Saturday, September 14, 2013

What is the difference between a Folk Steel String Guitar and an Acoustic Guitar?

acoustic guitar songs for beginners kids
 on ... acoustic guitar, beginner acoustic guitar, cheap acoustic guitar
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can't stop

I'm so confused. I have no idea what's the difference and what is better. I want to play Jonas Brothers songs or Paramore songs - somewhere between that line. I'm new in this whole pick-out-a-guitar thing because I'm getting my first one very soon. Any help here? Thanks so much.

First I'll say that in my opinion you would be best off to start with a steel string acoustic guitar for the songs you wish to start playing. The difference between them is that:

Classical Guitar, well the strings are nylon, so it's not optimal for strumming but great for finger picking. The neck is wider so again great for finger picking... in a way... moving on the body is constructed differently and it is smaller than an Acoustic Dreadnought steel string guitar would be, but there are smaller bodied guitars for younger people or for comfort/personal preference.

Now going to the Steel String Acoustic guitars, personally I love them, but most songs that you would hear on the radio are steel string guitars, electric or acoustic. The neck is thinner and it makes it nice if you have smaller hands/fingers. Most steel string guitars are dreadnought body types... and they tend to be a little bulky if your small/young or petite, but not unplayable. There are kids that are about 5 years old playing guitars bigger than themselves. anyway there are thinner bodied acoustic that might be more coftorble. Go with whatever you like and feel comfortable with.

Ibanez, Epiphone, and Yamaha are some great beginner acoustic guitars that don't cost too much but have quality.

**Most important is go with what you want and what feels comfortable. And if something catches your eye, try it out.**

Well that's my advice, hope it helps you (>^_^<)

Why do so many people believe there is only one correct way to learn or play guitar?


This is mostly for the veteran guitar players who answer questions here.

Why do so many of you seem convinced that any way to learn guitar other than how you did is wrong?

I see many answers that say you MUST learn on an acoustic first. Or that you MUST get lessons from an instructor. Or that you MUST learn how to read music.

I learned on an electric. I took lessons for about 6 months and have been self-taught for the last 17 years. I can somewhat read music, but I didn't learn as part of my guitar training.

I didn't learn the way I'm told people are "supposed" to learn, and I think I've proven through my answers here that I am least a competent guitarist and know what I'm talking about, if not a master or virtuoso (I make no claim to being either).

So, why is there this mindset that there is only one "right" way to do it? I chose the guitar as my instrument for the sheer versatility of it. Only a synthesizer is capable of producing a wider variety of sounds. As such, I see no reason to artificially limit what you can do with it by sticking to a rigid structure of learning and playing.

Some of the greatest guitar music ever recorded was played by people who couldn't read music and taught themselves how to play by ear. I like to try and encourage people to discover things on their own, because I've found that some of the most innovative music is written and played be people who don't know they aren't "supposed" to play it like that.

I'm not trying to be insulting or imply that there is anything wrong with learning the way you did, because that would be a little hypocritical given the question I'm asking. I'm just wondering what leads to the mindset that only one way is acceptable.
@Tony B

Thanks for the well thought out answer.

I think a "good" teacher is someone who will teach their student what they need to know on the guitar itself, and will adjust their lessons based on what seems to work best for that particular student. I don't necessarily think being a good teacher requires teaching a student how to read music. But it does require teaching a student how different things relate to each other on the neck of the guitar and getting them to recognize them when they hear them.

It's depressing when I run across someone who boasts about being able to sweep pick and play dozens of songs because they had a "great teacher"........but they can't tell me what note a given fret is in standard tuning when I ask them (I have to think about it for a second sometimes, but I can at least answer the question correctly). Another depressing thing is running across a guitarist who says they know all the chords on a guitar, but can't tell

I do accept that we are all opinionated as to what is the best way to learn and/or teach. I'm opinionated myself on the subject.

My frustration was more that a lot of the answers I see come across as "this is the ONLY way that is acceptable, anything else is flat out wrong"

Tony B did make a good point that I've had some time to chew on for a bit. If someone is clueless enough to the point that they need to ask how to start learning how to play, they probably do need some lessons.

I took some lessons myself for a few months when I first started. I quit when it became apparent that my instructor was never going to teach me what I wanted to learn. Learning how to play something is all well and good. But I wanted to learn WHY I would play this chord instead of that one, and why this particular scale would work better than this other one.

A lot of teachers are good at teaching the how, not so many can teach the why.

Greetings all,
Everyone who has answered is a serious player who grew up in the "old" days. Without tabs, videos, You tube, DVD's, Yahoo answers, computers, cell phones, thousands of guitars to choose from, you get my drift.
We had Mel Bay and cheap guitars like Kay or Teisco or, if lucky, a Yamaha.
We get tired of the kids who gripe that they think it's hard and wonder why they are not playing at an advanced level after a month.
We get tired of the kids who use tabs and think they know how to play guitar.
Then they ask how to play in a certain Key. Or what scales are.

We all grew up in a time when an acoustic was pretty much the beginner's instrument of choice. And we all turned out pretty good, right?
Acoustics are cheap, no other accessories are necessary, and you do learn good techniques of proper fretting and clean note generation. Electrics can help hide poor fretting and finger strength.
But you do have a point. If all you really want to learn is electric guitar styles, then it is not essential to learn on an acoustic.
It is easier to get electric packages to learn on these days. It is not necessary to sight read music.
You don't really need to take years of lessons. But one does need to have at least a few at the beginning, or a few later when you need refinement. I see lots of kids who don't even know how to read a chord sheet for a song or know how to figure out strum patterns.

I took 2 months as beginner starting at 9 yrs old and got tired of Twinkle, Twinkle or the Mexican Hat Dance and that single note music reading style of teaching.
Then I took lessons in a group from Dave Guard of the Kingston Trio. Unfortunately, he used a color coded system that used short cuts for chords. When I joined a folk group at church at 11, I had to re-learn everything I knew about standard open chords.
And I also self taught, only taking a couple of months more lessons about guitar soloing scales and how to apply them a few years later.

There are no "musts" but there are a few "good ideas", that a serious beginner should apply.

Also , as a last thought, I think many of the veterans stress a "must" because they don't want to give the lazy little cretins a choice. If you just "suggest", there is a strong possibility that suggestion will be judged "too hard" or "boring" and be ignored. If we say "you really need to" or "must" perhaps our suggestions will actually be followed.
You , like many of us, were blessed with the talent and desire to better yourself at playing. You show the proper attitude that you are not a master or virtuoso. Only those who think that are actually good and know that there is always more to learn. I, too, have never thought of myself as a master, and have gone so far as to post my own, "am I good enough" question to have you guys take a look and tell me if I passed muster. Harry was kind enough to actually answer and tell me that I did, and pointed out the insecurities that prompted my post. all true.
If I didn't have confidence in my ability, I wouldn't be constantly trying to answer and teach the young.

Last, there was a comment that all good guitarists are not necessarily good teachers.
I find this forum much easier than actually having to look at and listen to and try to teach the young without wanting to throttle them! It came so easily for me to play, that I have no patience with those who just don't seem to get it. And it's true that some teachers will only teach a certain way and ignore the needs or desires of the student.

I guess that's it for now, probably rambled on a bit. It's morning and I'm still waking up.

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How to learn acoustic guitar chords and everything else about playing a guitar?

acoustic guitar lessons for beginners on youtube
 on An acoustic guitar lesson of my interpretation of the classic U2 song ...
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I've never played before, I just want to know the chords, how to read a chord chart, and the other basic things a (acoustic) guitar player should know. Thanks.

The best way is to do guitar lessons as sometimes people don't have the motivation to do it at home. You could drop by to your local music store and pick up a beginner guitar method book, they usually come with a CD/DVD. Also the internet is at your finger tips so jump on Youtube and find some tutorials.

What are some easy, but fun, guitar tabs for the acoustic guitar?

Q. I'm a beginner at the guitar, but I know how to read tabs. Do you know any easy tabs I can play on the acoustic guitar?


Hey There!
Well to begin with you want to be learning to play small riffs, or the basic chords to a song so you can play along with it.

For example when I began playing I learnt to read tab and then searched all the basic guitar chords (A,B,C,D,E,F,G & Am,Bm,Cm,Dm,Em,Fm,Gm) "m means minor". Once I had learnt these I began playing small songs such as the "james bond" riff.. Or something like (Smoke on the water - deep purple)

All of these tabs can be easily found on the following websites:

PS you may also want to watch some video lessons on

Hope this helps yah!

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Can I play Linkin Park on an acoustic steel string guitar?

best acoustic guitar with steel strings
 on AcousticGuitar.jpg
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How well can would I be able to play Linkin Park on an Acoustic guitar - steel string were I to purchase one. How would the sound compare and how would the playing style differ. Send me some video covers please?

Well you definately could, it just might not be the same as apposed to a normal version. Do you want a steel string guitar, or a steel guitar? Because I steel string acoustic guitar wouldnt be unusal, theres plenty Linkin park acoustic covers, but a steel guitar might be different. If you playing acoustic, you should be fine, you might just need to use some downtunings. Im not sure if you play guitar or not actually lol, but downtune tuners are easy enough to finf online on Google or whatever. Maybe you can just use the downtunings and lookuo the chords.
Hope I helped:)
By the way, sorry If you already play guitar haha

can you put nylon strings on a steel string acoustic guitar?

Chest R

nylon sounds alot better but i want to keep the acoustic i have now. Is it proper to put nylon on an acoustic guitar meant for steel strings?

As others have said, it is not recommended because the steel-string neck is meant to handle the tension of steel strings, and nylon strings have much less tension. It won't do any immediate damage, especially if you loosen your truss rod a full turn or two to compensate. But if you keep the nylon strings on for too long your neck may twist or warp irreversibly.

I don't recommend doing it, but if you want to try it anyway, get nylon strings with ball ends (Martin makes Darco strings with ball ends, and there are also Black Diamond strings with ball ends).

Putting nylon strings on a steel-string guitar is not nearly as bad as putting steel strings on a nylon-string guitar -- whatever you do, don't do that!

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What are the essentials needed to create a music studio?

best acoustic guitar for 700 dollars
 on ... parts for electric, bass, classical, acoustic and archtop guitars
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T from Ken

I am on a budget and dont want to spend more than 700 dollars on equipment. I want to record my acoustic guitar/vocals/bass on a computer. I also want to make a demo. What software and hardware do I need to do this so it sounds decent?

I recommend reading, How to Build a Home Recording Studio .

For software, you can get:

Ableton Live LE

Pro Tools M-Powered

There's also some nice bundles for guitarists available:

For hardware, basically any M-Audio audio interface would do, depending on your budget.

For mics, I recommend any condenser or ribbon mic that fits in your budget:

Hope this helps!

What is the best acoustic guitar that I can buy?


I have played for about 5 months and want to upgrade. I want a nice guitar for about 700 dollars or thereabouts- give or take. I want the nicest sound. Any recomendations?

a fender or an epiphone are both good are some pages from the best makers with their guitar on...

look through them to see if you like any - good selection there

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Friday, September 13, 2013

What kind of acoustic guitar should i buy?

buy acoustic guitar neck
buy acoustic guitar neck image


This would be my first guitar and i don't have any kind of musical training. Should i buy an acoustic guitar with nylon strings or one with the metal strings? I don't have a specific kind a music i want to play, i just want something that can play the the popular tunes out there

for most of the popular tunes you'll want a steel string guitar.

while the steel string may be slightly tougher on your fingers, if you start with proper technique...namely placing you thumb on the center of the back of the neck...your fingers won't have to supply so much pressure, your thumb does it for you. remember that while the neck may somewhat resemble a baseball bat, you don't hold it like one. your palm never really touches the neck. (i learned with bad technique. it's harder to overcome than learning right in the first place.)

plus, generally, the fingerboard is narrower on steel string guitars so your fingers won't have as far to reach. and the neck is often slimmer.

and, i believe, in the long run you'll be much happier.

What electric acoustic guitar should I buy?


I'm looking to buy an electric acoustic guitar. I'm an intermediate player so I want something that isn't cheaply made but it doesn't have to be pro material either. I'm looking to spend no more than $700. Any suggestions or at least a band I should look at?

No one can ever tell you which guitar you should buy because everyone has their own likings. Go try a whole bunch out until you find one you like. The thing i look for the most is neck comfort. If its not narrow or thin or thick enough to your liking don't get it because it'll make you hate playing it.

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Why did new tuning gears knock my acoustic guitar out of whack?

best acoustic guitar neck wood
 on Gibson Hummingbird Custom KOA
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Digital Ag

I customized one of my acoustic guitars, made in China with real woods, by putting a set of high quality Grover tuning gears on it. Now it stays in tune and sounds great, but there is a slight buzz on the upper frets....I am wondering if the neck tension is different now.

As long as the nut and bridge are the same, that shouldnt happen. i've never heard of tuning gears changing neck tension
To fix the buzz, get the saddle changed. get it done proffesionally, its a part you DONT wanna screw up.

how can I build a acoustic guitar from scratch?

Colin B

I am in a engineering class and for a final project i want to build an acoustic guitar. I cant do it the normal way with glue so can i make a box and add a neck or something like that? Do you have any other ideas. We have a cnc machine and other machines i can cut wood.

You could try, but you wouldn't be very happy with the result.
Just bracing the face for good tone across the range of the instrument
would be an exercise in advanced acoustic engineering.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

What website has cheap acoustic guitars?

cheap acoustic guitar sale
 on cheap acoustic electric guitars for sale | New and Used
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I want to buy an acoustic guitar, but their expensive. The only cheap ones i found were colored and i do not want a colored guitar i want a nice vintage standard rosewood, mahogany color those type of guitars. Can someone recommend a website where there is cheap guitars under lets see $100 :) thanks.

I've played the guitar for years, and I think your best bet is either your local, or any local classified listings online. Alternatively, I have noticed some very good prices on EBay and Amazon, but often the shipping costs are very high. There has been the occasional good deal on EBay with free or low shipping, though, so depending on your patience level, it could be worth a look. Guitar Center is national, so maybe they have reasonable shipping - they have periodical blow-out sales. Good luck!

A Gibson Les Paul Studio Electric Guitar is on a 50% sale and I am a beginner and have original?


I originally wanted to buy a cheaper acoustic guitar for 200$ but I saw this guitar for a sale and thought maybe in the long run I would want this guitar and wouldn't have to buy a new one in a couple of years.
I have played on a guitar before so I am not completely unfamiliar. Should I stick with the buying the acoustic or buying this one.

Hi Webhwith,

I used to have my own guitar shop for about 30 years where I taught private students and sold guitars for a living and I always told my students to buy whichever type of guitar would excite them the most to own because they will play it more and get better faster. Since you can afford either the acoustic or the electric guitar get the one that you'll want to pick up and play the most. Hope this helps!

Steven Herron
Peabody Conservatory Trained Guitarist

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Where can I buy a cheap acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitar 100 dollars
 on Taylor 210ce Electro Acoustic Guitar - Rose Morris and Company Ltd
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I'm trying to find a cheap acoustic guitar around 100-200 dollars, thats good quality and will last me a long time, until I can afford to buy a another better one.
Its for a beginner

Cheap guitars can be found anywhere. Finding an inexpensively-priced instrument of good quality is much more difficult.

Start visiting guitar websites to research good instruments in your price range then you will have a nice starting point to find a guitar that will suit your needs. Talk with other guitar players and ask their advice also. Most will have their favorite brand but you can learn much from their experiences with first guitars.
"Cheap" guitars are more difficult to play and don't hold their tune. These problems may sour your enthusiasm for learning to play.

I paid less than $200 for a lightly used Washburn D-12 acoustic/electric at Music-Go-Round. This is a nice entry level instrument and is a good player.

What is a good beginners acoustic guitar for about $100?


Looking for a beginners acoustic guitar for about 100 dollars, that will last me atleast a year or two. Brand names??

Realistically there are none. However you can look at good used guitars, and there you might find something of a much better quality, that will last longer, and have a far better sound than something in the range you're looking at. Most shops have used guitars that they have taken in from people who traded up, for a better quality instrument. You can pick up sometimes a better instrument going with a used one, over new, when you're on a set budget, that's used over newer, and less expensive. Also check with any local pawnshops, as they will have a number of guitars on hand that can be of good quality, over something new. I would never consider recommending a cheaply made one over one that's used and of a higher quality, that can be had for around the same price range, that's used.

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What are some awesome acoustic guitar songs/riffs i could play?

best acoustic guitar riffs
 on Guitar Lesson : Clapton-style Acoustic Blues Eric Clapton has recently ...
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I was just wondering if anyone knows any awesome acoustic guitar songs that i could try playing. I don't care if they are only part acoustic I don't care how hard it is. I just want it to sound awesome. If it has an acoustic guitar part then I want to know about it. =)

minuete by from first to last.

amazing song, kinda hard.

worth the effort.

How to play Clear sounding barre chords on acoustic guitar?


I am not very good at barre chords and it doesn't help that I am learning how to play them on an acoustic guitar.
I have tried so many tips to try to play barre chords and it is really frustrating me.
I know it takes practice so it isn't neccasary to tell me that. Do you have any tips to help with practicing barre chords though? How did you get good at playing barre chords?

Hello there,

Barre Chords! Every guitar player's first nightmare. I did not think I would ever learn how to do them. They are hard. Now, over 50 years later, I cannot imagine playing without them. Movable chord positions open the doors to all sorts of possibilities. So how do you learn them. Everyone says practice. Practice, practice and more practice. Well, I have a secret for you. It is not how much you practice; it is what you practice. If you practice the wrong technique, the more you practice that, the harder it becomes to ever learn how to play them. Playing barre chords is all about technique. Get the technique right and you can play them. You need the first finger straight and you do not play with the bottom of the finger. Really. Look at the bottom of your finger. It is not flat. There are grooves there at the joints. Rotate the barre finger so you are not playing straight on with the bottom. Here is a pretty good video that explains how to play barre chords.


Hello again,
By the way, there is no handicap by playing barre chords on an acoustice. At least no different than any other aspect of playing. Most acoustic necks are 1/16th to 1/8th inch wider at the nut than the neck of an electric. The profile of most acoustic necks give it a thicker feel than the necks of most electric. But that aspect is the same for playing chords or riffs. So playing barre chords on an acoustic really does not make it harder.

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Why are women so attracted to the acoustic guitar so much?

best acoustic guitars for women
 on of Truth, Collector of Souls by Richard Cuccaro One of the best ...
best acoustic guitars for women image


I every time I play the acoustic guitar I always get alot of women's attention on the streets in downtown. They even flirt with me. I get attention from women when I play the electric guitar too but I get away more women flirting with me when I play the steel string acoustic guitar. What's reason behind this attraction.

everything about an acoustic (or electric) guitar bends my nerves towards excitement and my heart to new heights of pleasure.

Are there any Acoustic Guitars for petite woman?

Q. Im a female singer, and Im very petite, small framed, lean. (21).
Im 5feet, height and weight portioned. However, when I go shopping
for an acoustic guitar, they are so "Huge". My arms, are so thin,
and short Its very difficult for me to fit the guitar under my body.
Are there any acoustic guitars for petite woman?

Yes, of course there are but they're a little more difficult to find. You would be better off with a grand concert or auditorium size acoustic, what Martin guitars calls a 00 or 000/OM, respectively. The Yamaha FS-720S is a good started guitar that's not too large and there are others. A MArtin 00-15 like this one might be another good choice:

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What are some REALLY basic/beginner acoustic guitar songs?

best acoustic guitar songs all time
 on of Truth, Collector of Souls by Richard Cuccaro One of the best ...
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I am just starting to learn and i need some superrr easy, but good acoustic guitar songs. Advice would be helpful too.

Thanks in advance!

Come as you are Nirvana (almost any Nirvana),
Dammit (Blink 182)
Sweet dreams (marilyn manson)
Enter sandman first part (metallica)
Today intro (smashing pumpkins)

Hmmm I can't think of anything that I'm sure you would know but these are easy little parts that I show my beginning students

Lean E, A, G, D, C major chords and E and A minor chords as well and you be able to play alot more

hope something helped

What Are Some Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs?

Q. I have been playing guitar for about 1 year but havent really got into it until about a month ago. I need some easier acoustic guitar songs that arent all strumming! ( i have tons of strumming songs) i pretty much like any style of music! THANKS! :D

Try some U2 songs. They're pretty much all the same (the hits are anyway) and you can pick and choose how complicated you get with them.

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What is a good website to get a cheap acoustic guitar that is reliable?

best acoustic guitar brands yahoo
 on Keyboardist / Keyboard Player wanted for band in Los Angeles
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It does not matter what brand it is... All I really need it for is just to play every once in a while im not playing in a band or anything.

sorry i dont know anything about acoustic guitars but you should try its pretty reliable i think. answer mine if you get the chance...;_ylt=AmF4Wdsy.ULBPxzk0L.R7KuJxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090427145033AAzC7oi

What kind of acoustic guitar should i buy for beginners?

Lady Dee

So im new to the guitar world.So what kind of guitar should i get the price range under $200 or 300. And what other stuff should i get with the guitar.

Yamaha's are really good for beginners and affordable! They have great sound, and look great. Believe me, I own one! Some other stuff that you should get with the guitar is probably a tuner. I have a tuner and a Yamaha, that's basically what you need. But you'd always want extra strings but you might also want to see this.
Yamaha's are sold basically everywhere, and you can find them on this website.
I try going to the second website, it's easier to navigate.
Hope this helps!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

what's a really good acoustic guitar? say around 600.00 or so. under 1000.00.?

best acoustic guitar under $600.00
 on Sondre Lerche  My Hands Are Shaking Video
best acoustic guitar under $600.00 image

brittany s

i want to buy my boyfriend a new one for christmas, and i want to get him a really nice one. i forget what his old one was, but it was around 500.00 and it was a guys name i think? any suggestions?

I like Fender and Gibson.


I just checked they have some good prices in your range. Maybe and electric acoustic???

Was it a Les Paul?

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What acoustic guitar brand should i get for a beginner and price range?

best acoustic guitar for beginners under $100
 on Heartland America: Full Size Cutaway Acoustic Guitar Pack
best acoustic guitar for beginners under $100 image


i was thinking an acoustic guitar, maybe black.
would yamaha be a good brand for beginners?
i don't know much about guitars, and what price range should it be in? i heard that you shouldn't get one too cheap. so im not sure.
Thanks for helping!

I could name you brands of guitars I've heard, and brands I've played, and brands I like, but it wouldn't make a difference. Instead of telling you which brand is king, here are some tips:

Honestly, my best advice is to go to your guitar shop and look at the brands. You can go online to get one, but it's a hit or miss when talking about how you'll like the sound and the feel.

Type: If you're a beginner, I would go for a nylon string guitar, as a nylon string guitar is easier on your fingers. The first guitar I played was on a Yamaha classical guitar, so I think Yamaha's are great. But I wouldn't say only get the Yamaha, because there might be a better guitar you find there.

Price range: Below $500. I wouldn't say you need a minimum, as long as you don't get the "Learn guitar in whatever kit" with the cheap ass acoustic the size of a breadbox at Barnes & Noble, but probably not under $100 (unless it seems legit. If you can't tell, probably don't get it).

Size: Find a guitar that you like at the shop, based on the size and feel. In classical guitars there isn't much of the size issue (they're pretty much all the same size), but if you get a steel string, there will be a great variety of sizes. Concert size, dreadnought, curved back, jumbo, etc... Size is just a couple of numbers and dimensions. What matters is how it feels for you to play it. If it's too big or small, the size will get in the way of learning the guitar. So the best thing to do is not worry about the brand name and experiment with different sizes.

Sound: You don't want it to sound terrible, but it doesn't matter as much as the feel. It's great to have a nice sounding guitar, but it's not going to make a difference. A guitarist might sound better on a new Alvarez than a half a century's old Yamaha, but a great and experienced guitarist playing an old, rickety guitar will always sound better than a beginner with an expensive and exquisite sounding Martin or Taylor.

Pawn Shops: Is there one in your area? Go! They'll almost always have guitars in store, so check it out. When dealing with pawn shop guitars it's almost always necessary to have an expert, or anyone who knows about guitars with you, so ask your guitar teacher to go shopping. If your pawn shop is a nicer one, some or all of the guitars might be new. Sometimes, guitar manufacturers will sell new models to pawn shops, just because there is a blemish in the wood, or a weird pattern. The pawned ones are very cheep, but the "outlet" models will still be cheep. I got a new Michael Kelly from a pawnshop for $150, and it's been great for five years so far.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW A GUITAR EXPERT, but still want to go to a pawnshop, look out for a couple of things.
1) Play the strings: Go up each string, and play them at each fret (not long), just to make sure there is no buzzing. If you're not sure what this means, or you're having trouble with this, ask the pawn shop guy to do it. They all pretty much have basic guitar knowledge, if they aren't experts.
2) Sight for problems: From the base of the guitar, look up across the fret board. If you, see a strange bend back, or if any frets look out of place, or crooked, not good. Again, ask the pawnshop guy.
3) STAY AWAY FROM CRACKS: It might mean that the guitar is cheap as dirt, but with use, the crack will spread, and your precious little antique of a guitar will crack in two, with damage beyond repair in a guitar shop.

Thats pretty much it. I hope that you can use this advice and get yourself a great guitar.

What is the best beginner acoustic guitar for under $100?


I am on a small budget unfortunately and I really want to learn how to play. I need a full sized guitar by the way. It would really help if you posted the link to the specific guitar you recommend. I know the best thing is to go to the music shop but they are all quite expensive. I have seen a lot cheaper ones on active musician and musician's friend.

The problem with buying guitars online, is that you cant feel them. If you buy a guitar that you don't end up liking, you'll become discouraged and wont want to play anymore.
Go to the store, ask a salesman. Tell him/her what your price range is, and they should be able to help you.
Ibanez has starter kits with full sized guitars and I believe they are pretty cheap, and probably the best way to go. Look for the "Jam Packs" inside a store.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy a Firstact! Unless you want something made of cardboard and glued with Elmer's, that will likely fall to pieces.

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Where can I get an electric guitar that is used and under 100$ with good sound?

best acoustic guitar for beginners under $100
 on Including Amp, Tuner, Bag, Strap, Spare Strings and DVD.
best acoustic guitar for beginners under $100 image
Q. I am 12 years old. I know the basics, and a few chords. I have picked up an acoustic and played a little bit before, but not too much. I'm hoping to find a used guitar under 100$ with good sound. Anyone know where I should look? Thanks!

You often can find real deals at the link below--sometimes they even have starter electric guitar kits by name brand manufacturers that include a decent beginner instrument plus a little practice amp. Be aware, however, that buying a guitar from a thrift shop or online auction or hock shop or classified ad involves some risk. Be prepared to take your secondhand guitar to a shop and have them set it up for playability.

BTW, if you do start out with a little 15-watt or similar practice amp, never get rid of it (unless it breaks)--even if you buy a pro quality head and speaker cab, the practice amp someday will come in handy.

Where can i find a good beginner guitar?

Antony K

ok i need to know where a can find a good cheap acoustic guitar for a beginner, i would greatly apreciate it if it were under 100 dollars, thanks =)

check out

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Can All Along the Watch Tower be played on an Acoustic Guitar, like the Jimi Hendrix Version?

best acoustic guitars for intermediate players
 on You're Really ReadyFor anybody who is hunting for free acoustic guitar ...
best acoustic guitars for intermediate players image
Q. I wouldn't call myself a beginner or intermediate player, I'm in between both. I've had my guitar for about 4 years but haven't been really been driven to play, but I've regained my passion and I wanted to know if this song can be played on the acoustic guitar, its sucks my electric guitar is broke >.>

Yep...I played it a couple of weeks ago at an acoustic show I did. It wasn't note-for-note the Hendrix version...probably closer to a version that Dave Mason (who played the acoustic intro on Hendrix's version) did.

But, yeah...why wouldn't you be able to. I've always viewed acoustic versions of electric songs just another arrangement.

Good luck.

Greetings from Austin, TX

What's a great 12 string acoustic guitar for the Money?


I'm an intermediate player and my next guitar may hopefully be a 12 string ACOUSTIC guitar. I'm looking for a price range from about 300.00 to 600. And it'd be nice if it was at a local store such as guitar center.

Guitar Center usually has a selection of new and used 12 string guitars. they also keep a list of what other Guitar Center stores have. I bought a used Breedlove from Buffalo Brothers it is the most stable guitar I have ever owned. I am not real happy with my Gibson or my Tak.

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What is a good website that i can buy dirt cheap acoustic guitars?

cheap acoustic guitars for beginners
 on Description: Perfect for the Beginner or student. This 3/4 Size guitar ...
cheap acoustic guitars for beginners image


I have an electric guitar already, but I don't want to play it outside. I want to know if there are really cheap, but good, acoustic guitars somewhere online that i can buy for $25.00 or less. Help me out? Thank you.

I think this product suit for you, "New Blue Acoustic Guitar W/ Accessories Combo Kit Beginners by Sky Enterprise" only for $20.75, You can check it from source that i give you below.

How much is an acoustic guitar?


I want to learn how to play a guitar, but i don't want to buy a really expensive one or really cheap one. Where can I buy an acoustic guitar for beginners and how much would it cost?

And is it hard to play? I already play the violin and piano.
How long do you think it would take to be ok at it? Do you think being self-taught would be ok?

$199 for a decent starter steel-string acoustic

You need to learn and practice the chords and hand positions.

It takes practice to get used to it. You get calluses on your fingers. But that's part of it.

You'll be fine being self-taught. But you have to practice correct habits before they become bad. There are a lot of YouTube videos. Practice songs you like, look up chords @ Also learn how to read tabs.

It really helps to practice with songs you know because you know the tempo and how it sounds. It takes a lot of patience and practice everyday. You'll do fine.

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What are easy kpop songs on the acoustic guitar?

best acoustic guitar songs 80s
 on ... LS6 Series Tobacco Sunburst Solid TOP Acoustic Guitar Case NEW | eBay
best acoustic guitar songs 80s image


I would really love to learn some easy kpop songs on acoustic any suggestions~~~?? ^^

If you don't mind try to listen 80s, 90s kpop. That period to be called acoustic guitar generation.
Recently, IU did duet with Gwangseok Kim(1964-1996) on TV advertisement. Actually 1996, Gwangseok Kim passed away at the age of 32. and the The TV advertisement produced with post production technics for a korean mobile company.
The title is "About 30 years old"

What are some good acoustic songs to learn on guitar?


Anything from th 80s to present day preferably something that is fairly well known.

it depends on how advanced you are. but Guardian Angel (acoustic version) by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is a really good one. Letters to you by Finch (once again the acoustic version) is very fun and energetic. Also, check out this website! hope this helps~

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i just want a cheap acoustic guitar to mess around with should i just buy one of ebay?

cheap acoustic guitars on sale
 on cheap acoustic electric guitars for sale | New and Used
cheap acoustic guitars on sale image


im pretty broke, i see these cheap guitars on ebay for 50$ i know that they are extremely low quality guitars but im not planning on getting to serious i just want to mess around a little and see if i like it. should i buy one?

dunno about ebay, it mostly depends on whats on there i guess... try looking at online music vendors and a specials that they run every so often and local music store sales. they tend to be right before the holidays.

A Gibson Les Paul Studio Electric Guitar is on a 50% sale and I am a beginner and have original?


I originally wanted to buy a cheaper acoustic guitar for 200$ but I saw this guitar for a sale and thought maybe in the long run I would want this guitar and wouldn't have to buy a new one in a couple of years.
I have played on a guitar before so I am not completely unfamiliar. Should I stick with the buying the acoustic or buying this one.

Hi Webhwith,

I used to have my own guitar shop for about 30 years where I taught private students and sold guitars for a living and I always told my students to buy whichever type of guitar would excite them the most to own because they will play it more and get better faster. Since you can afford either the acoustic or the electric guitar get the one that you'll want to pick up and play the most. Hope this helps!

Steven Herron
Peabody Conservatory Trained Guitarist

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