and everyone has a different action and sound that they try both and go from there !! Good luck...bye !!!!!!

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