Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is an electric acoustic guitar?


im getting a new guitar soon, and Im wondering what is an electric acoustic guitar, can u play acoustic tunes and electric tunes, can you finger tap on it, how much does it cost to buy a decent electric acoustic guitar?

An acoustic electric guitar is really an acoustic guitar with an electronic pickup installed in it. It has all the properties of an acoustic guitar and can be played purely as an acoustic guitar. If you plug it in to an amplifier though, it will amplify the sound of the guitar (it's still an acoustic guitar though). There are different types of pickups, but most use a thin strip (piezo) pickup that's installed under the saddle (the white plastic piece on the bridge that the strings run across). Some more expensive ones will have a combination of piezo and internal microphone which can be blended. The piezo won't pick up your finger tapping, but one with a microphone would. You can get a decent quality acoustic electric guitar for $300-$500, but you probably won't find one with a blended pickup system (you'll likely just get the under-saddle piezo for that price range). Ovation, Takamine, and Ibanez would be some good brands to look at in that range.

Acoustic Guitar Pickup?


I own an acoustic guitar. It is a nice guitar, but I also want an electric. But I figured, why have both if I can make my other one an electroacoustic? So here's my question. Is there a pickup that I could buy and install or attach to my acoustic to have it be able to be plugged into an electric amp and I could adjust the bass, treble, and all that good stuff? Is that what the Seymour duncan woody does?

There are many to choose from. They can get very pricey and I have to warn you that you will not get an electric guitar sound with them. They are designed to reproduce the acoustic sound. Seymour Duncan, Dean Markley, Fishman, Martin all make different models at different price ranges. I use a Dean Markley and a Crate acoustic guitar amp for my Martin D-28. Sounds "OK" but for real use NOTHING beats miking the guitar with a shotgun mike at the soundhole and a omni directional further out from the guitar.

There are a couple of kinds of pickups. One fits into the soundhole and is easily removed when you are not amplified. Kind of a pain in the neck sometimes. But there is one advantage. You do not have to mess around with the setup of your guitar. The other predominiant one is a ribbon pickup that goes under the nut of the bridge on your guitar. Harder to install, and it is a permanent installation. I suggest having a pro do that. Your guitar chord plugs into the strap holder on the back end of your guitar. There are others that stick onto your guitar with some kind of putty. Stay away from those.

Best thing is to try a few at a Guitar Center. You cant try one of the ribbon pickups on your guitar, but you can try one that already has one to give you an idea. Don't be shy about trying them. This is a big decision to make and you should LISTEN to the pickups. Not to people here!

Here's a link to Guitar Center stuff. Good luck.


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Monday, June 23, 2014

Beginners acoustic guitar?


...that I could buy in the UK (Northern Ireland).

Would it be a bad idea to buy one off the internet?

Thanks =)

Or here is my local shop if you could tell me which from there is good =)

Or here's another shop
I know this sounds really stupid but I hate the colour of most guitar, they looo kinda ugly lol...Do you think I could get a darker coloured one without having to pay a bunch?

..but it doesn't really matter.

internet, though it is getting more reliable, is still risky. If there's a pawn shop close to where you live I would go there. Most of them have guitars, they won't be top quality, but they will be cheap. Thats okay because as a beginner you won't need it for anything special, if you get better at guitar then you can go to a guitar shop or online catalog and get a better one.

What Guitar Would Be Best As A First Guitar?


I want to learn how to play the guitar but i don't now if i should get an electric or classic guitar. I like pop and rock music, and only really like the faster songs, but im not sure if an electric guitar would be right as my first one, please can someone help me.
I do like older bands, the beatles, queen, status quo, all are ace. i like them more thn the more recent bands. The song tht made me think to start playin an instrument was a queen song called bohemian rhapsody. Its ace, if you havent heard it yet thn listen to it!!!

hmm i would recommend starting on acoustic
1) they are cheaper for a half decent guitar compared to electrics
2) they toughen your fingers alot quicker, acoustic guitars are harder to make chords etc. but this is good as when you do transfer to electric (if you do) then your fingers will find it lightwork
3) they dont require amps & other various equipments, all you need is the guitar the pick (thing you strum with) is optional.
4) acoustic songs are easier to play (for the most part) you wont be getting too frustrated trying to play your favourite electric tunes

as for a good guitar to get well just anything from about 100 euro up (mind you im from ireland our prices are higher) im sure one of your friends has a guitar that he never uses, everbody seems to have some instrument lying around.
when you go to electric i definitely recommend a Fender Squire, its basically a beginners guitar but has great tone etc off it & is relatively cheap.
unless of course you are in love with playing guitar and know that if you bought a guitar for more money that you would get your money worth out of it and play it alot.

as for how to play. i recommend a teacher alongside your own works, a teacher is invaluable because not only will you learn proper technique etc which can help yu further down the line. but you will progress alot quicker & you have to go to class therefore you are more aware of practicing and not making mistakes infront of others.
a good site to use would be www.ultimateguitar.com its easy to use and alot of people use it.
as for reading music:
tab is the most common form that guitarists seem to use (although learning music is a + it isnt a necessity unless you plan to study music)
just google how to read tab its easy enough to pick up on.
any of the guitar for dummies books are definitely a help too.

fair enough that you like pop and rock music, but i suggest listening to alot more older bands & guitarists. you will start to like them (its liek wine it takes time to enjoy) any bands you listen to nowdays have been hugely influenced by older bands.
by watching older guitarists you will not only pick up some BRILLIANT tunes that have lasted the test of time, but you will also start to try and mimick some of the things they do (i wont start using guitar slang such as hammer ons, licks etc cos you dont know what they are) basically it will just help you improve.

alot of guitarists though neglect proper technique and ''claim'' to be able to play stairway to heaven, or sweet child of mine etc etc.
but in reality they are s*ite because they dont have good technique, you can train anybody to play the basics of the song & make it recognisable. but to actually get the song with OOMPH behind it requires alot of dedication, pracitce & proper technique.
you can easily tell a person who is good on guitar when placed next to somebody who just knows the basics.

acoustic is basic all you need is the guitar, a pick, a tuner, metronome (basically its like a clock that ticks it teaches you rhythm and how to play fluidly), capo (eh its a tight kind of plastic object that you put on the neck of the guitar, basically it makes the strings shorter giving it a higher sound and you play higher up on the neck IE closer to your body)

electric: leads, amp, guitar, tuner, metronome (thats all i got off the top of my head)
they can be quite annoying to lug around hence why i suggest acoustic first.

eh here is a site its for bass guitars but the general music theory and how to keep yourself motivated and practice blah blah is the same www.studybass.com (it might be .net)

here are some links of some great guitarists and some songs you might be interested in.
now of course these guitarists are just underrated ones there are hundreds of good guitarists (email me if you want more)
Roy Buchanan-Hey Joe (a must BLUES)

Rory Gallagher-Million Miles Away (from irish tour74 recognised as a landmark in live albums BLUES)

Rory Gallagher- Cradle Rock (just incase his blues song was to slow ROCK)

Elbow- Forget Myself (they should have been famous years ago, i found them there like 4 years ago they are brilliant)

Ash-Burn Baby Burn (very underrated irish band Alt Rock)

ANY ramones songs they were so influential

a funny one now The BEatles- Octopus Garden

Avett Bros- Murder In The City (acoustic)

Seasick Steve (legend hobo guy Rock/Blues)

SOURCES: irish (music is huge in our culture), was a guitar player for 3 years i now play bass (i've always wanted to play bass), loves music & is always up for helping a fellow musician

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

cheap acoustic guitars?


I want cheap but decent acoustic guitar for £80 to £150

Go on ebay and buy one there. You will get a good deal for taht money.

Why are Gibson Acoustic Guitars so cheap on ebay?

Bear McBea

I was looking for an acoustic and I've seeing some guitars as low as $75, with no bids. Why do you think that is?

2 reasons, one its a Maestro, and not worth crap. or 2 its one of the Chinese counterfeits that come up on Ebay every so often, Normally Ebay shuts them down pretty quick but they come right back with a new account, this is why you really need to check the sellers credentials and rating when buying guitars on Ebay, and if you don't already know this you shouldn't be buying guitars on Ebay anyway.

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