Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What is a good acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitars under 2000
 on 138: CF Martin Classical Guitar 1969 N10 #247665 : Lot 138
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What is a good brand for acoustic guitars that has a narrow neck and has a good sound and that is mid-priced?

thanks! =D
and how much would it cost? And I want to buy a nice electric guitar and amp, but i want decent quality, and nothing over $1000

Try an alvarez yairi wy1 it has a neck almost like an electric. you can find a used one under $1000. otherwise Takamine cant be beat for the price and sound

dont waste you time lookin for a martin, gibson or taylor they are nice but to get a good one you have to pay close to $2000. The cheap ones are junk.

over 40 years playin

How much does an acoustic guitar cost?

so, i just won 140$ off the radio, and want to buy a good acoustic guitar, with a case and a capo..how much would that cost?

Well i'm english so pricewise it might be slightly different in the US but...
a genuinely top of the range Martin or Gibson Acoustic would cost up to and above £2000. However you can get some by Tanglewood that are under £200 which are of really good quality and playability. A capo will be under £5 and a case shouldn't be too expensive either. But i'd say you''d be able to get a good set of the kit for under £250

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I'm planning to learn how to play the acoustic guitar and need some tips?

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 on ... TOP ACOUSTIC-ELECTRIC CUTAWAY :: Acoustic Steel String :: Guitars
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Right now i'm planning on buying an acoustic guitar and learning how to play by myself, i know NOTHING AT ALL about how to play any sort of instrument, if my life depended on it for sure I would die. So I am a pure amateur, is there a book that can help someone that knows 0% on how to play an acoustic guitar? I'm thinking of buying a dummies book because it has good reviews but I don't know if it could help.

alot of people i see here post things such as ''i taught myself piano its easy''
let me say any instrument is easy (&these are most likely the ramblings of people who have only played guitar a few months), but to properly play it & understand what the heck your doing (this helps your creative process when writing your own stuff or just in general) is another different matter.
i could be taught to recite out 10 basic piano tunes, but give me the likes of Mozarts music & ask me to use certain techniques that are heard on piano. i would fail (as would all the people claiming ''its easy'' on their respective instruments)

the problem with teaching yourself guitar (or any instrument) is that alot of people give up they get frustrated. (supposedly 90% of self taught musicians quit)
also alot of people can ''play'' guitar, ie bang out a few songs & intros eg starirway to heaven. But there is a notable difference heard between a self-taught guitarist playing a song & a trained guitarist.
guitarists are a dime a dozen, everybody plays guitar (heck i play guitar) however a decent guitarist is hard to find this is where you can benifit from lessons as most people don't take lessons.

Lessons are definitely a great idea, a teacher can show you techniques & correct you. i still get corrected over things i do at my lessons.
alot of the internet resources aren't that great, again it is alot of amateurs with bad technique posting who started out similar to you, or looking to make a quick buck.

every music autobiography i have read (& i read quite a fair bit of them as i LOVE music) the guitarist/any instrument, has gotten lessons at some point.
there are a rare few virtuoso (ie talented) people who didn't get lessons but even at that they start practicing with other people who have got lessons & learn off them.
As somebody said those ''guitar for dummies'' are great, however that is as a side tool to reference to. not to just teach yourself, at a glance you learn the basics but when you study those books they can get quite complicated & a teacher can clear any questions you have.
a teacher also encourages you to practice & gives you set goals.
Don't get me wrong you can learn by yourself but if you are in any way serious about wanting to play music & want to get to a good level, i'd DEFINITELY suggest lessons. Also alot of people seem to start their music career out on guitar as it is such a famous instrument & lots of people own guitars in some form. Don't be suprised if you feel like quitting guitar because everybody plays it after a few months it happens to alot of people, it doesn't mean you aren't musically talented.

PS try not to ask people to give you the chords to a song, its better if you can work them out yourself it creates an ear for certain notes. however make sure what you are playing is correct.
PPS: i read here an answer off somebody who was in a music college, she roughly said ''the teachers would cringe when they heard that a new 'self-taught' musician was coming to the colllege, because the teachers all knew he/she would have to be retaught due to them having bad technique''

Rory Gallagher- Walk On Hot Coals (ROCK, the 5 minute solo isn't as good as the ''irish tour'' solo, but jesus christ this rules & it highlights the bands chemistry)

''Rory's death really upset me. I heard about it just before we went on stage, and it put a damper on the evening'' Jimmy Page (Led Zep)

Where to buy good quality acoustic guitar?

Q. I want to buy an acoustic guitar for my 12 year old daughter. I don't want to get one off of Amazon or Ebay or something I want to get one from somewhere that actually specializes in quitars. Any suggestion?

I'm a producer and I get the best deals from http://www.musiciansfriend.com/

They also have reviews on each product. I recommend you go to the section and review each product before you buy. They have had the best sales I've seen.

Keep making great music!

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What kind of guitar does jack black use in the pic of destiny?

best acoustic guitars ever made
 on Worland Guitars - Builder of fine hand made custom acoustic guitars
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I can live

One of the coolest acoustic guitar's ever is featured in the Tenacious D movie. The acoustic that Jack Black plays has no brand, but I really want one similar. Any ideas?

man ive been asking the same question since i saw that movie, i never got any answers, i think it was a custom guitar made just for the movie. i have looked everywhere for it and i couldnt find it.

there are some double cutaway guitars, but not like the one he has

How much does the average acoustic guitar cost?

Morte et D

So I want to learn to play acoustic guitar, and then one day learn to play an electric guitar. How much would the average acoustic guitar cost? Can you please also add some links for good acoustic guitars for beginners? :)

Do not buy any guitars sold at big box stores. The price may be attractive, but these are just toys that look like guitars. Don't be fooled by the guitars target sells that have the Gibson name on them. The maestro series is total junk and I don't know how Gibson ever licensed their name to this worthless junk.

Musician's Friend and Guitar Center sell the Epiphone DR-100 for between $99 and $129. This is the only guitar in that low of a price range that I would recommend. They are perfect for beginners and will make a great couch guitar when you advance and want something better.


To get a better guitar you're looking at $299 and up, but don't need to have huge price tags.
Taylor is probably the best acoustic you can buy without having it custom made, but not everyone has $3000 to blow on a guitar. My favorite 6 string acoustic ever can be had for $399. While it is designed to be a jazz/swing guitar, I find it rocks for all genres.


Takemine and Ibanez have some decent student guitars at lower prices. you might want to look at those as well. Just search those names on musician's friend for more info.


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What do you think about buying acoustic guitar on ebay?

buy acoustic guitars uk
 on ... Solid Cedar Folk Travel Electro Acoustic Guitar Buy UK Omega Music
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Min un Jo

What do you think about buying acoustic guitar on the ebay.
I'm considering buying left-handed acoustic, but I don't have much money.
is it risky to buy a guitar on the ebay? (cheap price makes me concerned)

I suggest avoiding e-bay entirely when it comes to musical instruments. If I can't touch an instrument, I'm sure as hell not going to buy it - especially from someone who I don't know.

I've had friends who have had good luck - but they were very careful to do their research on the sellers history, the specific instrument, etc. (these were mostly high-end Gibson Les Pauls, and Rickenbacher basses). These were mostly for purchase in the US to resell in the UK though.

I've also had friends who ended up with knock-off junk (usually the rule goes 'if it sounds too good to be true - it is'). There are a lot of resources for telling what is and isn't the real deal, and if someone claims to have a Gibson Les Paul for $300, then you should probably keep looking.

Then there is the shipping aspect - even if you managed to find a decent acoustic for a good price, you have to have it shipped, and unless you want to shell out a fortune to insure it, it might end up being damaged - which could range from minor to completely destroyed (especially if it doesn't have a hardshell case - but even those aren't a guarantee).

Check pawnshops, and music stores for their used guitars. If you aren't sure what you are looking at, try to find a friend who knows guitars to come with you (or to take a look at a possible purchase prior to shelling out your hard earned cash).

Trust me - you don't want to end up with a 'GSO' (Guitar Shaped Object) as we call them.

How much does an acoustic guitar cost in Copenhagen, Denmark?

Q. I am most likely moving to Copenhagen, Denmark in the fall and instead of bringing my acoustic guitar I am thinking of selling it here and buying a new, decent one there. Both as a means to not have to bring it and as a means for just a change. Answer in DKK or Dollars, please. Thanks!

I guess it really depends on what quality you want. I used to play acoustic guitar (classical music), and you get a wide variety of prices.

My cousin used to work for this large music-shop in Copenhagen, http://www.aage.dk/ .
If you go to the page click on "guitar og bas" in your left hand side, and then "guitarer" and then "klassisk/spansk". Then you get a price list of the classical guitars. Prices start at DKK 500 - but for a good one spend DKK 2000.

You can see another price list here for another shop:

Høfner Guitars are very decent, and you can get one for DKK 1100.

If you enjoy listening classical guitar music watch out for Kaare Norge, who is probably the best danish classical guitar musician. You can download samples of his music on his website http://www.kaare-norge.dk/uk_version/index.htm (scroll down on your right hand side).
He often gives koncerts - it is well worth going!

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What is the best beginner acoustic guitar to buy?

acoustic guitar for beginners guitar learning
 on Watch & Learn Introduction To Acoustic Rock Guitar for Beginners DVD
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My aim is to learn the acoustic guitar and then move on to the bass guitar.
I was thinking about buying the Yamaha FG700 acoustic but then i was given advice saying that Yamaha is crap and the Johnson acoustic guitars are better and cheaper.
I want to make sure that when i finally buy my acoustic guitar, i don't start wishing i bought a different one.

No matter what guitar you buy, you're probably going to wish you'd bought a different one. It's the nature of things.

That said, I have zero experience with Johnson guitars (never heard of them). But I've played some good Samicks and Corts. Then there's the low-end Epiphones and Squires (owned by Gibson and Fender, respectively). Of course, if you'd like to try something totally different, you may look at an Applause by Ovation -- they have a round, Lycra back, which greatly changes the feel of them. Although a bit of warning: people generally either love or loathe round-back guitars; there's very little middle-ground.

The key is to play as many as you can lay your hands on and find out which guitar feels the most comfortable in your hands; if it's not comfortable to play, then you're never going to play it. Then eventually you can move up and get a Gibson, Taylor, or Martin (the real King of the Acoustic Guitar).

How much is an acoustic guitar?


I want to learn how to play a guitar, but i don't want to buy a really expensive one or really cheap one. Where can I buy an acoustic guitar for beginners and how much would it cost?

And is it hard to play? I already play the violin and piano.
How long do you think it would take to be ok at it? Do you think being self-taught would be ok?

$199 for a decent starter steel-string acoustic

You need to learn and practice the chords and hand positions.

It takes practice to get used to it. You get calluses on your fingers. But that's part of it.

You'll be fine being self-taught. But you have to practice correct habits before they become bad. There are a lot of YouTube videos. Practice songs you like, look up chords @ http://www.ultimate-guitar.com. Also learn how to read tabs.

It really helps to practice with songs you know because you know the tempo and how it sounds. It takes a lot of patience and practice everyday. You'll do fine.

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I want a full sized guitar with a great sound?

best acoustic guitars under $1 000
 on Home > Guitars > Acoustic > Electric/Acoustic Steel-String 000
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I am having trouble, i am the only one in the family that plays a guitar and i began 2 years ago, I have had a beginner guitar it has 19 frets,small but a good beginner, i am ready to move on from this small guitar to a larger one, and my family has no idea what to get me,so any recommendations? something under 1,000. Thanks!

The greatest sounding acoustic guitar's in my opinion are gibson, martin and taylor. Gibson is my absolute favorite, nothing matches the sound they get, to me. Unfortunately they're usually $2-5000, but they own a subsidiary company that make the cheaper version of their guitars called epiphone. for $5-800 you can get an amazing sounding epiphone that is modeled after a gibson, but you could also buy one that isn't as well crafted from $200-$400. Martin's and Taylor's both have plenty of great sounding guitar's under $1000 too, and those tend to be more trusted brand's than epiphone because epiphones are gibson knock off's. They should all be 21-22 fret, full sized guitars. I'm just assuming you meant acoustic, but if you wanted an electric, you can find a 22 fret les paul studio or sg from $800-$1000, or a fender american strat or tele for $700-$1000+, or a mexican fender strat or tele for $3-600, all of these guitars have great sounds that have been trusted by pro's for years.

Which acoustic guitar maker do you recommend?


What guitar maker do you recommend?
From these: Taylor, Fender, Fernandez,Ibanez,Yamaha,Gibson
Or do you have other recommendations?
Something for intermediate guitar players, not the beginner ones, please.

If you're looking for a guitar between $1,000 and $2,500, then I'd say look at Taylor, Martin, or Larrivee (possibly Gibson if you like them but they're overpriced for what you get in my opinion).
If you're looking over $2,500 then, yes, look at a hand made guitar by Jim Olson, Santa Cruz, McPherson (good luck finding one under $5,000), Froggy Bottom, Goodall, etc. A lot of professional guitarists play those, but they might be overkill for an intermediate guitarist.

If you're trying to stick under $1,000 (probably a good price range for intermediate guitarists) then I'd try these:
Seagull (great guitars around $500)
Taylor 114ce (their low end but a great sounding instrument for the money)

If you're looking right around $500 then Yamaha or Takamine are good.

Under $500 you won't find a very good guitar for an intermediate player, although I've heard Walden guitars are pretty decent and I've seen them around $300 with a solid spruce top. I've never actually played one though.

Sorry, I've played a few Ibanez and Fender acoustics and don't like them at all. They make great electric guitars though. Never played a Fernandez, so I can't comment on them.

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Monday, December 30, 2013

What type of electric guitar would be best for a beginner?

best acoustic guitar pickup review
 on ... Acoustic Guitar Pickup Narrow. AmericanMusical.com makes it simple to
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I'm going to be getting a new electric guitar soon, (my first one). And I'm not sure what too look for. So what is a good type? What sort of equipment do I need to look for? And just any other info I need.
Thanks a bunch!
I played a little acoustic but thats about it.

The best thing you could do is go to a guitar store and test drive a bunch of different ones, since each will have its own feel. Since you've played acoustic, the width of the neck probably won't be a big issue for you. Generally speaking, the thinner the neck and the lower the action, the more comfortable a guitar is to play, especially if you've got smallish hands. But since acoustics tend to have fatter necks, you'll have a lot more options.

Ibanez makes fantastic guitars that are built like rocks, sound great, and are often nicer than guitars at twice the price. They tend to have really thin necks and low action, too, which makes them great for fast players. Fender and Squier by Fender guitars are great, too. The pickup configurations are adaptable to just about any style of music and they're really comfortable for most people to play. Epiphone makes great guitars, as well, though the necks are rather fat and the guitars weigh a lot more than Fender (and Squier) and Ibanez ones.

It's worth considering a starter pack, since that will contain everything you need to play. Most of them contain the guitar, a small amp, cable, strap and picks. Both Fender and Ibanez offer those, so all you'd need to do when you decide to start a band is get a larger amp.

If you want to do some research before going to a store, Musician's Friend is a great resource. You can search by brand, price or customer rating. Customers also post reviews that will give you a good idea which guitars are great and which ones have "issues" that make them difficult to play or keep in tune. Here's a link:


And here's a link to the starter packs:


The most important thing is to choose a guitar that feels really natural in your hands. The reason there are so many brands is that guitars are very personal and no guitar is ideal for everyone. Trust your instincts, since the way you feel about your guitar is more important than anyone else's opinion. And the more comfortable your guitar is to you, the more you'll love playing it. Good luck!

im trying to get into recording my own music, whats a good beginners audio interface?

Hector Her

anything else i need to get? something i can build up on little by little as i learn the art of recording music. its only for recording acoustic guitar maybe piano and vocals, whats ALL the equipment ill be needing to start?

Get a USB audio interface, If you are low on cash or doing this for the first time I recommend the "Roland Cakewalk UA 1G USB Audio Interface".
Pretty standard stuff, and worth every dollar. It Comes with a port each for a guitar lead, mic, and
keys. One for the Phone/headset. An external volume control and Sonar LE software interface.

Next you'll need a Mic, if your guitar ain't got pickups. Get two.

Apart from the Audio interface and a pair of microphone, you'll obviously need a fast enough PC or laptop.

This will do for an amateur recording rig.

Check out the link


Do Email me if you need further help!! :)

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What's the difference between an "acoustic" guitar and a "twist" guitar?

cheap acoustic guitars for sale ebay
 on Used Acoustic Guitars Rock!
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More In Ja

I'm thinking of buying a guitar so I can learn how to play. I was checking on ebay and saw a "twist" guitar for sale. It's cheaper than an acoustic guitar. I was wondering how the two differ from each other. Thanks!

Never heard about any twist guitar (brand or type). There are some basses build with a twisted neck, but these are very specialized and probably very expensive instruments.

Most beginners will be best off with a regular steel string acoustic in most cases. Just make sure it is properly set up with light strings. This is very, very important. Any guitar which has not been adjusted is potentially very hard to play on - not very fun or motivational at all... You can read more about this issue below if you feel like it.

As for brands, Ibanez, Yamaha and Jasmine (by Takamine) all offer good quality for your money. Same goes for Epiphone (owned by Gibson). However, these tend to have necks which are rather bulky and not very beginner friendly in general.

If you can, it is definitely best to get a guitar with a solid (all wood) top. This is where most of the sound is coming from in an acoustic guitar.

Oh, and forget a nylon string acoustic unless you plan on playing classical, flamenco and these types of finger picking styles. Even though these guitars have softer strings, they are hard to play because of the neck width, neck scale (length of vibrating string and distance between frets) and action (string height).

The steel string acoustic is more versatile by far :-)

What website has cheap acoustic guitars?


I want to buy an acoustic guitar, but their expensive. The only cheap ones i found were colored and i do not want a colored guitar i want a nice vintage standard rosewood, mahogany color those type of guitars. Can someone recommend a website where there is cheap guitars under lets see $100 :) thanks.

I've played the guitar for years, and I think your best bet is either your local craigslist.org, or any local classified listings online. Alternatively, I have noticed some very good prices on EBay and Amazon, but often the shipping costs are very high. There has been the occasional good deal on EBay with free or low shipping, though, so depending on your patience level, it could be worth a look. Guitar Center is national, so maybe they have reasonable shipping - they have periodical blow-out sales. Good luck!

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How much should I pay for a decent acoustic guitar?

cheap acoustic guitars uk
 on Compare Prices of Acoustic Guitars, read Acoustic Guitar Reviews & buy ...
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Eduardo V

I am a beginner. I've got almost no experience. I would like to learn chords and pretty much cover songs. Mostly Foo fighters and other rock songs, until I eventually learn chords and write my own songs. But for now I want a decent acoustic guitar. If you could give me the price and a link or tell me where can I buy it that would be great.

If your looking just for a decent one, but nothing special (reliable, durable, ok sounding) then I'd go for a Tanglewood. http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/acoustic/evo_exotic/evolution/TW28.html It's just short of £200 but you could probably get it cheaper in a store like Thomann.
If you don't want to spend that much money, then take a look at this one. http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_squier_sa105_bk.htm
I can't guarantee that the sound is that good (Fenders are only really good when they're over £/$/⬠700..

What do you think would be the cheapest I can get this guitar?

Q. What I would like is a Acoustic Guitar , 6 String
What is the cheapest I can get this in the UK? It dosen't have to be great quality just the absaloute CHEAPEST!!!!!
Thankyou (:

go to a pawn shop, because you'll find guitars that are really good, but people couldn't afford to keep them. they are also really cheap there, and you'll be happier than if you buy a cheaply made knock off somewhere. look at the whole guitar, check that the neck isn't broken, strum it a little, make sure it sounds decent. if the neck isn't straight don't get it. you'll probably need to get it re-strung at your local music store. i would recommend elixer strings, they are like 13$ US, i dunno how much they would be in the UK. have fun! guitars are the best

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

What are some easy songs to play on acoustic guitar?

acoustic guitar beginner songs
 on Guitar Songs iPhone App Review Download 20 Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs ...
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I just bought an acoustic guitar and wanted to know what are some good beginner songs to learn.

I think it's great that you're trying to learn to play, try:

"Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
"Civil War" - Guns N Roses
"Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" - Green Day
"Free Bird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd (Just the chords)
"One" (intro) - Metallica
"Sunshine of Your Love" - Cream
"Banana Pancakes" - Jack Johnson
"What I Got" - Sublime
"Otherside" and "Can't Stop" - Red Hot Chili Peppers

There's a few that I left out, I'm sure.

What are some easy songs for acoustic guitar?

Q. I just started playing the acoustic guitar. I'm practicing "Barriers" by David Archuleta. What are some other good beginner songs that I could try that are similar to that, like maybe newer pop songs?


Everybody Hurts- R.E.M

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What is the difference between an acoustic guitar with nylon strings and an acoustic guitar with metal strings?

best acoustic guitar nylon strings
 on ... Ns52-ce Nylon String Acoustic Electric Hsc | Taylor Electric Guitar
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i need to play songs frm d pop n country genre(mostly taylor swift songs!!! :P)...m a beginner.......which guitar is suitable den?? n what exactly is an acoustic classical guitar?? (on d net it says it has nylon strings)

A classical guitar has nylon strings and in usually used in orchestras. FOr the style u described u should get a steel string guitar cos it has a better modern sound to it. U should go find some videos on youtube. Just so u know nylon stinged guitars are easier for beginners cos the strings arent too hard to press down ( neither are steel strung guitars but nylons are easier

How does a nylon string guitar feel like to play compared to steel string?

Q. I play classical music, but on a steel string acoustic guitar. Other than a wider fretboard, how does a nylon string guitar compare to steel strings? Are there squeaks? Are they easier to control? Is it really quiet? Are the strings looser in feel?

You really should have a classical guitar if you're playing classical music. Nylon strings are softer and the tension is lower. (Many classical guitarists prefer high tension strings.) They are still squeaky. I have no idea what "easier to control" means.

The fretboard is not only wider but also flat, while a steel string guitar has a curved (called "radiused") fretboard. The classical guitar's fretboard meets the body at the 12th fret as opposed to the 14th fret on the typical steel string guitar. This gives you less access to the higher registers. The additional width of the fretboard results in a wider string spacing which takes some getting used to.

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FL Studio? How do you use acoustic and electric guitars?

best acoustic guitar vst
 on VST/AU plug-in instrument/effect round-up: Week 33 | Mac attack ...
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How do you use acoustic and electric guitars in FL Studio 10? i add the sound i want to the channels but it sounds like a piano, does it need a plugin or something? i use "boobass" to add bass but when it comes to guitar i just can't.

Use a VST called FL Slayer. It sounds cheesy, but what can you expect.

Acoustic guitar recording help?

Mr Perfect

I'm trying to record a song with my acoustic guitar and I have the mic and everything ready. But when I play back my recording, it sounds out of high pitched and not what it would sound like in real life. Is there any kind of software that I could use on the recording to make it sound more realistic?

Acoustic guitars are not an easy thing to record successfully. When I'm engineering a session with an acoustic guitar, I'll usually use 2 or 3 mics.

At a bare minimum, you'll need one good condenser mic. You'll want to point this at the strings about where the neck joins the body positioned about 6" from the guitar. Try recording a bit, and see how it sound. Moving the mic just a few inches can make a huge difference on the sound. Move it closer to the bridge for more treble, and further away for more bass.

When I use multiple mics, I'll also put a ribbon mic about 6" from the body, and then another condenser right over where the guitarist is picking to get some of the pick attack.

You didn't say what you're recording software is. If it allows you to use VST or Waves plug-ins, the try adding compression. Use a moderate attack and release, and about 4:1 ratio. That will tend to bring out more of the "body" of the guitar as well as smooth out the volume.

Good luck.

Greetings from Austin,TX

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

looking for a high quality electric guitar under 300 dollars?

best acoustic guitars under 300 dollars
 on Bob Dylan's 1965 performance with this electric guitar shocked purists ...
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I have been playing an acoustic fender for awhile now and im ready to upgrade to an electric guitar. I have no idea where to start. I am looking for something around 300 dollars or less (new) that still has great sound quality and is attractive. I will mostly be playing metal/pop/rock (if that makes any difference).

Specific guitars would be great instead of general brand names.

Also, information on smaller but great quality amps would be cool.

Thank you! :)

Epiphone Les Paul is a good inexpensive electric guitar, but I wouldn't go for the cheapest model you can find. Its worth the investment to go more into the 400-500 dollar range, you'll get a much better quality instrument. the Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plain Top Electric Guitar is a good choice, as is a Fender Standard Stratocaster. Both are around $400. just go to a store and try everything in your price range and see what sticks out to you.
As far as amps go, try a few 15-30 watt amps. About 100-200 would be good to spend on that. If your looking to perform soon with that amp, spend a little more and get a 75-100 watt amp, which should be good for small gigs. Peavey, Line 6, Fender, and Marshall make great amps

Whats the best acoustic washburn guitar?

Jake F

Under 300 dollars and maybe acoustic electric,


Whichever Washburn is best for you is the one that FEELS RIGHT in your hands when you play it.

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What's a good beginner acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitars budget
 on Selecting the Best Strings for Acoustic Guitar
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I always played my friend's guitar and need to buy my own one.
What are some good suggestions on low-end acoustic guitars, as I am on a semi-budget.

Thanks for any help!

I second finding a good music store, preferably one that gives lessons and has a good, helpful staff. They should be able to help. I would caution against buying used, especially on Craigslist, until you've played for a bit and have some idea how to evaluate the condition of a guitar, especially an acoustic. You'll also want to have one set up properly so it plays nicely and stays in tune. Again, a shop with a good luthier on staff will help greatly.

As for specific brand recommendations, there are many great guitars. If you can swing something in the $350-$400 range new, a Seagull, Simon & Patrick or Art & Lutherie (all made by the same company in Canada) are great choices, as is the Taylor Big Baby, If you are looking to spend less, both Alvarez and Yamaha make some very nice, low cost acoustics.

What would be a good acoustic guitar to buy for...?


I've played electric guitar for almost a year now, and I want to try out an acoustic guitar, I don't want a starter pack thing, most of the guitars I've seen come from those are pretty crappy, all of the electric guitars that is...

So what's a decent low-budget acoustic guitar to buy?

The best acoustic guitar for the money, ( in my professional opinion) is a Samick. The Greg Bennett series are great. They are comparable to many guitars costing 2 to 3 as much. The average price of an acoustic-electric is $350 to $400. They set up good right out of the box, or "off the music store wall" as it were. I own 2 of them and recommend them to my students who play acoustic.

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Good beginner acoustic guitars?

acoustic guitar for beginners video
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I really want to start learning how to play acoustic guitar but I dont know where to start off. Whats some good beginner acoustic guitars?

Also, are there any tutorial sites or videos that are good to learn from?

I started with a fender T-bucket 300ce, for a beginner, it's an amazing guitar. Around $200-300 depending on the sales you find. But there are many decent beginner guitars out there, try to look for one that has a "solid wood top" and "solid wood back and sides", the sound quality is MUCH better.

Ultimateguitar.com is the-place-to-go for learning some songs fast. You will need to learn how to read guitar tablature (not the same as sheet music) which is quite simple after a couple weeks of study. Learn some "open chord shapes" (A, C, D, E, G, A minor, E minor) they will come in handy once you memorize the shapes. Once you learned those chords, move onto "barre chords" (B, F etc..), these take a little more time to learn since they wear your hand out VERY fast, but you will get used to it.

After you learn some simple songs and figure out if you want to take music more serious, buy a better acoustic (Martin, Taylor, guild) and start learning more advanced chords, scales, theory, and fingerpicking.

Have fun!!!

What are some good beginner guitar lesson videos on youtube?


I have an acoustic guitar and I want to find a beginner lesson(s) online free. My plan is to find a teacher after learning very basic things.

This one looks pretty good.

I think its a good idea to take lessons from a real person to make sure you get a solid foundation.
Some basic things you'll want to learn are:
Names of the strings
"Open" Chords
Notes of the frets (at least the first 5 frets)

Learn these things and you'll be well on your way. Have Fun!

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Where Online can I buy a good beginner guitar package?

acoustic guitar for beginners guitar learning
 on Guitar Scales for Beginners
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I want an acoustic guitar to learn on but dont want crap either. I would like the website and why you think this would be a good deal.

Hello there,

You can find good quality acoustic guitars on eBay. If you want a more conventional store, I suggest you try Guitar Center.


Have you decided on what make and model you want? Epiphone makes good beginners guitars.


What is the best beginner acoustic guitar to buy?

My aim is to learn the acoustic guitar and then move on to the bass guitar.
I was thinking about buying the Yamaha FG700 acoustic but then i was given advice saying that Yamaha is crap and the Johnson acoustic guitars are better and cheaper.
I want to make sure that when i finally buy my acoustic guitar, i don't start wishing i bought a different one.

No matter what guitar you buy, you're probably going to wish you'd bought a different one. It's the nature of things.

That said, I have zero experience with Johnson guitars (never heard of them). But I've played some good Samicks and Corts. Then there's the low-end Epiphones and Squires (owned by Gibson and Fender, respectively). Of course, if you'd like to try something totally different, you may look at an Applause by Ovation -- they have a round, Lycra back, which greatly changes the feel of them. Although a bit of warning: people generally either love or loathe round-back guitars; there's very little middle-ground.

The key is to play as many as you can lay your hands on and find out which guitar feels the most comfortable in your hands; if it's not comfortable to play, then you're never going to play it. Then eventually you can move up and get a Gibson, Taylor, or Martin (the real King of the Acoustic Guitar).

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Is the Yamaha F335 Acoustic Guitar a good beginner guitar?

acoustic guitar for beginners yamaha
 on Girls | Acoustic Guitars for Beginners
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If not, which brand acoustic guitar is best for a beginner?

It's your basic plywood top acoustic - better than most. For a little more money you can get a SOLID wood top guitar that you'll have for 50 years. The Washburn D10S is $260 with a hard case at musiciansfriend.com and other places. The Yamaha FG700S is $200 (no case). Look for an "S" in the model number.

Best recommended acoustic guitar for beginners?


What is the most suitable, good, cheap acoustic guitar for beginners who have no experience?

Take someone with you who is already into playing guitar to help make your choice when shopping for your guitar. Good to try out all the units to compare and find the ones that will fit your present needs when it comes to feel, sound, performance and price range.

Brands are many, even 'low-end' models are good to begin with: Alvarez; Art & Lutherie; Dean; Epiphone; Ibanez; Jasmine(Takamine); Johnson; Lag; Michael Kelly; Seagull; Washburn and Yamaha.

Great adventure to begin with. Welcome to the world of axes.

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I want to know everything a owner of a Acoustic Guitar should know?

acoustic guitar beginner sheet music
 on Image of Jason Mraz
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Like I want to know how to tune it with a pitch pipe tuner and how to clean it. Care for it. Replace strings and quick if it is working good. And I want to get like a few sheets of chords or notes of the Acoustic Guitar for beginners because I just brought a Acoustic Guitar and i do not know how to play, care, clean, tune, and stuff. Like i want music to follow with also. Thanks

Your best option is to visit your local music store, state your position as a beginner, and ask for what you need. Guitar lessons from an accredited teacher would be a plus for you.

Under the Milky Way sheet music for beginner guitar?

Katie Muir

I am just learning how to play the acoustic guitar. I really like the song Under the Milky Way by the Church and I would love to learn it. It is such a beautiful song and I think I will really enjoy learning how to play it. But I can't find easy to follow and understand sheet music for the guitar. Does anyone know the cords or a website that I can find the sheet music on for free?


Cut and paste ALL of that into the searchbar

Am Em7+ Fmaj7 G ( Em7+-
G Fmaj7
G (Em7, Am7, Fmaj7)

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What Type of Electric Acoustic Guitar should I get?

red acoustic guitar for beginners
 on Stunning Cherry Red Beginners Acoustic Guitar | Guitars for Beginners
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I have a 13 year old girl who really wants a Electric Acoustic Guitar. She kind of knows how to play but is still a beginner. She doesn't want just a plain old guitar but we want to spend about 300-350 dollars. Where should i look online. She doesn't like ones that are plain base colors like red or blue. But she likes ones like the fender Hummingbird? Except its only acoustic. Please help! she wants it for christmas!

Yes I agree that the Epiphone is a good one. You may also want to look at the Squier by Fender. You may want to check out this page that pretty much sums up some top beginner guitars and other before you buy a guitar sort-a-thing tips. But for 300 you have options, good options. Best wishes and happy holidays to you and yours!

Here's the page:

What songs should I learn on the guitar as a beginner ?


I practiced on my friend's acoustic guitar for 3 months and now I got my own electric Squier Bullet Stratocaster , got it tuned up and practiced Muse's Knights of Cydonia until I got tired of it. Can anyone suggest me a good song to play ? Not necessarily one to impress the girls (Quote from a similar question :P ). Any easier one would do and be quite rhythmed .
I also would like the tabs if possible :D

sweet home alabama... lynyrd skynyrd..this will get you picking inside of chords

message in the bottle...the police...this is called the spider walk and it's great for learning to stretch out a bit.

say it ain't so....weezer...may be the most painful song to play on guitar in the history of rock and roll. it's great for building stamina.

cat scratch fever...ted nugent...will teach you how to bend chords

johnny b. good....chuck berry...will get you into the most fundamental of 12 bar blues and is a great song to learn creative soloing on. if you have another guitar player, take turns soloing over it.

the trooper...iron maiden....will teach you how to do pull offs and hammer ons

soul to squeeze...red hot chili peppers.....an adventure in rhythm

voodoo chile...jimi hendrix....will show you how to exploit the open e string and such

trees...rush...how to finger pick chords and make use of minor and major barre chords in the same phrase

lithium...nirvana...sliding power chords

children of the sea...black sabbath....introduction to an open minor arpeggio with a pull off...cool

funk 49...the james gang.....how to hammer on chords and bend like a mofo

you shook me all night long....ac/dc....one of the greatest easy solos ever.

pocketful of change...zz top....how to break free from rhythmic prison

screw the tabs...they suck anyway....go to amazing slowdowner by roni music....and really learn to play like a pro.

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