Saturday, September 21, 2013

What's a good acoustic guitar for a beginner?

acoustic guitar for beginners price
 on Basic Guitar Strumming For Beginners Guitars on web
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I'm looking for a nice acoustic guitar for a beginner..something worth keeping for a long time, reasonable price..i need specifics.

For a lot of my students I've recommended the Yamaha acoustic, you can even get this one as an acoustic electric cutaway. The electric sounds good with or without the electric. The plain acoustic costs about $250.00. Now remember you could have five of these and they all sound different, so be careful trying them out. Make sure that you like the feel, action, and sound. Guitar Center sometimes has nice sales on these, so you could even get it cheaper, talk to them, their very good with reducing the price. One of my students got this one for $198.00 on sale, so watch for those !!!!!! There are a lot of other brands that I love, but not at this price. Hope this helps a little. Good luck !!!!!!

What kind of acoustic guitar should I buy?


I only own a beginners acoustic guitar, and I'm ready to buy a good quality acoustic guitar. Price is not too important, but under $300-$400 would be great. I'm thinking about a Yamaha or Epiphone. What are some other good brands you would recommend?

I'm in Australia. I swear by Martinez, which is a Chinese brand we get a lot of down here. They have a lot of "solid top" guitars in that price range.

Solid top is good, because when your guitar has a solid top, the sound gets warmer and evolves over the years.

If you can find an Epi or Yami solid top in that price range, in your country, grab it. They're both good brands too.

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Help, Syd Aus people! im buying a new guitar?

cheap acoustic guitars sydney
 on vintage acoustic guitar 297511304979296441 Vintage Ibanez Sg Guitar
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ive been playing guitar for a bit over a year now, and have been brought up on a classical guitar. Im looking to buy an electric acoustic. what things should i consider when im going to buy it?

for example:
Whats a good brand?
Good features?

My budget is about $500 au.
If you can find websites, it would be awesome, but i would be great if they were australian =]

Thanks Heaps.
I think the Australian dollar is just a bit less than the American, like its 94c or something along those lines.

Not from Syd Aus, but I'd love to come and visit to see that reef. Not sure how far you'll get with $500 au, but here's something to take a looks see. I think his guitar is around $2,500, or is it half that, I forget.

If you don't know already, you'll want to make sure you get a solid top, perhaps spruce.

I think most steel string acoustics have a 14th fret neck/body joint, as opposed to the 12th fret neck/body joint. Or are they also on the 12th fret? I forget.

You might want to consider a cutaway. I love having a cutaway because it helps me reach much further without killing me, although, I noticed quite the difference between my cutaway classical and the old regular one. It's hard to hear, but the old one resonated the high pitched strings much much better.

There's different body shapes to consider as well, like the dreadnaught. I think most country people like the dreadnaught. If I remember correctly, it was quite comfortable on my lap, as opposed to the more rounded bout guitars. I don't know what else to think of the different shapes, except that some are JUMBO and some are smaller, but look into how it might affect the sound and feel.

There's a few different types of pick-ups to consider. I think one goes on the bridge itself, another clips into the soundhole (tis the more common one), another covers the soundhole completely, and of course, there can be little mic(s) installed somewhere in the body.

Yup, lots to consider. Sorry I can't actually explain all the differences.

You might want to consider having pins for a strap installed. Also, having the action lowered, then again, that's a matter of preference. That alone can cost you from $75 - $100. I did it myself on my cheap 7/8th scale classical (Yamaha CS40), but of course, I kind of messed up the intonation. You know what that is, right? Do you want a full size guitar? Also, a case, as opposed to a gigbag, can cost about $100. No?

Looks like this is located in Sydney.

Perhaps they can guide you along.

Another link that appears to be in Australia...

Oh boy, what's this? pdf...

Oh, you did mean steel string, right?

CHECK THIS ONE OUT... Voted #1 best acoustic guitar under $500...

Although, $400 is still too much when you consider how much you might spend on a pick-up, case, lowering of action, extra strings, capo, strap, etc... Call them up and beg, I bet you can get all that, well, except the case. lol

No, but really, I think this selection might be more within the budget...

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, well, it was fun shopping with you. hahahah

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What is a good beginner guitar to buy for $100-$200 budget?

best acoustic guitar for beginners with small hands
 on persian portuguese russian spanish guitar money fingers guitar money ...
best acoustic guitar for beginners with small hands image


I would like to start back up my hobby playing the acoustic guitar...
However I don't know what's a good brand to get?
I've been looking online everywhere, reading reviews, and my understanding of the terminology has weakened.

I'm a fairly small person; 5ft 1in, so I have short arms, fingers, and small hands (I have even compared my hands to 3rd graders...Theirs were still bigger, haha).
I was thinking of going for a 38" guitar.
Does this mean the frets are closer to each other? Because I think I had a 41" and I could barely reach certain chords without placing my arm, hand and fingers in such an awkward position.

I'm just looking for a decent guitar, good resonance, and wont need constant tuning.
Looking for any kind of advice and brand suggestions :) Thanks!

Total length measurements like 38" or 41" are something you only see in ad copy for low-quality bargain-basement guitars. They are best regarded as a sign that you're looking in the wrong place.

The way real guitars are categorized is by the scale length (the length of the part of the string that vibrates, in other words the distance from the nut to the saddle) and the body size. A full size guitar is one with a scale length of 24.5 - 25.5". This would be the most appropriate for you. Shorter scale lengths (3/4 and 1/2 size guitars) are made for young children and are usually of low quality.

Body size does not vary much on classical guitars and is fairly small (you didn't say whether you wanted a classical or a steel-string. Both are acoustic, meaning not electric). Steel-string guitars have a range of body sizes and patterns, which often differ in their names and exact dimensions among different manufacturers. Other than avoiding sizes that are actually uncomfortable, you should select the body style by how it sounds, not by how big you are. You would probably not like the large "dreadnought" size, which is the commonest in most stores, but there are certainly other options available. Visit a reputable guitar store and ask to look at small-bodied guitars. Asking for "parlor guitars" may also be productive. If your hands are small, you may also wish to play special attention to the neck width and thickness of the guitars you try out. Steel-string guitars have much narrower necks than classicals do.

In your price range, Jasmine, Epiphone, and Yamaha are good options. Ibanez might also be a good choice as they have a reputation for slim necks.

How to I keep the strings from buzzing when I play chords?

Veronica B

I need help from someone who knows quite a bit about guitars. I'm a beginner and I play the acoustic guitar. I have small hands and a full size guitar. When I press down on the frets, the strings tend to get buzzy and muffled. I need help to figure out how to play the chords smoothly and make a transition!

Any number of factors could be at play here. However, assuming your guitar is a good one, with a true neck, easy action, correct string height and smooth, well-placed frets, and that the neck is not too wide for you (or too narrow), the problem probably lies in how you're positioning your hands and fingers when you attempt to play the offending chords.

One thing I always stress with people (especially kids) I teach is to use their whole arm to form chords. If you stay loose at the shoulder, elbow, wrist AND fingers, forming chords is much easier. For instance, if a chord feels hard to make because your fingers are coming at it from the side and are muting other strings, try rocking your elbow forward so your fingers are coming down more of top of the strings. Don't try to work from a rigid hand, stay loose. Try variations on this theme to see if it might help.

Often chords are sloppy when you're first learning them. Sound each note of the chord to make sure it's resonating clearly. If it's muffled, adjust your hand (or other body part) accordingly to correct the situation. Once you get the hang of the chord form, it'll come easier and will sound like it's supposed to sound. I know you've heard it before but patience and practice are the only keys to progress. Keep at it.

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I want to play the acoustic guitar, where do I start?

how to play acoustic guitar for beginners video
 on Beginner Blues rhythm guitar Lesson How to play blues guitar
how to play acoustic guitar for beginners video image


I have always wanted to play acoustic guitar,but I have no idea where to begin. I am 12 in 7th grade if that help. I need advice on what guitar to get, what websites to go to so I can teach myself to play (I can't afford to take lessons). Also, some easy beginner country songs to play when I start out. Thanks in advanced :)

It may not be the answer you want, but you may be best off getting a First Act acoustic from Toys R Us. They are smaller (for smaller hands) and cheaper than name brand guitars. Once you learn a bit and become more familiar, you can decide if you want to upgrade to a better sounding guitar.

As for a good website, I recommend, they have an entire section that is all lessons written by users for new and experienced players alike. You should also search youtube for different tutorial videos.

Good beginner acoustic guitars?


I really want to start learning how to play acoustic guitar but I dont know where to start off. Whats some good beginner acoustic guitars?

Also, are there any tutorial sites or videos that are good to learn from?

I started with a fender T-bucket 300ce, for a beginner, it's an amazing guitar. Around $200-300 depending on the sales you find. But there are many decent beginner guitars out there, try to look for one that has a "solid wood top" and "solid wood back and sides", the sound quality is MUCH better. is the-place-to-go for learning some songs fast. You will need to learn how to read guitar tablature (not the same as sheet music) which is quite simple after a couple weeks of study. Learn some "open chord shapes" (A, C, D, E, G, A minor, E minor) they will come in handy once you memorize the shapes. Once you learned those chords, move onto "barre chords" (B, F etc..), these take a little more time to learn since they wear your hand out VERY fast, but you will get used to it.

After you learn some simple songs and figure out if you want to take music more serious, buy a better acoustic (Martin, Taylor, guild) and start learning more advanced chords, scales, theory, and fingerpicking.

Have fun!!!

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Is Taylor a good brand of acoustic guitars for beginners?

acoustic guitar notes for beginners online
 on How To Play Guitar Notes For Beginners Acoustic  Jamorama Review
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I can sort of play the keyboard, I do not really play any other instruments. I cannot read music notes but I know the basics. I want to become a singer/songwriter and I want to learn to play the acoustic guitar. As a beginner I found two Taylor acoustic guitars online at Best Buy that are cheap enough for me to save my money and buy one of them. I would like to know if it is a reliable brand for beginners.

Taylor makes great guitars so in general, you can't go wrong with that. However, buying guitars online can be something of a hit and miss affair when you're just starting out.

You really should be able to try the guitars first before you decide to purchase the instrument or not.

I suspect you've been looking at the Baby Taylor guitars. Although these are good guitars, they are not full size. They are somewhat limited in volume and tone. You should really go for a regular full size steel string acoustic. And again, you definitely want to try this out for yourself...

You will definitely do best if you buy from a dedicated guitar/music dealer. Oh, and stay well away from First Act instruments. These are nothing but kids toys.

Edited for spelling errors...

Experienced Flamenco players, what's the best way for complete noob to learn Flamenco Guitar?


I have very little (almost a complete noob) experience on a ukulele (only learned a few notes to strum), but I have little interest in the uke. I want to learn guitar, and more specifically flamenco guitar (though I have an interest in country music as a whole, too), but I have no idea where to start. I can't read music, and I have a very basic understanding of tabs.

What's the best way for a complete beginner like me to learn? I realize going to Spain or hiring an instructor (in person or online) are the best routes, but neither are something I can do right now. I may seek one out in a few years, but in the mean time I need to start off with something else. So what is my next best FREE option? I have enough to buy an inexpensive acoustic guitar and a few instructional dvd's, but that's it. I'm a very patient person who's willing to put in the basics for months before even attempting a song, so what do you experienced players think would have been the best route if you had to restart from the very beginning without having an instructor (at least for 3 to 5 years), but needed to self-teach?

Should I learn classical, or look through a much more limited selection of flamenco instructional dvd's? I've looked through a few, but they seem geared toward those with a little experience with classical guitar already.

Or do I just learn classical first, and then 'unlearn' a few things when I move into self-taught flamenco a year or two later?

I'm so confused because it seems like there's just a limited amount of flamenco self-teaching aids, and they seemed geared toward those that know a bit about guitar already. There's slightly more classical self-teaching aids, but I've heard I'm going to have to UNLEARN (seems less efficient) a few things when I finally do move to flamenco. And then there's just basic acoustic guitar (country, pop, etc) with so many free instructional videos online...

So what should I do considering I'm a complete beginner with a little bit of funds and only enough time to spend 2 to 3x a week learning the absolute basics right now?

My ultimate goal? In 10 years to be playing flamenco well enough on my own that I can enjoy picking through various songs from memory and having fun...

Spend as a minimum, $300 on a steel-stringed acoustic having good volume and tone. Next, start with Country to get the feel of chord changing and specific runs from one chord to the next.

Flamenco style playing will come as your expertise builds with fingerstyle playing. Start with learning some basic Flamenco-style songs such as "Malaguena," "Espana Cani," "The Breeze and I," "Kiss of Fire," "Marie," and similar Spanish-feeling tunes. I have more on my mind, but cannot recall their titles.

Russell E had provided some excellent tips in that fanning chords is one good way to get that Flamenco touch. You can experiment with the chords of E and Am by downstroking with your four fingers on the nails and then reverse the approach by starting with the little finger and end with the forefinger on the upward swing. I believe nails are crucial to get that volume and control you would need.

What's more, developing your own unique style of playing is ever important. You can mimic other great Flamenco players up to a point, but remember--it's your playing that counts. The same goes for the Country genre.

For many years I copied the deliveries of Chet Atkins and Merle Travis only to eventually learn that there can only be one Atkins and one Travis in the guitar world. I developed my own style of delivery that has nuances of Atkins, Travis, Montoya, and others--to include Lightnin' Hopkins and Jimmy Reed--both credible Blues' players and singers.

Don't forget the lure and captivity that Delta Blues can offer. The tunes and lyrics are simple and so are the chord progressions, but they can create moods where they are in the infancy stage.

Buy a quality chord book and a beginner's guitar manual such as published by Hal Leonard and Mel Bay. Don't forget to focus strongly on the music theory sections in the book as that is one attribute you must build upon.

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What do I need to know about buying a guitar?

ideal acoustic guitar for beginners
 on easy to learn beginner guitar songs acoustic guitar tabs bass
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I would like to buy an acoustic guitar and learn how to play. :)
What do I need to know? Certain brands to go for or avoid, or does it matter? Is buying used a bad idea? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

The best thing you could do is go to a guitar store and test drive a bunch of different guitars, since each brand tends to have its own feel. Since you're a beginner, you'll probably do better with a guitar that has a thin neck and low action (strings close to the fretboard), as those things will make it much easier and more comfortable to move smoothly between chords.

I'd avoid buying a guitar at a mass merchandiser such as Wal-Mart or Target, since music stores have guitars that cost about the same, but which are meant to be played. Guitars that aren't made by reputable manufacturers tend to have chunky necks and high action, which makes them challenging to play. But there are guitars that cost less than $100 that are ideal for most beginners.

Ibanez makes fantastic guitars that are built like rocks, sound amazing and are often nicer than guitars costing twice as much. They're also known for having thin necks and low action. Jasmine by Takamine guitars are also very user-friendly and priced low. I'd avoid Epiphone, since they have really fat necks that make them difficult for beginners and people with small hands to play. If you handle a bunch of different guitars, you'll have a much better idea why thin necks are easier than thick ones.

I'll post some links to guitars worth considering, though it's always best to play a bunch of them before choosing one. If you read the reviews, you'll see that there are lots of great guitars that don't cost a small fortune.

The most important thing is to find a guitar that feels really comfortable and natural in your hands. You should try them while you're sitting, too, since that's probably how you'll practice. Guitar bodies range in size, so one person's idea of a comfortable guitar is another's nightmare. Trust your instincts, since they'll serve you better than anyone else's opinion. The more comfortable your guitar is to you, the more you'll be inclined to play and the sooner you'll become a great guitarist. Good luck!

What's a good acoustic guitar for a beginner?


I plan on learning the guitar during the summertime. I'm not really sure what to buy or what a reasonable price would be, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are actually good, playable guitars available for as little as $100. But there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all guitar, so the best thing you could do is go to a music store and test drive a bunch of different guitars. Each brand tends to have its own feel. Since you're a beginner, you'll probably have an easier time learning on a guitar that has a thin neck and low action (strings close to the fretboard). Those things will make it much more comfortable to form chords and move smoothly between them.

You don't want to buy a guitar at a store like Target or Best Buy, since the ones sold at non-music stores are really more like toys than musical instruments. They're mass produced with the sole goal of keeping the prices reasonable, so many of them are unplayable. But music stores are hoping to earn return business, so their buyers won't stock guitars unless they're designed and built to be played. They often cost less than the ones at Target and Best Buy, as well.

Ibanez and Jasmine by Takamine guitars are ideal for most beginners, as well as female players, because they have thinner necks and lower action than most acoutsic guitars. They're also well made, sound very nice and warm, and they're often nicer than guitars costing twice as much. The only brand I'd recommend against, at least while you're new to guitar, is Epiphone. Epiphone makes nice guitars, but they're known for having really chunky necks that make them challenging for beginners and people with small hands to play.

If you handle a bunch of different guitars, chances are some will just feel more comfortable and natural in yourhands than others. Be sure to try them while you're sitting, since that's probably how you'll practice. Guitar bodies range greatly in size, so you'll want one that allows you to strum without being a contortionist. Gigantic guitar bodies are great for performing live, but many of them are impossible to play while sitting. But most guitar brands offer guitars in different sizes and depths, so follow your instincts. The more comfortable your guitar is to you, the more you'll practice and the sooner you'll become a great guitarist.

I'll post some links to guitars worth considering, all of which have thin necks and low action. If you read the reviews, you'll get a better idea what other players have to say about them. But the way your guitar feels in your hands is more important than the price or the name on the headstock. It's worth test driving a bunch of guitars at a music store, even if you plan to buy online. That's the best way to figure out which brand/model is perfect for you. (A bit more money, but this is the sort of guitar that would serve you well for decades and you could hand down to your own children, it's so nice.) (This is a starter pack with everything you'd need to get playing.)

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Any recommendations for a good acoustic guitar?

inexpensive acoustic guitar for beginners
 on Guitar Beginners on Guitar Beginner Acoustic Guitar Acoustic Guitar ...
inexpensive acoustic guitar for beginners image

Curious Ge

I'm a beginner and I'm looking for an acoustic guitar that is both fairly inexpensive and high in quality. Thanks so much!
Great! But what's the difference between steel and nylon strings? Which is better?

You cannot call an instrument ââbetterââ thatâs a very stupid thing to say because it is about taste. If youâre smart enough to understand complicated classical music youâll wanna play classical nylon guitar. If youâre not and youâre the average-brain person youâll like rock, pop...etc.a and wanna play steel crap.

If you donât wanna spend too much get a Yamaha in both ways!

What is the best brand of acoustic guitar for a beginner?

Agent 007

I am familiar with music, i've played the piano for 5 years and the clarinet for 4. However, I want to learn the acoustic guitar and I haveno experience in that.

I am looking for a cheapo brand to learn and practice on. Since it 's my first guitar I don't want to spend a lot of money, but at the same time I don't want it to sound like a toy. What brands offer the most value and durability for beginners?

Also, would it be better to take private lessons, or group lessons?
I learned to piano via private lessons, and the clarinet through group lessons in my school. I have to say that I favored the group lessons- since my classmates were there I felt more confident. However some music veterans tell me than private lessons are more focused towards progress. What is your opinion on this?

Whatever works for you is best. I teach group lessons in middle school and have up to thirty five guitars in a room. I can tell you that the group lessons are definitely geared toward making sure everyone is comfortable with the material before moving on, but I do keep a bunch of enrichment material available for students who want to move ahead.

As far as inexpensive guitars, there are starter packs that come out between the start of school and Christmas, that are usually a pretty good deal. Yamaha, Epiphone, Kona, Ibanez, Fender, and Washburn all put one out. You need to decide whether you want a steel string ($100 - 300) Nylon string ($100 - 200) acoustic electric ($150 - 300, sometimes a little more if it comes with an amp and a tuner) or electric ($150 - 300) You can get an idea of the price from Musician's Friend, Sam Ash, Elderly Instruments, or even Yahoo shopping, then take what you've learned, go down to your local store and actually put your hands on a few. If their prices are about the same as mail order (or if you can convince them to sell it to you for that price since you have the printout in your hand!) buy it right there. Best of luck, hope this helps and give me a shout if you have more questions.

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What are the best ways of learning how to play the acoustic guitar?

acoustic guitar for beginners tips
 on Easy Silent Night For Guitar
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Any tips for helping a beginner play the acoustic guitar?

HIRE A TEACHER.. at least to get you started correctly..

How much would a decent acoustic guitar cost?

Bella C

I am a beginner and I have been wanting to start playing for a long time. I'm looking for a nice acoustic guitar to learn with. I am saving up money to buy one but I want to know which kind would be best. I'd also like to know the price of a good acoustic. The brand would be very much appreciated. And some tips or anything like that would be great! Thank you so much!!

Isabelle :)

A decent beginners' acoustic guitar is around $200. I especially like the Yamaha FS-720S which is slightly higher. Whatever you decide to buy, go to a music store and nowhere else. Not the internet and not a big box store like Walmart or Best Buy. Only buy a guitar at a guitar store.

Good luck. and don't forget to get lessons.

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Where's the best place to buy a guitar in London?

cheap acoustic guitars london
 on unique pickup in a unique guitar.
cheap acoustic guitars london image


I'm looking for a good quality electro-acoustic.

try to have a look on ebay i am sure there are good quality and brand new guitars there the website is
Its cheap there and will be delievered to you A.S.A.P.

buying acoustic guitar? guitar players help?


I own a small acoustic guitar already but its quite old now and im looking into purchasing a new one so i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on what guitar to buy maybe some music shops around london which sell nice ones? thanks.

I know a link that there are guitar. The objects there are cheap. You can go and get some information so that it can help you buy a guitar with reasonable price.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

What is a nice acoustic song that I could dedicate to the girl I like?

best acoustic guitars of 2013
 on Acoustic Guitar clip art
best acoustic guitars of 2013 image


This girl likes me, I know because of my best friends, I want to do somwthing special and play a nice acoustic song with my guitar and sing it to her, or will that pull me back to the friend zone?

All of these answers are great. However girls might appreciate some of these songs that most guys don't play them.

New Subaru WRX 2013, wanting to put $500 into the sound system, suggestions?

David P

I would like to get some good sounding bass, however i know the budget is kinda low. I'm thinking i wont have to upgrade the headunit, already got aux in and usb built in. Thanks! Be as specific as you want, i'll send ya pics if I do what ya suggest (if you care)

You are going to love this deal.
Rockford Fosgate R300-12 Amplified 12" 4 ohm Prime Series Enclosure

General Features:

12" 4 Ohm Prime Series Amplified Loaded Subwoofer Enclosure
2nd Order Acoustic suspension configuration
5/8" MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) construction
Optimized "closed-loop" design
Encased in industrial grade black carpeting
Box volume: 2.0 cubic feet
Sensitivity: 84.5 dB
CEA-2031 Compliant
Dimensions: 11-1/2"D x 19-13/16"W x 14-15/16"H
Amplifier Features:
Prime Series Monoblock Class D Enclosure Amplifier
RMS Power Rating:
4 ohms: 300 watts x 1 chan.
Max power output: 600 watts x 1 chan.
BTL Class D high efficiency, low current power supply
Wired remote bass level control included
LED power and protect indicator
Variable Bass Boost (0 to +12 dB bass boost at 45 Hz)
Mono channel operation
2-Way System Protection circuitry (thermal and overload)
Speaker-level inputs with signal sensing for automatic turn-on

This is so easy, inexpensive, and good quality.

Pull the cord either from the battery, through the cabin and into the trunk.

Splice into rear left speaker wire and that will be your signal for the sub.

Leave your head unit as is and your speakers are good. Reduce bass from them and you can play them very loud.

This unit will give you all the bass you need for normal listening pleasure. NOT for competitions and not to make the whole block hear your car. But plenty for you to hear bass guitar, bass cello, kick drum, etc.

It will sound better if you open the air bridge which is the armrest on the rear seat so the cabin could share the air space with the trunk.

For even more massive power, set it on the floor behind the driver seat. If you need that space for a passenger, you can always disconnect and move it to the trunk. But, what bass you will have with that thing against your seat!

Don't look at the cheap price, it's a quality unit, already comes with an amplifier built in. Just so easy.

Techronics is my local company. I know people there, I've been there a few times. They do good work. Call them and ask to speak with the president, Sharone. He'll take care of your needs and your questions.

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what type of guitar does Kurt Cobain play at the MTV Unplugged in New York concert?

best acoustic guitar 2009
 on Jalal El Hamdaoui-guitar Guitar
best acoustic guitar 2009 image


it was a concert i believe in late 93 or early 94? its an acoustic guitar but kinda sounds like an electric when he played it.

It was an acoustic/electric, but the reason it sounded SO electric was beacuse Kurt was so used to hearing his music though his Fender at the time, he needed to use his same amp and effects pedals he used with the Fender to get the sound right.

It was an acoustic/electric Martin model D-18E.
here's the guitar:*D-18E.jpg
here's Kurt with it:

It's really rare. Only like 500 were ever made.

What would you say is the best type of guitar?

Q. Right now I have a huge, acoustic, Johnson guitar, and I'm thinking about getting an electric one. Which is the best brand and why do you say so?

There is really no "best brand." I would strongly suggest to you that you go to your local guitar shop (we have here Guitar Center, a really nice store) and play different guitars. Feel them, and see how well it fits your needs and how well it sounds. It's not like, Sony is a good brand, so go buy a Sony Television. There aren't one or two brands that are good, there are hundreds. Because guitars vary so much in style of play (for example do you play heavy metal, rock, chill, distorted, alternative, etc) it's hard to say which brand to pick. Every style has its makers. Ultimately you have to experiment with them.

However, I can refer you to this website:
Every year, these guys pick the best instruments and vote for a winner. And it seems "Fender Road Worn Series" were excellent electric guitars this year.

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What guitar would you recommend to a beginner?

best acoustic guitar for beginner women
 on Candy+bar+wedding+favors+ideas
best acoustic guitar for beginner women image

I want to get an acoustic one and I plan to buy online b/c that's the only option for me right now.
So, could you please provide a link to a guitar that would be good for beginners? Thanks, oh, and nothing too expensive haha.

Congratulations on beginning your journey into performing music!

First, are you a child or small framed adult? I ask, because guitars come in different sizes and the most popular acoustic guitar is generally the dreadnought. The dreadnought sized guitar dates back to 1915-1930 when C.F. Martin named it for the Royal Navy ship HMS Dreadnought, which was at the time, the largest ship ever made and had nothing else to fear (nought to dread). With the rise of folk and country music, this large bodied guitar was meant to hold it's own against banjos, fiddles and mandolins.

The problem is that this sized guitar is often too big for kids to start learning on. And it's even too big for most women and even some men, myself included. Getting the right sized instrument is one major key into learning to play the guitar.

Children/Parents should look for travel sized guitars or 3/4 sized guitars if you think size will be a factor. If you are an adult with smaller hands/fingers, then you could look at OM-sized, Grand Concert, or Grand Auditorium sized guitars.

Look for a variety of manufacturers which will run as little as ~$150 to as much as you want to spend. If you're going to buy online, you should check to see what the return policy is.

3/4-Sized Guitars:

Travel Guitars:

Good luck!

What's a good guitar to buy for a woman who has slightly smaller hands?


Whenever I play my boyfriend's guitar which is a Gibson, its difficult for me to play chords and I was wondering if there is an acoustic guitar with a smaller neck for people with smaller hands to play. Also, I'm lost where to start looking for a good acoustic guitar that isn't over $200. Maybe good for a semi-beginner or intermediate player? thanks everyone :)

Daisy Rock. A guitar company who specify in guitars to suit female hands.

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What is the best acoustic guitar to get in the 600-1500 dollar range?

best acoustic guitars under 1500
 on Buy Online | Lowest Price | Free Shipping| Jockomo Split Block Fret ...
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High, i am recently looking to purchase an acoustic guitar, but I am not sure which one to get. Can you help me decide (anywhere from 1500 dollars and under is goof)

Yes, Martin Taylor and Larrivee are all decent guitars. A couple of years ago, I was shopping for an acoustic in this price range. I was convinced I wanted a Taylor until I tried one side by side with a Martin D-16RGT. From that point on, I was a Martin convert. You may want to check out the Epiphone Masterbuilt series, they're pretty impressive for under $700.

You'll need to let your ear be the judge.....everybody has different taste. Before you buy, be sure to try both Taylor and Martin.....several models if you can. All of them are great guitars.

BTW, I ended up getting a real good deal on a Martin D-35

Are there any acoustic guitars of any brand which have similar sound to the gibson hummingbird?


i want a really nice deep trebly bass but i also want mids and highs. tinny is a no no as well as anything small that doesnt project. i've been looking at some guilds but so far its hard to find sound tests on each one. any insight is appreciated. once again i'm looking for a guitar which sounds comparable to the gibson hummingbird but at a lower price. preferably under 1500 dollars. thanks.

Yes there are a few.

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What's the best way to get a guitar to Afghanistan for deployment?

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

What size acoustic guitar should I get?

best acoustic guitar 600
 on Cool android guitar application: LickJungle - Shred Guitar Mastering ...
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Wanted to play acoustic guitar for a long while and I've finally decided to buy one but don't know what size I should get, I'm a 5''6 girl. Also if anyone knows any decent places to get then from that are cheap that would be helpful aswell.

Size, sometimes matters. But only the body (style) of the guitar. As there are smaller body styles that some players will be comfortable with.

Anyones' height is not relevant, or size, or weight, or even hands, or arms, or fingers.

As they all can be compensated through a variety of playing methods.

And, get to a real music store or GC that has a variety of guitar in stock, and try them out. Take someone with you who is already a player to help in making a decision.

Cheap is as cheap does. And inexpensive guitars can come across well for many beginners. No such thing as a beginner guitar, but there are some even good, well made and fair sounding instruments to choose from.

Expect to pay $125 - $400 for your first guitar. Really. Especially looking for one with a 'solid' top and not a laminate veneer. But with some brands, they (plywood layer tops) can come across well too and provide an instrument that will last several years.

Look for: Alvarez; Art & Lutherie; Cort; Dean; Epiphone; Ibanez; Jasmine; Johnson; Norman; Samick; Seagull; Walden; Washburn and Yamaha.

Saying, better guitars are around $600 - $1000.

Stay away from 'package' deals or those that come in a box, on display.

How do I choose the right electric-acoustic guitar?


I'm going to buy an electric-acoustic guitar in the coming weeks, but I really don't know how to judge them. I feel I've made good choices with my other guitars (acoustic and electric), but I haven't had much experience with the hybrid. Do I hold them to the same standards of feel and sound as an acoustic? Should an electric-acoustic sound just as good unplugged as an acoustic does? Should I go for a straight pickup system, or a mic-and-pickup?

Any answers at all would be very appreciated.

It depends - are you going to use it mainly plugged in or acoustic? If you already have a good acoustic then it's plugged in sound is the most important, right? Takamine makes some laminate top guitars with their premium pick-up system (Nt4, I think) - they sound weak acoustically but sound perfect plugged in. If you want the best of both worlds, try the Alvarez Artist Series - you get a choice of body styles and woods and a great pick-up system (Sys 600). You can plug a mic into the system. Going up the $$$ scale, Taylor's expression system sounds great, as does the Fishman Aura system that Martin uses on some guitars. I would avoid the standard systems on Epiphones and Ibanez etc - they sound too electric. Make sure you try them out with the type of amplifier or PA you are going to use - it makes a big difference, some pick-up systems have an "exciter" to make guitar amps sound more acoustic.
In a band situation, mic systems always seem to feed back - I would use one only if you play solo - or maybe a duo with low volume monitors. Good Luck

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What kind of acoustic guitar should i buy for beginners?

acoustic guitar for beginners yahoo
 on Yamaha Pacifica 812w | Guitar Guide
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Lady Dee

So im new to the guitar world.So what kind of guitar should i get the price range under $200 or 300. And what other stuff should i get with the guitar.

Yamaha's are really good for beginners and affordable! They have great sound, and look great. Believe me, I own one! Some other stuff that you should get with the guitar is probably a tuner. I have a tuner and a Yamaha, that's basically what you need. But you'd always want extra strings but you might also want to see this.
Yamaha's are sold basically everywhere, and you can find them on this website.
I try going to the second website, it's easier to navigate.
Hope this helps!

What Electric Guitars are good in my price range for a beginner?


I want to buy one for $200-250, maybe I could stretch it to $300. I would like to buy one new, but I might get one used. Im going to learn on it.
(Im not going to learn on acoustic because i know I'll never play it once i get an electric)

What are good quality electric guitars for beginners?
Forgot to mention, I would like it to come with a amp and a case.

A "good" guitar is one you try out yourself and get along with. You need to go to instrument stores both new AND used and try out different things. See if the store offers some kind of deal like you're looking for with an amp, but that's unlikely. You can get a Squire and amp set sometimes, but other than that you don't usually see a guitar of any quality "paired up" in a sale like that. A Squire might be the right thing for you. But if you want something a little classier, you could look at Strats and Telecasters, or even maybe an Epiphone if you like a more Gibson sound. Remember: used does not mean inferior in quality. In fact since you say you are a beginner it's a better idea to get a used guitar. Why spend more money than you need to when it sounds like you don't plan to stick with you're initial guitar but to "upgrade" in the future or something to that effect?

Yahoo Answers is not the place to ask this advice. Like I said, go out instrument store hopping and ask as many questions as you can of the employees. In my personal experience they are often very helpful. There is no substitute for this. No person who claims they have played guitar for 200 years and know everything is a substitute for doing your own investigative work.

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What is a good acoustic guitar duet song to learn?(need tabs)?

best acoustic guitar duets
 on Going to the Heart of the Music with Trina Hamlin by Richard Cuccaro ...
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Me and my friend want to learn a guitar duet for a talent show coming up in february. Problem is, we don't know a good song to learn that has tabs so we can learn it and perfect it.
Yeah, no singing.

So you mean a guitar song with no singing? or with singing?

if no singing... and if you're an expert guitarist...
Look up Tommy Emmanuel... (and his brother Phil Emmanuel) and you will be totally blown away!!!

If you're just an average player,
Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton is OK.. (convert lyrics to melody)

What is a good acoustic duet song to learn?


Me and my cousin whant to do a duet with 2 acoustic guitars. so whats a cool sounding song?

Peter Bjorn & John- Young Folks

Fish Go Deep feat. Tracy K- The Cure & The Cause (ambient mix)

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What is a good and inexpensive acoustic electric guitar?

cheap semi acoustic guitars
 on Hamer Guitars - Hamer Models - Ed Roman Guitars
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I'm taking a class at my college to learn how to play guitar...the class is fun and all but I don't like borrowiong guitars....the thing is that I'm on a very low budget caz I just paid my tuition...can sumone let me know wat kind of acoustic electric guitar I should get that is $200 or under?

Giv a reason y I should get that guitar please

You're not going to find a good one for under $200 unless it's some moron selling it at a garage sale or pawn shop who doesn't know what it is worth.

If you're looking for a good cheap semi-acoustic, go for a yamaha, A&L or Applause but they aren't that great, and will still run approx 300-500 bucks.

Why don't you just buy a regular acoustic guitar (for $200-300), like a nice cheap sturdy Yamaha or Jasmine and play that while you save up money for a decent semi-acoustic (Takamine, Ovation, etc)

what is a good acoustic guitar?

Eric S

what is a good acoustic guitar for a semi beginner?
the reason why i say i'm a semi beginner for guitar is because i'm really really pro on piano and could read notes perfectly.
i have experience reading tabs on guitars. but NOT good. what kind of ACOUSTIC is good?

ok ive been playing for 8 years theres alot of good guitars, if ure just starting i recommend, a cheap guitar from either a music store or actually wal mart and those others places sell pretty cheap but begginner gguitars, a good starting guitar would be a fenderor others. depends . go to musicians and check out the stuff they got there they got good deals and all around equipment and its a trust worthy site. washburn, alvarez and some others are really good but doesnt mean all of them are good, some are all about the brand

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What is a cheap acoustic guitar that sounds good?

good acoustic guitar for beginners cheap
 on Beginner Guitar Tabs
good acoustic guitar for beginners cheap image


I'm looking to spend around 50 to 65 dollars what is a good acoustic guitar for a beginner? Thanks.

Ahh, man. I would recommend two starter guitars but they are out of your price range. So I'll recommend them anyway :D

For ~$100, I recommend the Epiphone DR-100. I had the step up, the one for around ~$180, and it was such a nice guitar. Sounded beautiful, with a beautiful sunburst finish (then it fell over, landed on the neck and broke D: such a sad day! It just tipped forward off the stand!!!!!!! arg).

Epiphone acoustics are great! And 100$ is pretty cheap. I recommend splurging an extra $35

Look at my source. It's a little out of your price range, but if you shop around, I'm sure you could find this for under $100

What is a good but cheap acoustic guitar?


I'm looking to buy an acoustic guitar but I'm a beginner and I'm looking for a cheap one.

There are "GOOD" guitars and there are "CHEAP" guitars but there are no GOOD, CHEAP acoustic guitars. Any guitar that costs less than about $300 is only fit to toss in a dumpster.

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