Saturday, February 22, 2014

List of acoustic guitar notes?

Bob Oscar

I am having trouble tuning my guitar with a Snark clip on chromatic guitar tuner can someone please give me a list of the notes on a acoustic guitar starting from the first string (the thinnest) then going up to the thickest string (the last one) ex A D E and things like that. I'm a beginner =)

Just to add to Rigby's note -

The thick string (low note) is the called the 1st string. (Important guitar vernacular!)

And pressing the string on the frets, you are typically going up a half step (i.e. F to F#) for every fret.

An Acoustic Guitar for a beginner? Tips?

Nyan R

Hey everyone.

I'm planning on getting an Acoustic Guitar here soon. After listening to the type of music and musicians over the years, I really want to get one.

My question for you all is, what is a good guitar for a beginner. After a quick google search, I found someone say a Seagull S6 is a good beginners guitar. But I have no real knowledge on the subject and would like some input from you all. So any suggestions are welcomed and my price range would be $400 and below, maybe even a bit above.

All suggestions welcomed and thanks in advance!

A good acoustic guitar for beginners?

It's a good thing you've already decided on your budget, so what you should do is look at all the guitars in your price range. Now here comes the difficult part: You're going to have to try them. I know you probably can't play yet, but it's still important you hear and test them. Do NOT get the first instrument you see that you can afford, or the nicest looking one, too many people make that mistake.

First, have someone play it for you, and see if you like the sound it produces. Also, strum the strings yourself, and see if you like it. Pluck individual notes and take notice of how long the note holds. It's generally a rule that better guitars have better sustain, meaning that the note will ring longer. Next, hold down the strings. Notice how hard you have to push to get them down. A better guitar shouldn't hurt you too much. If it feels like it'll bust your fingers if you hold on for longer than a few seconds, it's probably not the ideal choice.

Next, wrap your hand around the neck, with your thumb under, and your other four fingers on strings within reach. Does it feel too thick? Too thin? Only you can decide, because it's personal preference. Also, check the tuning pegs, turn them and the should offer some resistance, but not too much. Finally, check for overall construction, make sure it's all in good shape.

Do this, and decide on what is best. Try not to look at the brand names, because honestly, at entry level they're usually all made in China and of similar materials, and sometimes even in the same factory. So, get the one that sounds and feels best regardless of brand.

However, just to give you an idea of what is worth looking out for, the following brands are popular amongst beginners and are generally good value. Don't be afraid to try something else though, remember, it's whatever feels and sounds best.

- Takamine
- Yamaha
- Ibanez
- Seagull
There are others of course, just as there are brands to avoid, so I'd suggest testing them out. Oh, and in my opinion, cheap Fender guitars suck. So avoid them like the plague.

Good luck, hope this helped and have fun! =)

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Which guitar sounds best?


I don't have the ability to go try them out, but there's two (electro-acoustic) guitars I am looking at.

This is a Tanglewood guitar, mahogany neck, back and sides, spruce top. It costs £161.96.

This is a Hudson guitar, ash back and sides, laminated spruce top. However, this one is a lot cheaper, only £89.95.

Which one would be better to get, based on the fact that it is my birthday present and my dad would pay for it, but I'd have to pay him back some when I get a job? I don't want one that will sound crappy, but at the same time I don't want to spend more than necessary and find that it really isn't that great.

Is ash good?
I know that laminate tops aren't particularly good, is the Tanglewood guitar solid or laminated?


Both of these instruments would be considered "budget" (really, given that they're electro-acoustics - "cheap") guitars so I'd be VERY reluctant to go for either without being able to try it out - at this price range there tends to be a lot of variation between apparently identical guitars.

I wouldn't expect there to be much difference between their sound in terms of quality (sound is very subjective and hard to describe anyway).

Of the two, I would go for the Tanglewood - I've heard of the brand and it is slightly more expensive. I don't think you'll get a solid top at this price, but why do you think that laminated tops "aren't particularly good" - they're fine. The vast majority of acoustic guitars produced have laminated tops.

Why do some acoustic guitars have a stripe on the back?

Q. I am getting an electro acoustic guitar soon (I already play electric) and noticed on a review for the Washburn wd10sce there was a stripe on the back which made it look cheap and badly made. My sister's acoustic (tanglewood discovery) doesn't have a stripe and I was just wondering if the stripe is good/bad/doesn't make a difference? Also can anyone recommend a good electro acoustic between about £150-£250 please, thanks!

Guitar backs are traditionally made in two pieces (cut from the same piece of wood and joined so that the grain pattern on one side mirrors that on the other). The join is often covered by an ornamental inlay strip. This is something usually seen on better quality instruments. It makes no difference to the sound in itself, but manufacturers often put better grades of wood into their more expensive and highly ornamented guitars.

On a plywood instrument (your Washburn has plywood back/sides) there is no need for the back to be made in two pieces, but the top veneer layer is generally "bookmatched" to imitate the appearance of a 2-piece solid-wood back, and on more decorated instruments a center strip is sometimes included. It is purely cosmetic.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Acoustic Guitar To Buy?


I'm looking for a good acoustic guitar, $350 or less, with a cutaway and flat top. I don't really want an electric-acoustic though, so none of those. If it helps, I've been playing guitar for 1 and a half years. And I like smooth necks, although I'm not sure if you can get a really smooth neck on an acoustic. Thanks for everyone's help.

I would go with these. I think you can find the Dean Cheaper than that. I really like Takamine, you'll get a lot for your money. Consider buyin a used Martin.

What's a good guitar for a female beginner?


I've been playing on my Dad's cheap jumbo acoustic guitar and it's really hard. I know basic chords and a couple songs, but now I'm trying to learn from Leavitt's A Modern Method for Guitar and I just cannot do bar chords at all. I have callouses and everything but it tears my fingers to shreds and I end up with hand cramps. Also the body is quite big and uncomfortable. Can anyone recommend a good not-too-expensive acoustic guitar for a a woman?

At the moment I'm interested in playing delta blues like Son House and Bukka White, although I'm not ready to learn slide guitar yet. But I also want to learn general chords and music-reading (hence the Leavitt book), and will probably branch out eventually. So I don't think I want a special guitar like a resonator? What do you think?


There are no special guitars for women (well, maybe Luna. And Daisy Rock. But presumably you want a guitar, not an ornament). However, smaller people often prefer a smaller-bodied instrument to a jumbo or dreadnought shape (dreadnoughts are the commonest design, jumbo is the name of a specific shape but I don't know if you're using it in that sense). I'm a 5'5" female and find the Martin OOO design just about ideal. It has been copied by many manufacturers. Avoid 3/4 size instruments though; those are intended for kids of about 9. What you want is a full size (24.5-25.5" scale length) guitar with a smaller body. Something like a Yamaha FS-700S or 720S would be nice.

As for the playing difficulties, most likely the action is too high on your dad's guitar. That's a matter of adjustment, and very cheap instruments are often not properly set up. It can generally be corrected by a guitar tech for $35 or so, but it sounds like you might be happier with your own guitar. Just go to a well-stocked guitar store and try some out.

Slide playing is usually done with high action and most resonator guitars are set up that way from the factory. I would avoid the very cheap ones, too - resophonics can be cranky beasts and you would probably be looking at at least a few hundred for something reliable. Even then, you may find that they are not as enjoyable to play as when you listen to someone else playing one. There's an odd mechanical quality to the sound, not the responsiveness you get from wood or even plywood. You will also find it less versatile than a regular guitar - you can always play slide on a normal guitar as long as the action isn't extremely low, but a resonator guitar doesn't sound good for all kinds of music. Anyway, I would leave the resonator guitar until later - get yourself something comfortable to play for now.

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New left handed ACOUSTIC GUITAR?

Q. I'm looking to find a new guitar and I already found a couple on amazon that I would like to buy.
I'm a lefty and want just a standard steel string acoustic guitar so I can just try it out.
But there are a lot of different sizes, like 1/2, or 39"
So I was wondering what some good standards would be for a decent guitar?
Thank you!

The guitar I'm considering is this:

Please tell me what you think

When ever you see a guitar being given sizes like this, you know to stay away if you're an adult. These are kids guitars. 1/2 sized guitars is for small children. Any kid over the age of 12-13 can easily play a full sized adult guitar. The 39" is the length of the whole guitar. Again, this kind of measures are only used on cheap beginner kids instruments.

The only way to properly measure a guitar is the neck scale. The scale is the length of the vibrating string, between the nut and the saddle. On adult guitars the tend to be around 25" (varies from brand to brand and som times even model to model). Classical/nylon string acoustic guitars tend to have somewhat longer scale than a steel string acoustic.

What are some good right handed acoustic guitars that are cheap and easy to flip for left handed playing?


Preferably where the nut and bridge dont need to be flipped. Thanks

Do not do it under any circumstances. Acoustic guitars are braced asymmetrically since the bass strings exert more tension than the treble strings. Reverse the strings and the guitar will warp and be ruined sooner or later. If you don't reverse the nut and the saddle the intonation will be terrible. Even if you do flip the saddle the intonation will still be off since the saddle is never exactly perpendicular to the strings and the extra B string compensation will be in the wrong direction.

If you don't already know how to play, learn to play right handed. Many lefties do that and it's a smart thing to do. Each hand has an important task to do and if anything fretting is more important. You would be fretting with your dominant hand, a distinct advantage. Plus, there are many more right handed guitars available.

Many companies, like Martin, charge the same for a left handed model. If you insist on playing lefty then just buy a left handed guitar. Don't ruin a perfectly good guitar. Good luck.

Edited to add:

Here's a nice picture of the bracing on the inside of the top of a good acoustic guitar:

As you can see, it's asymmetrical.

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Beginner Guitar Lessons?


Where can i go on the internet for free guitar lessons videos that teach you the basics on playing a acoustic guitar for beginners?

You probably could spend hours and hours searching for good "free" videos online. On the other hand, you could try the following:

Learning to play the guitar should be easy and fun. One of the best ways to learn today is with online lessons. You really can learn how to play the guitar in just 15 minutes a day.
Do your homework. Do your due diligence. Have Fun.
Also you might want to look at:
Here's a Great Guitar for you to use when you take the Best Online Guitar Course!
If you play electric guitar, having a good guitar to play helps with motivation.
Hereâs a great electric guitar for under $500: Epiphone LP Standard Plain-Top Les Paul Collection Electric Guitar, Heritage Cherryburst. You can see this guitar at:
or (for just over $500) the Epiphone LP Standard Plus-Top Les Paul Collection Electric Guitar, Trans Blue. You can see this guitar at:

Best of luck in learning how to play the guitar!

Beginner Guitar Lessons?


i really wanna learn to play guitar. i dont have enough money for lessons, so i am teaching my self and using online videos. what are some good websites and videos i can use for the basics of ACOUSTIC guitar? thanks

PluckandPlayGuitar has free video based lessons for absolute beginners and assume you know nothing or close to nothing.

It takes you step by step through the basic guitar chords one by one. There's also lesson on guitar scales, techniques and some easy songs to play.

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Advice for picking a guitar and finding the right size?

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

What is a good brand of acoustic guitar for beginners?


I am interested in learning to play, and i'd like a nice guitar, thats not crazy expensive...or maybe a kit that comes with a how to video. Please suggest a brand, and maybe a website of a good store to buy from. Thanks a bunch!

I work at a music store and the guitars we sell the most for beginners are Yamaha and Harmonia. I bought a Harmonia myself because they have more color selections than Yahama. (I bought a red one.) I've had a few friends who are guitarists look at it and they say that except for the action being a little high, it is a pretty good guitar.

Acoustic Guitar for a Beginner?


Okay...I do not know anything about guitars, but I would like to. I want to learn how to play the acoustic. I want a basic easy one for beginners. I am only 13 and want to learn. please give me a link for a website which I could buy one. and what model too. I will have to pay for it and I don't have that much money. I don't know how much I should spend on one so please help. thanx
Also, about how long will it take for me to learn how to play.

Does this guitar look good?

Before you decide on a guitar, you should definitely go to a guitar store and test drive a bunch of them. Each brand tends to have its own feel, so some will feel way more comfortable in your hands than others. If you're just starting, you'll probably want to choose one that has a thin neck, since that will make it easier to move around between chords and notes. And you might even want to get a 3/4 size guitar (also known as a parlor guitar), since those have smaller bodies and are more comfortable to play when you're sitting.

There are tons of great guitar brands, but since you're a beginner, I'd recommend you see how Ibanez or Jasmine by Takamine feels to you. Both brands are made really well, sound great, and have thin necks. Ibanez also has a model called the Daytripper that's a 3/4 guitar. I normally play a full-size Ibanez guitar, but purchased a Daytripper to take with me when I travel. It's an absolute joy to play! Now that I have it, I hardly ever pick up my full-size guitar. It's been discontinued, but you can still find them on eBay and from some online retailers. I'll provide a link below.

If you want to do some research and see what other people think about the different acoustic guitar models, you should check out Musician's Friend. You can search by brand name, price or customer rating. The site also has reviews that are really helpful in narrowing down your options before going to a guitar store.

The most important thing is to choose a guitar that feels comfortable to you, since guitars are very personal and one person's dream guitar is another's nightmare. The more natural a guitar feels in your hands, the faster you'll learn. Good luck!

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Good beginner acoustic guitars?


I really want to start learning how to play acoustic guitar but I dont know where to start off. Whats some good beginner acoustic guitars?

Also, are there any tutorial sites or videos that are good to learn from?

The best way to find out what guitar is the best for you, is by going to a shop, and trying out the different models from the different makers. No two guitars will sound exactly the same, even within same model line. This is due to differences in the density of wood, and the grain of the wood itself, even if it comes from the same tree, and same section of the tree. As to a good guitar, you will want to look at for a new one somewhere above the two hundred twenty five dollar range, anything from one hundred to two hundred fifty dollars is in the decent quality range.

When you try different guitars, one of the most important aspects is the feel and more specifically the neck, and how it feels when you hold it. You can and will find different neck widths, which affect the comfort, of how the feel is. The body will also play a role in comfort, when you sit and hold it, as well as when you're standing, all of that should be taken into consideration, while trying out the different makers, and model lines. Even the body styles vary, and this will also affect the way the guitar feels. This is why each person should handle, and try out different models and styles. Then the sound comes in as a very close second.

A huge do not, is buying from retailers such as Walmart, Target, K-Mart, or any other discount retailer, as those are considered as little more than a child's toy, or a decorative wall hanging. In short a piece of junk, and something a guitar shop, or luthier isn't going to want to work on. The big reason is the parts used to make it with are of the lowest possible grade possible, and assembly line manufactured. The cost to make them both reasonably playable, and semi reliable, would cost as much, or more, as it would to buy one new or even used of a good quality.

Also buying from online should be the last possible resort, as the prices stated, may not be indicative of the quality. Sometimes the manufacturer's price is inflated, to make the guitar seem a better quality, and like a great deal on the instrument, and it's not the deal or the quality it appeared to be. When you buy from a shop, they can also help you get it properly setup, to give you optional ease and comfort, when learning and playing.

Here are some brands to check out, Dean, Eastman, Fender, Gibson (and their Epiphone line), Gretsch, Heritage, Ibanez, Jasmine, Martin, Mitchell, Ovation, Rickenbacher, Seagull, Takamie, Taylor, Washburn, and Yamaha. The makers that I listed, are some of the better quality makers of guitars. Each will have different lines and models to select from, and try out. Selecting a guitar is also very much a personal thing, as each person will look for the aspects, and qualities that they want in the guitar. Anyone can recommend a brand, or model type, but the final choice should be that of the person buying it, based on what they found by testing out different ones.

Best Gibson Acoustic Guitars For Beginners?


Okay, no experience with guitars at all, but I have a huge interest. Though interest gives me no knowledge of what kind of guitar to get. Please, please, PLEASE give me any, and i do mean ANY, advice with purchasing one or guitars in general.

P.S. I say Gibson because my dad works there making guitars and he could possibly get me a discount of some sort.

Well for a beginner, I wouldn't recommend a Gibson unless it's a really big discount. I would suggest something used and with a low action (easier to play), just to ease you in before you get into the big brand names. I've been playing for a few years with an off brand guitar, but it doesn't really matter since I don't preform publicly or anything.

Start cheap, make sure you really love playing, move up from there.

EDIT: Sorry I didn't recommend any starting brands, just go into a guitar center, the used guitar rooms, see what sounds nice. Talk to the people there (workers or otherwise), they will probably help you.

If your dad can get you an Epiphone (a lower quaility branch of Gibson), then you should probably go with that. You would get a good deal and they are certain to be good quality. Again, go into Guitar Center and play around with models or read reviews on to see what guitars fit your style.

Since it isn't technically "Gibson" I sort of disassociated Epiphone in my mind. haha.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I wanna buy an effects pedal to play with my acoustic guitar...?


...what should I get? I don't need a tuner...though, that would be nice (my built-in tuner is a bit vague). I don't want one of those multi-effect pads, just a single stomp. I want something that can really give me a lot of muscle to the sound of my acoustic and make it sound like an electric. What's the best single effects pedal available?

Most acoustic guitarists might recommend a chorus pedal, or some sort of delay or reverb pedal...maybe even a tremelo? An additional graphic equalizer would probably help even out the tone of your guitar.

However, if you want more "muscle" I'd suggest the Ibanez Tube Screamer. It's not a distortion device but rather an over-drive pedal which can be adjusted to give your sound just a hint of more grit.

I've recorded songs where I used distortion on acoustic guitar to great advantage. It gives a different fuller sound then an electric and helps separate it from any other acoustic or electric instruments.

Remember, there are no rules.

Also...try playing closer to the bridge in certain sections to give the acoustic a more chimey, ring-like tone.

Best of luck and keep pickin' till those fingers bleed!

acoustic guitar problem?


i've been trying to learn myself to play the acoustic guitar,this is going to sound really stupid now,but everytime i play a chord,the string doesn't really respond and it just sounds really quiet and you cant hear it. There are buttons on the guitar which let you alter the pres,treb,miss and bass, i don't know if they have anything to do with it? please help,it won't let me play anything and i don't know why it's doing this.


Are you sure this is an acoustic guitar? If it has knobs it's either an electric (which makes hardly any sound unless you plug it into an amp) or an acoustic-electric, which can be played with or without an amp.

An acoustic-electric should make a sound whether you plug it in or not. The knobs will have no effect unless you plug it into an amp. If it does not make a sound when played unplugged (you ARE talking about playing unplugged, right? If not, please clarify), a common reason is poor technique. The usual mistakes are not pressing hard enough, trying to press on top of the fret instead of right behind it, and allowing fingers to touch the wrong strings and kill their vibration.

If none of these situations applies in your case, there may be a problem with the guitar. It would help to know more about what kind of guitar you are talking about (brand and model).

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Whats the nicest sounding acoustic guitar for under $300?

Bill Heart


This guitar not only looks good, it's by the absolute BEST guitar company in the world! Dean guitars, baby! Buy it, and I swear you won't be disappointed!

What is a good acoustic guitar for under $300?


my brother got a guitar for christmas(it is a first act) and i play on it more then he does. i would like a quality guitar that i can call my own.

I agree with the others. You could get a much better used guitar for $300 than a new one and often an acoustic guitar will sound better with a little age on it. You definitely need to play an acoustic guitar before you buy it. Some of the lower end models have quality issues. I've played some cheap Fender and Epiphone acoustics that buzzed and had horrible action. I think Ovation guitars are very good if you like the fiberglass bowl on the back (some people don't like them because they're not wood). I also like Takamine guitars. They're well made and have decent tone (not the best I've ever heard, but decent). Seagull is also a good brand to look at if you can find one for sale in your area. Ibanez and Yamaha are also good brands in that price range. I'm pretty sure anything you get will be better than the First Act guitar you've been playing though:)
Oh, the comment on getting a solid top (spruce or cedar) is an excellent point as well. The top produces most of the sound and it's important to have a solid top. Back and sides on most lower end guitars will be laminate.

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What is the cheapest, best kind of acoustic guitar to buy?


I'm in 8th grade, and Ive been playing the guitar for a couple months now.. Im kinda thinking about pursuing a career as a musician, and I'd like to buy a new guitar with a better sound quality then the one I have..?? what would be the best brand of acoustic guitar to buy?

The term, "cheapest, best kind of acoustic guitar" seems a contradiction in terms. Some of the less expensive guitars for beginner and intermediate players are Alvarez, Ibanez, Ephiphone, Fender, Yamaha, Takamine, and Regal. This is not an inclusive list, however.

On the other side--the best kinds of acoustic guitars--would be Martin, Taylor, Collings, Gibson, Takamine, Guild, McPherson, and a few others. At the top of the list of brands as the best I would consider the classic Ramirez of Spain, coming in around $50,000 apiece.

Buying A Acoustic Guitar?


I have NEVER bought one before, what are the good brands?
I am kinda looking for a black one, but i dont wanna spend a hole lot and i dont wanna get a cheap nock off brand, i want a name brand, any help please, thanks!

Fender, Gibson (Epiphone is also part of the Gibson line), Gretsch, Heritage, Ibanez, Martin, Rickenbacher, Taylor, Washburn, and Yamaha, are about the best lines of guitars to look at in terms of over all quality. For a decent guitar though you want to start at not less than one hundred twenty five dollars. Anything under that is going to be questionable. Anything under seventy five dollars new, is not much more than a child's toy, a nice wall mounting, or is generally considered junk.

The cheaply made guitars end up costing as much to have made playable, in the end with the work that they need done to make them reliable, and to be able to hold their tuning. Which will also lessen the desire to want to practice, and play. The more you can and are willing to spend the better the quality you're going to get, and the better it will hold it's value over time. The cheap ones have little or no value over time, and no trade in value, as they're so cheaply made.

But there's more than just buying a name brand that has to be taken into consideration. How it sounds, and importantly how does it feel when you handle it. If it doesn't feel good, then try another model. In fact you need to buy hands on, and try several models to find the ones the you like the best. The next consideration is the neck width, as there are three different widths, narrow, medium, and wide.

Next is will you be playing finger style or using a pick. If you are using a pick, then make sure it has a pick guard, otherwise a pick can scratch and eventually gouge the surface of the guitar. If you plan top play finger style then a pick guard isn't needed. However if you're not sure then get one with a pick guard.

Next is the strings used. Nylon are softer and give a softer sound versus the metal strings. Metal strings will be louder, and brighter sounding, but a bit harder on the fingers until you build some calluses on them. Metal strings can be replaced with nylons strings, but not the other way around. Metal strings require more tension, and the truss rod isn't setup for that in those that are made to use nylon strings. Using nylon strings will eventually lead to the neck warping, and bowing, and possibly over time developing cracks in it.

Also you can check pawnshops for used ones, but take someone with you who knows something about acoustic guitars. You can get a good quality one many times used cheaper than a new one. Many guitar shops also will have good quality used ones that will serve quite well, for cheaper than a be one. This may seem like a lot to digest, but it gives you a little bit of a base to work from starting out.

Edit Point:

Do not buy online if at all possible. Otherwise you risk buying a GSO, or guitar shaped object that's nothing more than a child's toy, wall hanger or a piece of junk. Also stay away from discount retailers as those fall into the same category.

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Why do you think Koreans are getting popular now a days?


With the recent Gangnam style dance move and remember the wonder girls that made a spectacular MTV with the song "nobody", first time I saw it I though it was made in Hollywood. I later found out it was all Koreans. What is the secret of their popularity? I know you will tell me, actually it is not a secret. Koreans are also populating in the Philippines with their different Korean gourmet. One thing I notice about Koreans they have originality, like the Gangnam style dance move, we can do that also but the song and the euphoria is exclusively Koreans. I can hardly understand the song itself, and obviously not in English language. We Filipinos are only after finish product to imitate and copy like the ABS-CBN different tv host singing of the song of BSB "i want it that way". I also notice that most Filipinos who enter singing contest do not have musical instrument like those in the US like Philip Philip who sing with his own guitar. They only sing with their own voice and music taken from the US billboard charts. I hardly see Filipinos with musical instrument with guitar or piano or flute or any equipment on stage. Just their powerful voice they think they can mesmerize the audience compared to US musicians, they performed with their equipment and they sing their own composition, you hardly see Americans singing popular hit songs. Just a microphone on their hand. This is the brand of the Filipinos. Koreans are getting popular even if they sing in their own language. That is what amaze me. While we Filipinos are singing in English most of the time. One Korean actor even penetrated Hollywood, who is that guy? Rain? The film "ninja assassin". While we cannot even penetrated the window of Hollywood. Our film are all about love, horror and comedy. But most of all love(cheap movies) of present croft of star cinema actors/actresses. We even have one Korean tv host/comedian in the Philippines which is Ryan Bang. But back in Korea, we do not have a Filipino in any Korean tv station. How come?

Lol, ok I always thought that you were as old as me, but reading through your long question I am beginning to think that you are way younger than me or that your memory is failing you.

First off (and this is going to be long -- like your Q&As) among all the Asian cultures, only the Chinese, the Indians and the Philippines have the longest histories of what we can call their homegrown entertainment industry (movies, music, etc.) that has come to be recognized worldwide. No one has come even close, yes even the Japanese are not in their league, much less the Koreans.

Among these 3 only the Chinese is probably the most ethnic, the Indians have been influenced by the Brits and the Philippines, of course by Hollywood.

The golden age of Philippine cinema is way behind us and it was a generation ago, it will probably not be resurrected until the locals at least embraced the real Filipino artists, the last great director being Lino Brocka and his contemporaries, well of course there are a new batch of young film makers and they have been making noise by winning international film awards, but without any local support, the local industry will continue to churn out their usual dramas and comedies which are the only ones making money.

Now, the golden age of Philippine music was back in the 70s with the first OPMs, which even many Asian and particularly Southeast Asian countries look up to. Why? Because even if they do not understand Tagalog they at least could enjoy it better than their own music. Case in point Freddie Aguilar (and yes with his acoustic guitar) is still probably the best known Filipino singer. "Anak" (and that is including the Tagalog version) is still being listened to the world over for how many decades now and is still probably the most well-known of all Asian songs.

Now with the age of youtube we are seeing the likes of Charice and Arnel Pineda who are both well still more popular than any Korean singer. But by the same token because of this new medium, singers from S Korean are now having that much needed exposure worldwide.

Plus add the fact that the Korean are now the new Chinese, moving to every land, opening up every kind of business and the most important ingredient (the secret you may be alluding to) that has eluded many other cultures in the region, they are now learning English. (Which was yes, our only advantage back in the day compared to many if not all Asian people).

Add that Korean businesses in their homeland are exploding so put that all together and you can probably summarized why they could be considered gaining in roads even in the music industry.

Gangnam style? Original? Taking the techonology they have out, I can compare them to 1980/90s Pinoy corny entertainers. Put the Yoyoy Villames, the Andres Es, the Micheal Vs. of that era and put in their new technology and you get gangnam style, so no Gangnam is 30 years behind.
Those dance moves that they do, we were already doing back in high school and only to be funny mind you.

And isn't it true that Donita Rose was an MTV host in Singapore way back in what the 90s. And now 20-30 years later there are still new Filipino entertainers in there.

And through the years, there are also a ton of Filipino actors/artists who have broken into Hollywood, Westend and Broadway... I don't even know where to start.

But as I've said the best years of the Philippines may be way behind them... and with the Koreans getting richer and now studying English they can only get better.

Gangnam style? It may be popular now,but really are you going to spend your hard-earned money to buy his CD or watch his concert? Ok, don't answer that...

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My acoustic guitar needs strings, how to know which ones to get?

Dark Spark

I've had this guitar for about 3 years. It was actually my brother's but he never played it and it somehow has 3 broken strings and 1 missing one, the other two are fine. My brother is in college and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want it anymore.
I want to learn how to play the guitar and was wondering how to know what kind of strings I should buy. I don't know what kind of guitar it is, only know that it's acoustic (not sure of the brand). I would like to buy 6 new strings for it, as if it was brand new guitar. How do I figure out which ones to get? Also, are there any good online music stores that I can get it from?

Acoustic (non-electric) guitars come in two main types, steel-string and classical (nylon string). There are many differences in the construction and the strings are NOT interchangeable between the two types. In particular, putting steel strings on a classical guitar is a big no-no because it destroys the guitar very quickly (steel string exert a lot more pull). And a steel-string guitar sounds terrible with nylon strings (assuming you can even get them on there). So you need to be very careful what you buy. Some old cheap guitars show a mixture of steel-string and classical features and it can be a little hard to tell what kind of strings they need.

I would suggest posting a picture, showing the guitar to a knowledgeable person to find out which type it is, or just taking it down to the music store with you. If it needs steel strings, there are a lot of different types, but a light gauge phosphor bronze set would be a reasonable choice. The brand is not particularly important. The folks at the store may be willing to install the strings if you ask.

Steel strings should be changed every 1-3 months depending on how quickly they begin to lose tone (which varies between players). Oh, and buy a spare set - beginners tend to break strings.

Old Acoustic Guitar Help?


so ive had this guitar for about 6 years or something. It hasn't really been used at all.
1- Can I put any kind of strings on it?
2- Does the age or size of it change the sound or anything?

Assuming you have a steel string acoustic, you need steel string acoustic strings. I would highly recommend you buy light gage strings. There are many brands on the market so just pick one of the cheapest at this point in time. Light gage strings will be much easier for you to play until you get calluses on the tips of your fingers and build up strength.

The size of the guitar can greatly influence the volume as well as the bass response of the instrument.

Age of the instrument certainly affects the sound over time but the best sounding instruments are PLAYED over time. The vibrations of the tonewoods and the age of the tonewoods form a synergy to produce sweet resonant tone.

You should have someone look at the instrument that can adjust:
- Neck Relief
- String action
- Intonation

Possibly the frets need to be dressed and leveled.

The tuners should function smoothly and the nut material should be lubricated to minimize binding.

Always remember to tune UP to pitch thereby pre-loading the worm-gear tuners to achieve the best tuning accuracy and stability.

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Acoustic Guitar Lessons?

Pablo G

Anyone know a website or something that will teach my how to play the acoustic gutar? (Give links if possible)

Try these links below-

guitar lessons for beginners?

Q. hey, i'm teaching myself the guitar, im BROKE so i cant get a tutor :(.. and i dont know anyone who plays guitar... so what should i do now? :/ lol.. thanks

look up "guitar lessons" on youtube, go to and

ultimate guitar has lessons in particular styles the basics etc.

The string in tab (uppercase) is the low E, and lowercase one is the high E.

Youll need to learn to read tab.

a number corresponds to the fret:


this means you play the second fret on the A string: a B.

3h4 mean to hammer on fromt he third fret to the fourth: i assume you know what this means.

3/4 means slide from the third fret to the fourth: play the note, then, while still maintaining pressure, slide your finger down to the next indicated fret

you will pick it up very quickly.

for instance the above is a G chord arpeggio, and then a hammer on, moving straight into a slide: playing a C hammering on to a C# without picking it, and then sliding down to a D# still without playing it

heres some beginner songs


Green Day - Time Of Your Life
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Jhonny cash - Hurt
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Papa Roach - Last Resort
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
System of a Down - Chop suey (Drop C)
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Theme
Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
Jhonny Cash - Ring of Fire
Secondhand Serenade - Your Call (One Step Down: Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb)
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
TRJA - Your Guardian Angel
Sum 41 - Peices
Guns 'n' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
Eagles - Hotel California
Mazzy Star - Into Dust
Oasis - Wonderwall
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Don McLean - American Pie
Fleetwood Mac - Albatross
Scars on Broadway - They Say (Drop D)
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco
Serj Tankian - Empty Walls (Acoustic Version)

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Guitar lessons for beginners?


Hi, my cousin just gave me this amazing acoustic guitar, and I really want to learn how to play. I can't afford lessons, so could any of you recommend a good free site or YouTube video or something which could get me started? Or even just a good book which can help. I know I should really get lessons but I just can't swing it right now so any alternative would be amazing :)


I swear I recommend that site like five times a day =P but it's great! Lots of lessons & tips. Can't beat a real teacher but still...

Hi, can you help out a beginner here with guitar?

hey bab

Hi, I already have a book about guitars ... In russian which I don't understand/can't read at all honestly I don't know what a fret, fret board, Capo.. Well I saw images of capos and them placed on guitars but can somebody explain what their for please?, and all these other guitar terms :( and how do you 'tune' a guitar? Ahahha like do you twist on those knob things and tighten the strings? Loosen them? The tighter they are the higher they sound ahhH? and how do I read online guitar tabs ? ;( I don't understand at all like it says something like Bb on 5th fret or something like that and it's VERY confusing :(

Im a beginner in guitar and I would like somebody who knows alot about guitars to answer my question or give me a link to a site with guitar terms and everything about guitars :) I'd be very grateful thanks ahahha :)


Do you have an electric or acoustic guitar? The techniques for electric and classical are a bit different. But, for right now, the basics apply to both. has some great lessons.

The important thing is to learn a bit of theory, to make it fun, you can learn a bit of theory and then learn a song that uses it. For example, one of the first songs I learnt to play was "Tears in Heaven" which uses mostly major and minor chords.

Do you speak Spanish, by any chance? I know of a great site in Spanish. If you don't know Spanish, no worries. They have loads of links to English speaking websites. "Enlaces en inglés, or something like that."

Total guitar is a good book for beginniners, I think it's available on Amazon right now! :) It's an old book and not too expensive.

A bit of introduction:

The frets are the little metal bars you see on the neck of the guitar. On a guitar, you create the notes by pressing your finger right above the fret. The fretboard is simply the piece of wood which covers the neck; frets go up and down the fretboard.

How to tune a guitar:

A guitar has six strings, Low E, A, D, G, B, high E. You twist the knobs (gently) to raise or lower the pitch. Watch the online guitar tuner all the way through and then give it a try. For example, it starts with a low E. Strike your low E string and then twist the knobs until your low E string sounds like the low E on the tuner. Some guitarists use tuning forks, some guitarists have pocket guitar tuners, some tune it with a piano. I cheated and downloaded an online one and synched it to my iPod because I travel a lot. :)

To make the notes on the guitar you put your finger right above the frets. for example, find the low E string, and put your index finger on the fifth fret. Ok, hold it. Pick that string... There, you just played an A note.

Chords are easy, the two main kind of chords are major and minor. The "bs free approach" is the way to go. Learn the chords in "chunks." First, learn the major open chords- E major, A major, D major, G major, B major, E major. Then the minor chords... then move on to barre chords (a barre chord is where you cover all the strings of the same fret with your index finger). It takes awhile to get the notes clear. Then the "weird" chords... suspended and add9.

Guitar tablature... its a code that many guitarists use instead of reading notes on a staff.

A guitar has six strings. Well, tab is six lines, and each line represents a string on the guitar. Low E at the bottom, then A D G B E. The little numbers on those lines show which fret to play. For example:







You play the fifth fret on the low E string. Then you play the seventh fret on the low E string. Then you play the ninth fret on the low E string. It goes from left to right.

Don't despair or get frustrated, just start simple and take little baby steps. What is your goal musically? Whatever it is, every tiny step you take brings you a little bit closer. I'm a hypocrite to tell you this because I'm the queen of getting frustrated with the guitar!! But don't give up. It takes at least a year, for your playing to "come together." Focus on small steps each day. Guitar playing is a lot like horseback riding... no one ever REALLY knows everything there is to know about it, we're all still learning. Practice every day, an hour if you can. Review everything you have learnt on a regular basis but focus on the stuff that is new and difficult for you. All of the guitar players that are or were great... Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Satriani, Santana, Petrucci, etc., were once students themselves. Your goal may be just to play for fun, to be professional, I don't know... but everyone is a beginner at some point in their lives :)

For now, learn the chords and scales I gave you (You Tube,, and books like Total Guitar are good), a fake book with chords is good for beginners, listen to records and see if you recognize what you've learnt.

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Help in choosing my first acoustic guitar?


okay so i've read up other answers, and know what to look for...
but i live in india (karnataka, bangalore) and i dont think i can find most of those here...
so which guitar would you recommend? around the maximum price rs. 5000 i guess...
i dunno, if you need any more details i'l put them on
ps- i just read aboutt the yamaha f310 n it seems it a good one?

Hello there,

Yamaha makes some good beginner guitars as does Washburn andTakamine (Jasmie series). Fender makes some all right beginner guitars, but I am not a fan of those. My favorite beginner acoustics are made by Epiphone. I have always had good luck with those.

I am not familar with what is available there. I would suggest you consider buying a used guitar to start with. You can generaly pick up a used good quality acoustic or about the same price as a new lesser quality guitar. You get more for your money. If you have local want ads or classified ads (not sure what they are called there) you can check those to see what is the best deal you can find. Also, you may want to look at eBay for a good deal of a used guitar.

Any of the brands I named are good for beginners. If you can try some before you buy, you will get an idea of which brand and model you like the feel of best. That is the one to go with. The one that feels most comfortable to you.


By the way, a good place to check for reviews of guitars is at Harmony Central. Folks who actually own them post reviews about them.

While not every model will have a review, most of the more common models do.

Which acoustic guitar brand is cheap and best quality for beginners in india?


i am seeing around 3k-4k rupees

See if they sell Washburn guitars in India. They are low in price and have an excellent quality sound.

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what is a good acoustic guitar song to play?


i;m am learning gutair and i was wondering what a good acoustic song is that i can has to be medium hardness..thankss

my first song I learned was "StairWay to Heaven" by Led think a lot of people did this one..trying to think what else I did....lemme think..
California Dreamin by Mamas and the Papas
Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult
Zombie by the Cranberries
Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple

Back In Black - ACDC

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morisson

also, try out Jim Croce songs.He did all his on acoustic.I loved him! Died young in a plane crash. Some of his songs:
Time In A Bottle(My fave)..Bad, Bad Leroy Brown ⢠Big Wheel ⢠Hard Time Losin' Man ⢠I Got a Name ⢠I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song ⢠Lover's Cross ⢠New York

Also, I love Neil Diamond songs, he also did acoustic.some of his songs were America ⢠Cracklin' Rosie ⢠Forever in Blue Jeans ⢠Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon ⢠Heartlight ⢠Hello Again ⢠I AmI Said ⢠I'm a Believer ⢠September Morn ⢠Solitary Man ⢠Song Sung Blue

Plus another fave of mine who had classic acoustic songs was Neil Young.. he did such songs as Cinnamon Girl ⢠Harvest Moon ⢠Heart of Gold ⢠Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) ⢠Like a Hurricane ⢠Old Man ⢠Rockin' in the Free World ⢠Southern Man
Well, Those are all faves of mine. can't go wrong there. Enjoy! Keep strummin!!

what is a fun song to play on acoustic guitar?

Q. or whats your favorite acoustic song to play or listen to?

Any song you like is fun to play on acoustic guitar. I probably know a few hundred of them. I am worship leader at my church and play acoustic guitar and sing. I love those kinds of songs, but I'm not sure what you're into. I also like a lot of the classic rock songs like Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton), Stairway to Heaven (Zeppelin), and a lot of the old Beatles songs. Here Comes the Sun is a pretty good one for acoustic guitar. James Taylor is a great option for acoustic guitar as well. Sometimes it's fun to just do some bluesy jams on the acoustic too. Sometimes I'll throw it in DADGAD tuning and do some Irish folk stuff. It's all good (and fun).

If you want to try something new, put your guitar in DADGAD tuning and just finger pick the open strings and just use the two highest strings (B & E tuned to A & D) to work out some nice melodies (the other 4 strings just kind of drone while you play the melody on the 2 highest strings). It's kind of fun to just mess around with.

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acoustic guitar songs?

J Mac

ive never played the guitar song really before. ive never played a chord and im teacing myself. the only songs ive played are peter gunn, smoke on the water and 7 nation ary, any suggestuins?

Reason to Believe (Acoustic version) by Sum 41. from the album Screaming bloody Murder. Look it up in Wikipedia :

acoustic/electric guitar?


I was just wondering if anybody could provide any info on the acoustic/electric guitar I have. It's a Ventura oh and it's acoustic/electric (obviously) that's the only thing I know about it. I've been going crazy on the internet trying to find some sort of information, so here's a link to some pictures I have if that helps at all
well it does have volume knobs I just screwed up and forgot to include those in the pictures :P and the kind of Information I'm looking for is the year it was manufactured and how much it's worth .

There's a lot of info on Venture Guitars here:
Apparently, they were made in Japan and imported in the 1960's thru early 1980's. They made copies of American brand guitars. Yours looks like the V-25 Western model which cost $165 new. (a copy of a Martin D-28?) I don't see any acoustic-electric models listed in the catalogs. It's possible that somebody added the pickup and controls...or that it's listed in a catalog which isn't online.

My sense is that this may be a fairly well made guitar, but not of any particular collector value.

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would a 25 1/4" Acoustic Guitar be good for a 5foot 2 girl?


I just wanted to know because i a Daisy Rock Pixie Acoustic Guitar

The 25 1/4" figure isn't the length of the's the "scale length." This refers to the vibrating distance of the strings...from the nut to the bridge. 25 1/4" is considered a full scale guitar. The scale length is a totally different issue than the body size. Full sized guitars come in a lot of different body styles...some of them larger than others. The best way to know if a guitar is the right size is to try it out.

From looking at the specs of the Daisy Rock Pixie, I would expect that a 5 foot 2 inch girl would have no problem playing it. I question whether it's the best choice however. The sparkly pink or blue guitar that seems so cool today will be an embarrassment in a few years. For the same price, Epiphone, Ibanez and Yamaha all make good entry level guitars that you (or she) can grow with.

do girls like guys who play acoustic guitar?

Q. it's just that i've been trying to get a girlfriend these days. but i'm too shy and quiet, i never had a gf in my life, although i had crushes, those at times can be extremely overwhelming, i don't plan on playing guitar to get a gf, i just want to know girls find that attractive in a guy..thanks
thanks guys for your own personal perspectives. i appreaciate them all..and "joey", music is magic man, i hear ya, music is a universal language that individually expresses the same reality that all of us conceive..
thanks "Bermudaf", my heart goes out to you..

Take up guitar because you want to and because you love music, it wont help you get girls. What are you gonna do, carry it round everywhere with you and start playing whenever see a hottie? :P
To find what girls find attractive in guys, type neil strauss into wikipedia, and go from there

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Is this a good acoustic guitar for a beginner?


Hi guys (:
I'm 14, almost 15, and really want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar! We have one from when my brother used to play a little, but it seems a bit small now, as it's been awhile. (Is that right? Are there different sized guitars, and is it possible to be too small for me to use now?)
Anyways, I want to teach myself, annd obviously i'll need a guitar! haha.
So any recommendations on a GOOD but cheaper guitar i could get? (I'll probably pay for most of it job=/)

Is this a good package?

Thanks soo much!

There are different sized guitars, so it's likely that your brother's was a 7/8 size one and seems small to you now. Lots of people use smaller scale guitars for travel, but the sound isn't as good as you'll get from a full-size guitar.

Fender acoustic guitars are really mediocre in just about every way. Their electrics are great, but I've never known anyone who was impressed with their acoustics. Since you're a beginner, you'll probably do better with an acoustic that has a really thin neck and low action (strings close to the fretboard), which will make it much easier and more comfortable to move smoothly between chords. Each brand tends to have its own feel and some necks are much more user-friendly than others, especially for beginners.

Ibanez makes fantastic guitars that are built like rocks, sound great and are often nicer than guitars costing twice as much. They're also famous for their thin necks and low action. I bought a second-hand Ibanez more than 20 years ago figuring I'd use it to learn and then upgrade to a better guitar. I eventually did get more guitars, but the cheap old Ibanez is still my primary guitar for both recording and playing live because it sounds and plays as nice as anything else I've tried. And my guitar snob brother, who owns a recording studio and plays Gibsons and Martins exclusively, borrows my Ibanez when he needs to play something fast, since the neck is much thinner than the necks on any of his guitars. Jasmine by Takamine guitars are also very user-friendly and priced great. If I were you, I'd avoid Epiphone guitars. Those are well-made and sound great, but the necks are really chunky, which can make them challenging to play. I've known guitarists who started out playing Epiphones and concluded that guitar was just too hard to play. Once they realized there were guitars with thinner, more comfortable necks, they realized they'd just chosen guitars that weren't a good fit for them.

I'll post some links to guitars that are worth considering. They've all got thin necks and low action and have good reviews from other players. Ignore anyone who tells you there's no such thing as a good guitar that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars, since those people are more concerned with the name on the headstock than playability.

There's also a great DVD set that contains everything you'd learn from years of private lessons, but which costs less than $40. If you get stuck teaching yourself, I highly recommend the DVDs. I used them after playing for many, many years and can't believe how much my playing has improved. Here's a link:

As for picks, any medium-weight one will probably be perfect. Musician's Friend has their own picks that sell for $1.99/dozen. And a Korg makes a cheap but functional tuner small enough to fit inside your guitar case.

What is a good acoustic guitar for beginners?


I am looking for a guitar for under $200.

Yamahas be the beginner guitar

heres an acoustic electric

heres a straight acoustic

i think they used to sell a 99 dollar one, which is the one i started with, but i wasn't able to find it

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What type of acoustic guitars have thinner necks?


I currently have a blue Washburn guitar that I bought when I was in year 9. I had no idea about selecting guitars and just picked the one that looked the most appealing. The problem is that I have small fingers and I have a lot of trouble playing barre chords. My guitar teacher advised me to buy a guitar with a narrower neck, as mine is quite wide, and to also make sure the strings have been lowered enough to make sure I have less trouble pressing on the strings.

Does anyone know what kind/models of guitars are best for people with the same problem as me?
I live in Western Australia if that helps at all.

Thank you in advance!
And nothing too pricey. Maybe anything under $800. Cheers!

maybe a fender squire? i would imagine them to have smaller necks but i cant be sure

Acoustic guitar?


I really want an acoustic guitar, but I'm not sure what are good (quality) brands, and the different types. I don't want something super expensive, but it doesn't have to be cheap either. And any guitar related tips would really help! Thanks!


The Brands that you DO NOT want:

First Act

The lowest priced (good quality) guitars:

Epiphone - (good, the necks are thin in width though)

Yamaha -(you can get a decent Yamaha, but like Epiphone the neck width is thin)

Washburn - (Washburn is a pretty decent one)

Takamine - Has some nice sounding cheaper ones

Now on the higher side of things these guitars have great sounds:

Martin --> Also has some cheaper ones

Taylor --> model 614 is my favorite

Gibson --> B25's are beautiful. Classics. Hummingbirds are popular with musicians such as James Morrison.

Good luck!

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Beginner acoustic guitar songs?


I need some easy songs for my student to learn. I need songs that only have the Caged chords, including Am, Dm, and Em.

The song "Laid", by James, is ridiculously easy - the whole song is C, G, and F.

"Zombie" by The Cranberries is just Em, C7 (which is just a two-finger chord), G, and D, so that's very easy, too.

"Viva La Vida" by Coldplay is a four-chord song - G, D, Em, C. But you may need to capo it to get it into your vocal range.

And, of course, nothing gets much simpler than "Louie, Louie."

Some good beginner acoustic guitar songs?


I know A, E, D, G, Em and Am. Any good songs to learn?

This should get you started

Links for Song chords (Tabs)

How To Read Guitar Tabs

Free Tutorials

This is pretty easy to play and it's been around for a while - the chords are in brackets{}

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: American Girl

Verse 1

{D}Well she was an {E7}American girl.
{G}Raised on {A}promises
{D}She couldn't help {E7}thinking that there was
a {G}little more to life {A}somewhere else
After all it was a {D}great big world
{G}with lots of places to {Em}run to
{A}And if she had to die tryin' she had one little promise she was gonna keep

{G}Oh yeah,{A} allright, {D}take it easy baby {Bm}make it last all night{G}
She was {A} an American {D}girl

Verse 2

Well it was kinda cold that night
She stood alone on the balcony
Yeh, she could hear the cars roll by,
out on four-fortyone like waves crashing on the beach
And for one des'rate moment there
he crept back in her memory
God it's so painful when something that's so close is still so far to reach.

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acoustic electric guitar?

John S.

would it be cheaper to buy an acoustic electric guitar or buy an acoustic and put an amplification set in it?
im thinking about getting the ibanez SGT120LNT SAGE SERIES Left-Handed Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic electric would be your best bet. You could buy an acoustic and get a 50 buck acoustic pick up but it wouldn't sound half as good as an acoustic electric. Try out an Ibanez, nice guitars.

Acoustic-Electric Guitar ....?

Q. i wanted to buy an acoustic guitar, im a beginner SO I DON'T KNOW MUCH . but then i saw Acoustic-Electric guitars online and i want to know how they work, like will it sound just like a regular one without being hooked up to an amp? are they a good idea for a beginner?
(: ?
it is for a band

acoustic-electric guitars are cool, and very, very common in the music industry

its just a regular acoustic guitar, but it has a microphone built inside of it that can be transmitted to an amplifier

so yes, it will play just like an acoustic guitar. and when you do hook up to an amp, it will project the acoustic sound. it WILL NOT sound like an electric guitar, if thats what you are thinking

yes, they are very good for beginners

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Is it possible use a guitar amp software on an acoustic guitar?


I bought a microphone that can stick to my shirt, in short, a pinch microphone. I have a sound system that i use with my pc and it has a microphone port of 6mm ( I think ). I insert the mic head into the sound hole of my acoustic guitar and i plug in the mic and voila! It works fine. Now I can hear my acoustic guitar amplified. But I want to use a guitar amp software on my acoustic guitar. Tell me if it is possible with that.
Thanks in advance.

Technically yes you can do that. You'd use a multitrack audio software that takes VST or AU (Mac) plugins, and load that amp sim as a plugin. Then you'd record to that track, and the signal will be processed by the amp sim.

However, the guitar amp software typically expects the input signal to sound like that of an electric guitar, which by itself is quite dull and muddy sounding. Since an acoustic is brighter and sharper sounding, through a guitar amp sim you might get a thin scratchy sound. You could put an EQ plugin prior to the amp sim and roll off the highs a bit, maybe the lows too and approximate an electric guitar if you're going for a distorted sound.

If you want a clean sound, then you're better off running the acoustic guitar signal directly through an EQ, compressor, and reverb plugin without need for an amp sim.

Where is the best place to find free vst plugins for fruity loops?


I was really hoping to find a bunch of free vst plugins because i just simply don't have enough instruments to choose from.. for instance i was hoping to get an acoustic guitar plug in and a violin plugin, among many other things. any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer is real nice. It has user ratings so you don't end up downloading hundreds of wasteful VST's. is pretty good too. Almost everything on here is top notch quality.

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acoustic guitar for beginners..?


i'm looking to get a cheap acoustic guitar. i'm a beginner. any ideas on where to get one for $100 or less?

If you are just beginning, you want to make sure you buy a guitar that "calls your name." What I mean is that if you buy a cheap guitar, it will be a real chore to play and you will get tired of playing sooner and your fingers will hurt worse because the action will stink. If you are going to get a guitar, start with a model that costs around $350-400. Fender makes a couple in that price range. Also, Yamaha and Ibanez have some good models in that range. They aren't going to be the best but they are decent enough that they won't cause you to lose interest because of poor quality action. Buying a super cheap guitar is a common mistake that causes a lot of would-be guitar players to give up. If you only have $100 then buy a good used one out of the paper or at a guitar shop.

Additional Info: I found a guitar in the Musiciansfriend catalogue that cost $79.99 and would be less than $100 with shipping. Go online to and search for Rogue guitars, The model is the RA-100D Dreadnought. You can choose black or sunburst finish and they offer a gig bag for another $20. However, I still think you will be happier with a $350 Fender or Yamaha.

Acoustic Guitar for Beginners?


I was thinking of purchasing an acoustic guitar. I do not have one, and I have no idea of what kind to buy. Does anyone who has EXPERIENCE in guitars know what would be a good one for a beginner? Preferably nothing too expensive. Also, some suggestions for places to buy one would be awesome!
I want to purchase a CLASSICAL ACOUSTIC GUITAR. Nothing fancy :]
No, I do not plan on taking guitar lessons.

Do not buy a classical guitar unless you're interested in classical music. Instead, buy a steel string guitar which is much more versatile. In the beginner price range - just under $200 - there are several good brands including Yamaha, Fender, Ibanez, and Epiphone. Go to a good music store with a large selection, like Guitar Center or Sam Ash.

The other poster was right; you should take lessons. Trying to learn on your own is fraught with difficulty. A teacher will get you off to a good start, answer all of your questions, and keep you from making mistakes. Good luck.

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