Saturday, November 9, 2013

What's the best acoustic guitar for under 800 dollars?

best acoustic guitar 800 dollars
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I'm a beginner but I'm looking for a good quality acoustic guitar for under $800. I really prefer a Martin or Taylor but am open for other suggestions. I'll be playing and singing country music mostly if that helps.

A yamaha fg700s would be perfect for you at youre stage and youll have 600 to go towards a martin or taylor for when youve got more experience and are more serious about playing. You wont get a decent martin or taylor with 800. If you want something a bit better than the fg700 then try a seagull s6 or a yamaha fg730s.simon and patrick and takamine are good quality too. For me,these are the best guitar brands under $800 to try out at a few stores. Dont buy a guitar for the name,buy one for the sound and feel.ive had most of the above until i needed better.all i play now is martins as i prefer them to everything else ive played,and ive played a lot and wasted money on a lot.the cheapest quality martin
You can get is a d1gt,everything cheaper is laminate mexico models.

What's a good acoustic guitar to buy?


I have around 500-800 dollars to spend on a new acoustic guitar. I was looking at some of Carvins guitars and also browsed around guitar center and saw a few I liked. But as far as quality and sound is there anything that sounds amazing and is nicely crafted. The lower the price usually the better. Thanks guys!

Well you have a good budget , to start with as you'll be able to get a pretty decent one. Taylor guitars are probably some of the best out there, and you make be able to buy one of their cheaper guitars with that sort of budget, the good part is you know it will be made to a high standard. Fender guitars are also really good and these start from a much lower price range. Takamine guitars are aslo pretty good and I know they start fairly low. Yamaha are alright, but they're not the best, but then out does come down to what you feel like is the best.

Those are the brands I can think of off my head but I'm sure there are more. As I said though the best guitar for you is the one that feels and sounds the best to you, so you will be comfortable playing it. Just go to other shops in your area to see what they have and play on those guitars too. I went to four shops looking for a guitar before I found one I even remotely liked... (I have a fender electro acoustic now :) )

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What kind of guitar is best for a beginner?

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Is it a acoustic or electric and what brand would it be. Im 14 and i wanna learn how to play a guitar but i don't know which one would be good for me. Thank you

Awesome question! My friends all learned guitar before I did, and they all recommended an acoustic for starting out, and that's the best way to go. It builds finger strength and it builds your best friend, finger calluses. Your fingers will hurt like a mother the first few weeks/months you play, but as your fingertips get numb you won't notice as much. One thing they taught me was to never play guitar after taking a shower or after washing dishes--you will lose your calluses. My fingertips on my left hand are to the point where I was reaching in a co-worker's pencil bin, and pulled my hand out and there was a thumb tack in my finger and didn't even feel it. That's what you want.

As far as brands of guitars go it doesn't really matter when you are starting out. We have a great indie scene here and no one judges anyone by the brand of their guitar, it's all about how you rock. A pawn shop guitar is all you really need for starting out. Unless you are making money from playing shows, then don't spend any real money on guitars. Keep your eye out on craigslist or ebay, or check out your local guitar shop for wicked awesome deals. I got my first acoustic from, they were having a closeout sale on Washburn acoustics and I got a sweet cherry red acoustic for 100 bucks. Get yourself a tuner too, so your guitar doesn't sound like ass. Korg sells great tuners for cheap, you can find yourself a good one for probably 20 bucks.

Good luck man. I always dig that the younger gen are picking up the guitar and trying to learn. I am telling you, there is no better way to impress the ladies than the guitar. Learn the basics and move on to electric guitar if you still want to do it. Just don't spend a year's worth of allowance on something you don't really care about. Make sure it's something you want to stick with. Any other help as far as chords and scales go, let me know. I can help you out.

Keep rockin brutha

What electric guitar amp should I go for?

Rain Dog

I've had an electric guitar for nearly two years but it was given to me broken. I just recently repaired it and am interested in playing it only I'm not too knowledgeable with electric guitars (I've been playing acoustic for a little while) so I'm not sure what type of amplifier is needed/suggested. It's a J.Reynolds strat copy in ok condition. I just want a good cheap amp, nothing fancy. What should I be looking out for?

Get a Marshall pocket amp for $40. It's a fine little practice amp, which is all you need at this point. I keep one on the coffee table in my livingroom when I don't feel like cranking up the studio but I want to practice guitar.

Then, after you've played for 6 months to a year, you will know more about what you want to do and that's the time to start researching a guitar amp. But if you buy an amp right now, it could just be a waste of money because 1) you might decide you don't like playing guitar or 2) the kind of amp you will want in 6 months to a year won't be the amp you bought when you were just beginning to play electric guitar.

A Marshall pocket amp is cheap, cool, and it's pretty loud in a room. If you want to spice it up, get a used BOSS DS-1 distortion pedal for $35 or any type of fuzz pedal. DOD has a variety of fuzz pedals, you can find them cheap on eBay, and they're all good. I have the American Classic Fuzz and if you ever find a DOD 250 (also known as the YJM), that's an excellent pedal.

Beware the salesperson who tries to sell you a "real" amp instead of the little Marshall pocket amp. A lot of sales people are paid commission and there isn't much commission on a pocket amp. Other amateur musicians may laugh at your amp, but let me tell you something - anyone who disses the Marshall pocket amp is a musical moron.

Trust me.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

How much does an acoustic guitar cost?

best acoustic guitar 800
 on ... DE800S Dreadnought Solid-top Acoustic Guitar - Natural | WholeNote
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Q. I would like to know what a good acoustic guitar costs. I am not a professional musician and never had an acoustic guitar before. Also, I do not want to take any lessons as I lack confidence and tried lessons with an electric guitar and didnt like them. Anyway Id like to know how much it costs for a good acoustic guitar. Thank You!!! :D

i decent one will be around 250. a good one is around 5-600. a great one is around 800-1000. a professional is like 1200+. You could find an oscar schmidt or a fender for like 250 or less.

How to care for my guitar during a move?


I'm moving across the country (5 day drive) and am wondering if I should put my guitar ($800 takamine acoustic) on the moving van. Could the heat in the van do damage to it? I'm not really worried about it breaking, just warping.

Wow, good luck with that! What I suggest is getting yourself a hard case, not a soft one that you zip up. It will prevent the guitar from getting damaged, and it's less likely to get dents.

Keep the guitar humidified with a humidifier in it. I don't know how long the move will take, but hopefully it won't be long. It might damage it if it's very hot, but not if it's only warm.

That's pretty much all you need.

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How much does an acoustic guitar cost in Copenhagen, Denmark?

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 on Acoustic Guitar) Fitted T-shirt. Buy Paul McCartney (Acoustic Guitar ...
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Q. I am most likely moving to Copenhagen, Denmark in the fall and instead of bringing my acoustic guitar I am thinking of selling it here and buying a new, decent one there. Both as a means to not have to bring it and as a means for just a change. Answer in DKK or Dollars, please. Thanks!

I guess it really depends on what quality you want. I used to play acoustic guitar (classical music), and you get a wide variety of prices.

My cousin used to work for this large music-shop in Copenhagen, .
If you go to the page click on "guitar og bas" in your left hand side, and then "guitarer" and then "klassisk/spansk". Then you get a price list of the classical guitars. Prices start at DKK 500 - but for a good one spend DKK 2000.

You can see another price list here for another shop:

Høfner Guitars are very decent, and you can get one for DKK 1100.

If you enjoy listening classical guitar music watch out for Kaare Norge, who is probably the best danish classical guitar musician. You can download samples of his music on his website (scroll down on your right hand side).
He often gives koncerts - it is well worth going!

How much should I pay for a decent acoustic guitar?

Eduardo V

I am a beginner. I've got almost no experience. I would like to learn chords and pretty much cover songs. Mostly Foo fighters and other rock songs, until I eventually learn chords and write my own songs. But for now I want a decent acoustic guitar. If you could give me the price and a link or tell me where can I buy it that would be great.

If your looking just for a decent one, but nothing special (reliable, durable, ok sounding) then I'd go for a Tanglewood. It's just short of £200 but you could probably get it cheaper in a store like Thomann.
If you don't want to spend that much money, then take a look at this one.
I can't guarantee that the sound is that good (Fenders are only really good when they're over £/$/⬠700..

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Whats the best acoustic guitar for a beginner?

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Whats the best acoustic guitar for a beginner with the price range of $250. like the brand and model and everything
actually il raise my price to 300

Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar-$199.99

Ibanez SGT120NT SAGE SERIES Acoustic Guitar-$179.99

Yamaha FG730S Solid Top Acoustic Guitar-$269.99

All three are high end brands and great sounding guitars.

Best recommended acoustic guitar for beginners?


What is the most suitable, good, cheap acoustic guitar for beginners who have no experience?

Take someone with you who is already into playing guitar to help make your choice when shopping for your guitar. Good to try out all the units to compare and find the ones that will fit your present needs when it comes to feel, sound, performance and price range.

Brands are many, even 'low-end' models are good to begin with: Alvarez; Art & Lutherie; Dean; Epiphone; Ibanez; Jasmine(Takamine); Johnson; Lag; Michael Kelly; Seagull; Washburn and Yamaha.

Great adventure to begin with. Welcome to the world of axes.

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Is this a good guitar for a beginner?

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 on Guitar , keyboard and vocal classes under trinity college uk
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I can't work out what size it is... it looks pretty big? Why do you think it is so cheap? or this one?

Should be fine for a beginner, looks to be a full size, but you can ask the seller a question if you go to his sight again and find out for sure, as to why it's so cheap, who knows. sometimes a dealer will buy a bunch of them at a reduced price from the manufacture and sell them cheap.

what is the difference between an elavation guitar and stratocaster guitar?


My son has guitar lessons and his teacher has said he is ready for a stratocaster guitar, I know nothing about guitars so please help. Elevation seem much cheaper but look the same and seem to offer pretty much the same. Any advise would be helpful. Thank you

I cannot seem to see the logic in saying that someone is ready for a particular guitar. the only real difference is tone, and playability. the only real thing that is not for beginners is a floyd rose bridge, but thats not the issue in this case. also, certain styles are made easier by particular guitars. for example players who love to play at a million miles per hour prefer thinner necks.
heres a link for an elevation brand guitar, is this the one you are talking about? and in my opinion it is a strat.

Fender only has the trademark to the headstock so essentially everyone makes a strat knockoff. officially branded starts will be by either fender or squier their subsidiary.

so back to the question. the guitar world is a complex web of price vs performance. usually a good compromise can be found. For example a squier Strat is a stratocaster per se, but craftsmanship will be lower than a more expensive fender counterpart. There will be differences in basically everything. Hardware, wood, and fretwork will suffer on the student guitars.

also, all this hinges upon what your son is playing on now. If it is an acoustic, than i see where the teacher is going. If he is playing on an inexpensive student guitar than perhaps he just means its time to upgrade to a more playable guitar?

ultimately in basically all large guitar brands you get what you pay for. There are smaller house brands out there that do offer much better bang for your buck. The only issue with these is you have to know what you are looking at, otherwise you will be worse off. two smaller brands that i absolutely whole heartedly trust are Agile, and Raven West Guitars. Their management really stands behind their product.

expect to pay more than 200. 300 will get you a very usable intermediate guitar. so is your son really ready for a $300 guitar?

if exact models in question were shown it would be infinitely easier to offer advice. currently i am just probing in the dark.

good luck

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Would it enhance my acoustic guitar recordings to use a mic AND an acoustic pick-up at the same time?

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 on ... SH-EC-22 Acoustic Guitar Preamp with Condenser Microphone & Pickup
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I want a more professional sound from my acoustic guitar recordings. It's not a bad sounding guitar, it's a hummingbird. What's the best way to record it? Would throwing in an acoustic pick-up and micing it give it a better sound in the recording? What should I do?

Professional studio recordings use very high grade mics a short distance off of the 12th fret. This will pick up some of the nice overtones to help your sound. The answer to this question depends on what kind of mic and studio space you have. Mics are a lot more trouble but are used more frequently in a studio setting. Using your guitar's pickup might be a little more practical and sound okay if you're using a good DI.
The best thing to do, since there are so many variables here is to both mic and hook up your guitar and record them into 2 separate channels. See which one you like better, and you could even mix them together to get the sound you want. Don't forget to slap a little reverb on there to smooth things out.


What's the best way to record an acoustic guitar on Audacity?


We want to record acoustic guitar music using Audacity. A dynamic microphone is working pretty well for vocals, but the guitar doesn't sound good. The only equipment we have is the microphone, mic stand, and a Dean Markley pickup. Any ideas of how to get a better sound?

has it got a hole for a 6.5mm cable?
if so you can plug it to the guitar and in the other end plug an adapter female 6.5mm, male 3.5mm(like a headphone or microphone jack) i that you plug it into the line in or the microphone hole in your computer

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What kind of electric guitar should I buy?

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 on Fender CB-100CE Electo Acoustic Bass Guitar - Natural - Nevada Music
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My price range is under $300.
I found an amp in my garage, too. Is Kustom a good brand for amps?
I'm kind of a beginner & usually just mess around on my Yamaha acoustic, but I know songs that are on electric guitar, so that's why I want one.

The best thing you could do is go to a guitar store and test drive a bunch of different guitars, since each one will have its own sound and feel. Since you're a beginner, you'll probably want a guitar with a thin neck and low action (the distance between the strings and the fretboard), since those things will make it easier to move around comfortably between notes and chords.

Ibanez makes fantastic guitars that are built like rocks, sound great, and are often nicer than guitars costing twice as much. They've also got really thin necks and low action. Fender and Squier by Fender guitars are also great, user-friendly guitars. Epiphone makes great, affordable guitars, as well, though the necks are rather fat and that can make them challenging to play. Since one person's dream guitar is another's nightmare, it's always good to see how different brands and different models feel in your hands before deciding.

If you want to do some research, Musician's Friend is a great resource. You can search by brand, price or customer rating. Guitarists also post instrument reviews that will give you a good idea which guitars are great players and which ones have "issues" that could make them difficult or impossible to play or keep in tune. Here's a link:

The most important thing is to choose a guitar that feels really natural in your hands. Everyone swears his/her favorite guitar is the best one, but if one guitar suited everyone, there wouldn't be so many brand names and models available. Trust your instincts, since the way your guitar feels to you is more important than the name on the headstock. The more comfortable you are with your guitar, the more you'll practice and the sooner you'll become a great guitarist.

Kustom amps are really cool. They were really popular in the '70s and then vanished for years before reappearing a while ago, since lots of guitarists were in the market for vintage and retro amps. And there are a lot of Kustom amps from the '70s still in circulation, which indicates they're built to last. A pretty cool thing to find in your garage! Good luck!

What is a good acoustic guitar song?


My enthusiasm to play the acoustic guitar instead of the electric was recently revived and i want to learn a song, preferably one that isnt just strumming chords and is from a little back in the day (70s - 90s). any suggestions help, thanks

Bron-Yr-Aur-Led Zeppelin
One of the most amazing instrumentals ever

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is good sized guitar for a beginner?

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 on This is a great guitar that is designed for quality sound and artistic ...
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I have been wanting to play guitar for a while and my parents are going to get me one for my birthday, i was wondering what would be a good sized acoustic guitar to start on? or a specific brand? i am left handed if that makes a difference. my boyfriend has a full sized guitar and i cant even get my arm over it, so thats too big, any suggestions?

Tons of info on how to pick your first one:

If you are small, like the size of most pre-teens, you may need to use an older child's size guitar. Chances are you can use an adult sized one, you just have to find the right body style.

As for brands, Yamaha has some of the best from the low to the very high end, and their "low-moderate" priced ones are amazingly good compared to their price-equals. I suggest going to a guitar store and having the pros there walk through the differences with you so you can really pick out the best one for you. Each brand and style has its own sound (some sound more metallic, some sound more harp-like). You really want to avoid the super cheap ones, especially those that come in boxed sets with lots of "stuff". They sound exactly like what you paid for. :)

One tip from doing this process recently: painted guitars are a LOT cheaper than the ones with beautiful wood and clear varnish. This is because they can use uglier looking wood to make great sound. The nice shiny opaque layer of lacquer hides cosmetic wood flaws. Beautiful wood that is also perfectly carved and flawlessly grown is expensive.

What size of guitar for beginner 11 year old boy?


My 11 year old son has asked to learn guitar for quite some time. As I look online to purchase a guitar (Likely cheap from Amazon) I see several sizes available. He said he wants a full size which appears to be 38 or 41 inches and acoustic but I don't know. Will he be able to manage it well enough to learn properly or should we shoot for a smaller size? Any input on sizes and what to look for in a beginner guitar is appreciated.

One problem with smaller size guitars is that they often are just not made very well and can be hard or frustrating to play...but this is common to a degree on many guitars. With a bigger size apparently comes more attention to detail and quality at the factory.

I would just get the full size one.

Be careful to read reviews. Some low end acoustic guitars can be ridiculously hard to play due to poor manufacturing choices and setup.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What is the difference between scales and chords????

acoustic guitar melodies for beginners
 on Guitar Scales for Beginners
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Q. should I learn scales? (beginner at acoustic guitar)

are scales used in music like chords are?
what are scales used for?

Scales are sequences of consecutive notes, usually one of each letter name, modified by flats and sharps. In most music, they're the main source set of the piece -- all the notes in that key (not counting accidentals).
Chords are superimpositions of pitches that sound good together, usually in 3rds but sometimes 4ths. They can be played sequentially as well (as arpeggios, one note at a time).

Every melody, guitar solo etc. uses scales. Think of scales as being the horizontal element of music, chords the vertical. You have to do both to finish the crossword puzzle of music.

What is the best electric guitar and amp for a beginner?


I started playing acoustic guitar a few weeks ago and I'm looking for an electric guitar. My price range is between $800-$1000. I also need a good amp too but i don't have a clue what the best brand names are. I love Van Halen and Joe Satriani type of guitar style. Please help! THANKS!!!!

Hmm theres a loooot between 800 and 1k. you can get a gibson les paul junior with 1 pickup thats a p90. you can get a good esp. you can get a gretech eletromatic which is a hollow body for about $700. you can get a very nice jackson randy rhodes with gold hardware from about 700-1k. if you feel like spending 1500 you can get a parker fly which weighs like 5 pounds and plays like a beast. you can get fender telecaster, stratocaster, jazzmaster, for like 700-1200 for a usa. i wouldnt buy a MIM strat or japan. as they cost about 300 and will not be what ur looking for. you can get a vintage gibson melody make for about 1k. you can get a niceee gibson sg standard for about 900. you can get a faded sg special for about 600. you can get an epiphone black beauty for about 800, its very nice 3 pickups, all gold hardware.
for amps you can get a combo amp, a tube amp. if you want to buy a $200 guitar and get an orange amp a 15 watt head and 15 wat cab will run you about 1k but it is around the nicest amp on the market. i have an ibanez tone blaster 50r.i payed $50 on craigslist, but in stores there like 200. its very nice and can bpleasea crowd of about 1000 people on volume 5 of 10. if you want a good amp that you wont eve need to change, just get a marcial halfstack. hope i helped.

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Can you plug your electro-acoustic guitar into any amplifier?

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Or do you need specific amps for acoustic guitars? I think it does not matter because an amp is an amp, but I just want to double check it with you guys. Could I plug in an electro-acoustic guitar into my amp which I use with my electric guitar? Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can, but you get a much truer sound from a specifically acoustic amp, but they cost a fortune

How can I connect my acoustic guitar to my PC?


I want to connect my acoustic guitar to my PC and play it through my speakers which is a 5.1 system with amplifier. What are the things that I need?

If you have an acoustic electric, why don't you just plug right into the speakers?
all you'll need is an adapter to convert 1/4" jack to a 1/8" jack.
Most powered speakers have either an input cord that you plug into your computer or iPod or a input jack that you plug into.
Get an adapter cord that is either a 1/4 male to 1/8" male to plug INTO your speakers, or get an 1/8" female to 1/4" male to plug into your guitar FROM the speaker.

if you plug into the PC, there will be a delay from when you strum and when the sound will come out of the speakers.

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How can I find musicians who would be willing to play ambient music?

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 on If the GuitarNoize review wasn't enough to sway your wallet in ...
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Q. I like blues, and ambience music the best because it's my style, ambience in my definition is psychedelic like spacey, nature sounding music, and blues is self explanatory.
To play ambient music as a band would need acoustic guitars, reverb effect pedals (I have the Eventide Space pedal which is considered the most advanced reverb sound technology out right now, as for blues I have the right kind of amp, so where could I find the players

Most music equipment stores, like guitar and amplifier sales centers, have a bulletin board where you can advertise FREE for musicians. Many also have an email list of musicians looking for bands. There are also places on line like Craig's list where you can advertise for musicians in your local area. I would do a Google search for help wanted musicans and see what you come up with.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=fba88d720095cd57&biw=1334&bih=568

Can you use an acoustic guitar amp for a keyboard?


I know generally guitar amps only allow for the low range of frequencies and they have all the effects that a keyboardist doesn't need, but acoustic guitar amps have a tweeter and less effects. Sometimes on ebay they are listed as acoustic guitar/keyboard amp. So how would a keyboard sound through an acoustic guitar amp?

tried it at school once, made an incredibly loud screeching noise

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where can i customize my ibaniz acoustic guitar?

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 on ... Spanish Classical Vintage Acoustic Guitar | Vintage Classical Guitar
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Van the Sp

I have an ibaniz electric acoustic guitar. How can i customize it without damaging it, further more is there a way i can do this myself? I'm trying to customize it similar to Jack Blacks from Tenacious D.

If you are not familiar with how a guitar is made or setup (intonation, truss rods etc) I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND taking your guitar apart to customize it. If you want to have it customized, I would take it to a Luthier of guitar shop where they will recommend one to you. The reality is that it will be way cheaper to bu a guitar like the one you want as opposed to customizing it yourself. Sorry!

where can i find a replacement neck for my acoustic guitar?


i just accidentally broke the headstock off of my epiphone aj-100 acoustic guitar. dont tell me to just get a new one 'cause it was my first guitar. could you tell me where i could find a new neck?

I would go to Stewart Macdonald dot com

In most cases, since the aj-100 is such an inexpensive guitar, you are better off taking it straight to a luthier. He or she can either repair the neck or make you an exact copy if you can afford it. Best of luck no matter what your decision is. I have put two to three times what I had invested in an instrument many times if I have an attachment to it, so I completely understand why you might make this decision, but take it to a luthier if you are going to go all the way, and get the job done right.

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what is the name of this 2010 soft rock song?

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 on Our Recommended LH Acoustic Guitar - Takamine LH Acoustic
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I don't know the name of the song or band but I remember seeing the music video on MTV in 2010. It had a real nice elegant acoustic guitar sound and yes it was a love song. The music video showed the lead singer writing a letter or lyrics to a song on his notebook or whatever and he was all tattooed up. It showed him playing his guitar. And he was next to his piano also. It was a really good song that I don't know the name to or the band that played this masterpiece.

If you remember any lyrics type them into google with "" <-- that will search the exact phrase!

Why are some good songs to play on acoustic guitar?

New songs from 2010 or 2011 please. I have a pretty far singing range. And I'm sorta in the middle of beginner and expert when it comes to guitar. 10 points to best answer.

ohhh my gosh i would just die if u did this song, the song called "anyone else but you" by "moldy peaches" lol i love the group name and when u listen to it for the first time u defffinetly need to listne to the one at the end of the movie JUNO its wayyy to cute and a cute acoustic guitar what are u waiting fo...check it out already!!!!! :DD

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What is a cheap acoustic guitar that does NOT buzz?

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 on This Tanglewood Acoustic Guitar is 8 month old and You might see some ...
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I was looking at the epiphone pr150, the Jasmine S34C NEX, and the washburn D100DL acoustic guitars. I've played guitar for 7+ years, but I've never owned an acoustic guitar, and I was looking for a cheap one. (Really cheap like around $130) what is a good cheap acoustic guitar that doesnt buzz?

Well Guitar Center is having a sale. Maybe you can find something there:

$50 off $299+ select Acoustic Guitars order!
use coupon UNPLUGGED
Expires: 05-17-2011

Where to get a cheap acoustic guitar online?

Will R

I'm looking into painting some guitars but I don't want to use my own so I was wondering if anyone knows where to get a cheap acoustic guitar from for £20 or less?

You won't find anything new that's playable for that. If you check the classified ads, you might find something used for that, but that's still pretty low ball. If you aren't willing to spend at least 50 pound, then you don't really want to play guitar. there's no free lunch mate.


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What is the best acoustic guitar for a beginner?

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 on how to give guitar lessons. First eight guitar lesson plans
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Lena A

I'm just starting out, and am looking to make an acoustic guitar out there my own. My price range is around 200-350, and I really want a guitar that will make me love playing music. What is the best acoustic guitar for a beginner?

There are a lot of different things to consider when buying a new acoustic guitar. For a beginner it is important to weigh up quality with price. It is much better to go for a acoustic guitar that is on the lower end and then as you get better buy a better guitar.

Having the best guitar won't make you the best guitarist so there is no point investing in a really expensive instrument.

For around $200 or $350 i would suggest purchasing perhaps a Yamaha FG700S Folk Acoustic Guitar.

I hope this information helps.

Check out the site below for more information about acoustic guitars. You can also sign up for a free guitar lesson.

Experienced Flamenco players, what's the best way for complete noob to learn Flamenco Guitar?


I have very little (almost a complete noob) experience on a ukulele (only learned a few notes to strum), but I have little interest in the uke. I want to learn guitar, and more specifically flamenco guitar (though I have an interest in country music as a whole, too), but I have no idea where to start. I can't read music, and I have a very basic understanding of tabs.

What's the best way for a complete beginner like me to learn? I realize going to Spain or hiring an instructor (in person or online) are the best routes, but neither are something I can do right now. I may seek one out in a few years, but in the mean time I need to start off with something else. So what is my next best FREE option? I have enough to buy an inexpensive acoustic guitar and a few instructional dvd's, but that's it. I'm a very patient person who's willing to put in the basics for months before even attempting a song, so what do you experienced players think would have been the best route if you had to restart from the very beginning without having an instructor (at least for 3 to 5 years), but needed to self-teach?

Should I learn classical, or look through a much more limited selection of flamenco instructional dvd's? I've looked through a few, but they seem geared toward those with a little experience with classical guitar already.

Or do I just learn classical first, and then 'unlearn' a few things when I move into self-taught flamenco a year or two later?

I'm so confused because it seems like there's just a limited amount of flamenco self-teaching aids, and they seemed geared toward those that know a bit about guitar already. There's slightly more classical self-teaching aids, but I've heard I'm going to have to UNLEARN (seems less efficient) a few things when I finally do move to flamenco. And then there's just basic acoustic guitar (country, pop, etc) with so many free instructional videos online...

So what should I do considering I'm a complete beginner with a little bit of funds and only enough time to spend 2 to 3x a week learning the absolute basics right now?

My ultimate goal? In 10 years to be playing flamenco well enough on my own that I can enjoy picking through various songs from memory and having fun...

Spend as a minimum, $300 on a steel-stringed acoustic having good volume and tone. Next, start with Country to get the feel of chord changing and specific runs from one chord to the next.

Flamenco style playing will come as your expertise builds with fingerstyle playing. Start with learning some basic Flamenco-style songs such as "Malaguena," "Espana Cani," "The Breeze and I," "Kiss of Fire," "Marie," and similar Spanish-feeling tunes. I have more on my mind, but cannot recall their titles.

Russell E had provided some excellent tips in that fanning chords is one good way to get that Flamenco touch. You can experiment with the chords of E and Am by downstroking with your four fingers on the nails and then reverse the approach by starting with the little finger and end with the forefinger on the upward swing. I believe nails are crucial to get that volume and control you would need.

What's more, developing your own unique style of playing is ever important. You can mimic other great Flamenco players up to a point, but remember--it's your playing that counts. The same goes for the Country genre.

For many years I copied the deliveries of Chet Atkins and Merle Travis only to eventually learn that there can only be one Atkins and one Travis in the guitar world. I developed my own style of delivery that has nuances of Atkins, Travis, Montoya, and others--to include Lightnin' Hopkins and Jimmy Reed--both credible Blues' players and singers.

Don't forget the lure and captivity that Delta Blues can offer. The tunes and lyrics are simple and so are the chord progressions, but they can create moods where they are in the infancy stage.

Buy a quality chord book and a beginner's guitar manual such as published by Hal Leonard and Mel Bay. Don't forget to focus strongly on the music theory sections in the book as that is one attribute you must build upon.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Best recommended acoustic guitar for beginners?

great cheap acoustic guitars
 on Green Cheap Acoustic Guitar,cheap acoustic guitars, acoustic guitar ...
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What is the most suitable, good, cheap acoustic guitar for beginners who have no experience?

Take someone with you who is already into playing guitar to help make your choice when shopping for your guitar. Good to try out all the units to compare and find the ones that will fit your present needs when it comes to feel, sound, performance and price range.

Brands are many, even 'low-end' models are good to begin with: Alvarez; Art & Lutherie; Dean; Epiphone; Ibanez; Jasmine(Takamine); Johnson; Lag; Michael Kelly; Seagull; Washburn and Yamaha.

Great adventure to begin with. Welcome to the world of axes.

How can i get rid of the dead notes in my guitar?


I have a cheaper dean acoustic guitar with a couple dead notes in the higher fret area's, the rest sound great but i was curious how to take care of this when i take it in for repair so i don't sound like a knob

Just tell the luthier that there are dead notes on the guitar, and show them where.

It's likely a fret that's not level somewhere. But, they're the expert (supposedly). It's up to them to figure it out and fix it!

That said, it's possible that your guitar is just acoustically dead at those notes. That has to do with the type of wood and the bracing used under the top. In that case, it would probably be more expensive to fix that than to just get a better guitar. Keep that in mind.

Greetings from Austin, TX


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Which Guitar Is Better For Beginners?

acoustic guitars for beginners toronto
 on Sunrise Electric Guitar - $50 (Orleans) for sale in Ottawa, Ontario ...
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Its really hard to tell with Asian built beginners guitars, as it depends on what materials were coming down the assembly line and what kind of day the under payed worker was having on any particular day, which is why a beginner should buy from a good music store which in many cases sell used guitars also, this way if you do have a problem you can deal with the music store rather than some guy on a classified ad.

What's a good guitar for a beginner?


Hi, i'm looking to buy a beginner guitar for $200 or less. Should i get an acoustic one or a classical one? Please tell me the difference and what type of guitar you used to have when you were a beginner. I live in Toronto, Ontario. Do u know any good places? I don't mind getting a used one. Please help. Thank you.

Any guitar is good to start on, I'd suggest an acoustic so you can play anywhere. A Classical guitar usually has nylon strings that are softer in sound & touch. You'd be better off on a regular acoustic so your fingers can get toughend up. Yeah, they'll hurt!

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