Saturday, February 8, 2014

Acoustic guitar website?

Yea so my friend's daughter wants an acoustic guitar, but custom made. She is still a kid, going to turn 9 so is there any websites where she can order a guitar like colors and designs and a case to go with it?

Custom made acoustic guitars start around $5000 and go up from there. On the plus side, at that price they usually come with a case.

It's the rare nine year old who's mature enough to stick with it one she discovers that she can't instantly play it. Especially if colors and designs are of primary importance to her. Still, there are companies that specialize in girl's guitars or girl-appropriate guitars:

You need to ascertain what size guitar is required. It's probably that she's not yet big enough for a full size guitar so you might need a 3/4 size. Your local music store can help you with that. Good luck.

guitars !?


Are all acoustic guitars the same. like do they play the same
i know acoustic and electric are different.

why are guitars so expensive, there just made out of wood.. right?
which guitars are great and afforable?
excuse me. i meant affordable. lol
iam typing and eating at the same time. aha

anyways thanks in advance

All acoustic guitars are not the same. There are a variety of body shapes and sizes and lots of different woods that can be used. Each of these choices affect the sound of the guitar. A rosewood and cedar dreadnought is going to have a warm, bass-heavy sound while a maple and spruce grand concert will be a much brighter guitar.

Virtually all of the less expensive ones are made from inferior wood and stamped out in a factory in Asia, mostly in China. Little care or attention is paid to the fit and finish, much less to the resonance of the wood.

More expensive guitars use better quality wood and are made much more slowly. The braces are shaved - a laborious process to ensure optimum resonance - and the top is often tap-tuned to ensure top quality sound. All of this takes time and skilled labor. The guitars are precisely assembled, finished, and inspected.

If you live anywhere near Nazareth, Pennsylvania take a tour of the CF Martin factory and you'll understand why their guitars cost so much.

One last thing: certain wood, like Brazilian rosewood, is in short supply since trade in it is banned by international treaty, and can add $3000 - $5000 to the cost of a guitar.

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Why are my acoustic guitar's strings sounding like this?


I have an Ovation Celebrity (cc-28) with the DâAddario EXP16 strings it came with when I got it Christmas of 2011

The E, A, D and G strings all make buzz like sounds rather than the brilliant sounds they used to make, no matter what tuning the guitar is in, or what notes are fretted (open note buzzes too).

This isn't fret buzz. What's going on with my strings and what can I do about it (without potentially harming my guitar) ?
Also, they are copper coated strings which I've heard last longer.

I've been hesitant to change them because the stock strings they come with are pretty expensive compared to the Ernie-Balls I have on my other guitars, and I don't want to waste a set of strings if I potentially don't need to

How do you know if you need new guitar strings?

For Acoustic and Electric guitars
Couple of questions to answer:

1) Have you had the same strings on for over 2 months?
2) Are your strings rusty?
3) Are your strings rough?
4) Do your strings sound dull?
5) Had a string break recently?

If you answered yes to any of the above, its probably time to replace your strings.

Because of moisture on your fingers and in the atmosphere, strings corrode and rust over time and their ablility to vibrate diminishes. This not only causes the sound to dull but even worse, the feel of the strings becomes rough and will hurt or even damage your fingers.

Strings can also become brittle from too much vibration, just think of how a paper clip snaps if you twist it too much, the same happens to strings - especially if you use a lot of different tunings.

If you play a lot, say for 2 hours a day every day, then you should look at changing your guitar strings every month.
If you play less, but still strum most days, the max you should leave them on the guitar would be 2 months.

Strings are quite cheap, about £5 for a set of 6.

There is an alternative to changing your strings this often. You can buy coated strings. These last longer due to a coating on the strings that prevent dirt build up and corrosion. Coated guitar strings tend to last 3 to 5 times longer than normal strings, so you can leave them on for longer. These still need to be changed though. At least every 6 months these should be changed as they are also prone to breaking because of the vibrations of the string as explained earlier using the paper clip analogy.
Coated strings do cost more, about £12 for a set of 6, but last longer, so can work out more cost effective.

Ernie Ball Coated Strings have titanium reinforcement to make them stronger and less prone to break.

For Bass Guitars, the strings are much more substantial and tend to last longer and hold their tone. Change bass strings at least once a year.

For Classical Guitars with nylon based strings, again because of the way they are made, they don't rust, so last longer. They do age though, so do need replacing. When they age they tend to stretch and become hard to keep in tune. If you don't want to wait till this starts happening, you should look at changing them every 3 to 4 months.

So to summarise:
Change your Electric / Acoustic uncoated strings at least every 2 months.
Change your coated Electric / Acoustic strings at least every 6 months.
Change your Bass guitar strings at least once a year.
Change your Classical guitar strings at least every 4 months.

Details of guitar strings can be found at the Guitarbitz Guitar Strings page.

Is this acoustic guitar good for a lifetime guitar?


The Ibanez AEG10NE Acoustic-Electric Guitar (in black) is the one I wanna purchase. It'll be my first guitar and I don't plan on purchasing any new guitars in the future so if I buy it, it'll be my one and only lifetime guitar. Is it good for a lifetime guitar? Pros and cons? I really like the shape and the fact that it has a built-in tuner and standard amp connection.

Here's the link to the website for this guitar:

Here's a quick video review of the guitar:

Thanks in advanced for any help!

Nope, that guitar will not last a lifetime. It's a nice guitar for a beginner, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. That particular model is a nylon stringed classical guitar. Are you sure you want to play classical guitar?
2. For $300 it doesn't even have a solid wood top. Any good guitar will minimally have a solid wood top and preferably solid wood back & sides as well.
3. You're paying a lot of extra money to get electronics on a classical guitar. I don't see a lot of sense in that.
4. Almost any musician (regardless of instrument) will start on a lesser quality instrument and, if they find they enjoy the instrument and get good at it, will continue to move up to better quality instruments. It's unrealistic to think you'd be happy with this guitar if you continue playing and get more skilled.

Anyway, that's a fine beginner guitar although I wouldn't waste money on electronics and would spend that money to get a solid wood guitar instead.

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Am I being selfish and/or stupid?


I am 14 years old. I want to buy an acoustic guitar. I have always wanted to play the guitar since I can remember. But my dad got a piano for free and wanted me and my sister and brother to play it. So I played to piano for like 7 years. We just quit with our piano teacher, b/c she was absolutely crazy (and are taking a little break and are going to find a new one soon).
I have been seriously thinking about playing guitar since November 2012. I've looked up everything about them and the best ones to get for a beginner. I have saved a bunch of money up and am prepared to spend like $200, plus picks, tuner, case, ect... I'm not asking my parents to pay anything; not even lessons. I plan to buy books and watch online lessons to teach myself. My dad told my mom he doesn't want me spending this much and he doesn't want me to get a guitar (meanwhile he acts cool about it when I told him and talk about it). My brother bought himself an iPod Touch (which cost $200) when he was 14. But my dad is a freak about money, I mean I have like 700+ in the bank. I have saved and never made any big purchases. I just want to buy a guitar before I have to get a job, get my licensee, and car. My brother(now older), has a car, which needs repairs, bills to pay, and he keeps making purchases, and my dad is all worried about that.
I just broke the news to my sister that I am going to buy a guitar and now she wants one. She is one of those competitive, "You're not going to do anything I can't do, and your not going to do it better than me" type of person. I can't do anything without her doing it and doing it better. She even admitted to me wouldn't buy a guitar if I wasn't!!!!!

So my dad was arrested almost a year ago for domestic abuse. He was gone for basically a month, but we gave him a second chance and let him back home. He went to therapy and mom and him went to couples therapy. But then he stopped. He slowly slipped back into his old self. And even though he hasn't flipped out and hurt us yet. He is depressed, anxiety ridden, mean, grumpy, and he is emotionally abusive. We don't know how to get away from him, there is no one to help us. We are building a house with him and don't know what to do. We truly thought he was getting better, but he isn't even trying to get better. We are stuck with him now.
My dad is stressed, making my mom stressed, and my sister is breathing down my neck every second of everyday, making me stressed. My bro is stressed from my dad and growing up and bills that need to be paid. I don't know what to do.
Anyways, I feel guitar is my passion and I really want to play. But should I not buy a guitar and just save my money since my family and I are moving and between my dad and everything should I just save? Or should I drop $200 bucks for a guitar? What should I do? What would you do?

Also if you could give me any advice to talk to my dad about everything and pray my dad starts going to therapy. B/c when he is doing better he is a good guy. I just need advice. Thank you in advance.

(This felt good to write and get off my chest.) (Also, my sister is pretty cool, just really competitive.)

Hey, sorry to hear about what you have been through with your family. It seems extremely tough and I can't imagine how stressed you must feel. I really am sorry.

As far as your dad goes: Have you told him how passionate you are about playing the guitar. Does he know that this is what you live and breathe for? If he does and still says "no" to the idea, try looking for guitars that are cheaper than $200. Maybe a used one from a pawn shop, amazon, ebay would make him sway towards your way.
Having a guitar of my own, I say you should definitely get your own. It's so much fun to play songs and make your own! You would love it. However, I would not go against your father's wishes -unless you KNOW he will not get mad.

As for your sister: she may be competitive. she may even get a guitar. But, know that if you are the only one that is really interested in it, you will be the only one to excel. You will learn the notes, chords, and strumming patterns. Not her. :)

For your mother: Let her know that she is in control. Your dad came to her after being arrested. He needs her. She should be the one to call the shots in the relationship. If she wants him in therapy, she should give him an ultimatum. But, then again, your dad might be a control freak (it sounds like he is) and this could anger him more...I just wish your mother would realize how stressed you are. Let her know how you feel. How you REALLY feel. If tears start falling, let them fall. I don't think she understands what you are going through and she can help you more than anyone here.

A last thing: Congrats on saving so much money! You're only 14, do you work or are you saving money that your parents give you? Either way, you have excellent money management skills that you should be proud of. It will come in handy when you get a job, go to college, and become whatever you want to be.
Another thing, don't worry about money. Your parents may like to be tight with their money, but it doesn't mean they are having money problems. Just think about it...they are building a home. They have to have money somewhere. Don't worry. You are too young to worry.

Final thing. I promise :) If you ever feel like you need to get something "off your chest", talk to someone. Don't keep it in. You can even message me if you want.

what is the diff with these strats?


Im interested in a Fender strat but there are some ranging from $200 to $4000. So whats the main differences between the $180 Fender Squire affinity strat

the $450 Fender Std Strat

then of course the Fender Standard American Strat.$999

Thank you for those who respond. and Im only 16 years old. I love playing guitar, I've taken lessons on acoustic when I was ten but that only lasted a few months. So a few weeks ago I've started practicing on my cheap symphonics acoustic (it was a free gift 6 string acoustic so I cant complain, and ive put d'adarrio strings on it) and I've been on youtube learning to play some songs from John Mayer and Beatles, Eric Clapton etc.... (some musicians I like) and Ive developed the callouses on my fingers, and what not, but I've heard its better to start on an electric, and of course im not so so great on the cheap little acoustic but Ive been practicing chords on it etc....etc..SO Im saving up some money and I particularly like Fender guitars for some reason (prob cause Eric Clapton,Jeff Beck and John Mayer use them) so yea my point is, im a little more advanced then a beginner so like intermediate. Im just looking for a good Fender strat I can learn to practice and play on

Hello there,

The difference is in how they feel to play, how they sound and how well they will stand up to the rigors of gigging.

Not all Squier Strats have a body made from alder. I think the Afiinity still does. Most cheaper Squiers are either basswood or agathis. Even thought the Affinity body may be alder, the MIM Standard is alder and the American Standard is alder, the woods are not of equal quality. Fender uses higher grade lumber in its more expensive guitars. The manner of making the bodies is not the same. Sure they have the same general shape. But the similarity ends there. The Affinity body is made from several pieces of alder. I have seen up to 5 used. Using up the smaller scraps of lumber reduces the amount of wood wasted and lowers the production cost. It also lowers the tone of the body. MIM Standard is made from 2 or maybe 3 pieces. The American Standard is 2 piece. The Affinity body is not made to Fender specs. It is much thinner than a Fender Stratocaster.

The neck is a similar matter. All are made from maple. All can have either a maple or rosewood fretboard. The higher grade lumber is used for the Fender Strats and the lower grade goes into the Squier. The grain pattern in most Squier necks is not nearly as attractive as the grain pattern in most Fender necks. The Squier neck simply will not sound as good as the Fender neck because it is made from lower grade maple. The MIM Standard will have a better job of beveling, dressing and polishing the ends of the frets. The American Standard is better yet. The American Standard will have a higher quality nut and more detailed in its shaping than a MIM Standard. The Squier has a molded plastic nut. The American Standard will have hand rolled edges to the fretboard. An experienced player will appreciate all the small details of the American Standard. A beginner will not notice them. Those small details are hand labor and raises the cost.

The American Standard has pickups with Alinco magnets. The MIM Standard has pickups that have ceramic magnets, They are slightly hotter than the American pickups, but sound very good. The Squier will have cheaply constructed pickups with ceramic magnets. Most are hotter to compensate for the lack of tone. To an inexperienced ear, they may sound decent. To an ear that has played for thousands of hours, that lack of tone is intolerable. The electronics in the American Standard are first rate. CTS pots and a CRL switch. The MIM Standard will have good electronics. I have even seen CTS pots (American made) in some MIM Strats. The Squier has low quality electronics. The pots are absolutely terrible. Beginners don't rely on the tone controls all that much, so they may not even realize how bad the pots are.

The Squier Affinity is mass produced. The MIM Standard is mostly mass produced. The American Standard has a little mass production and a significant amount of hand fitting of the parts. The more hand labor involved in the assembly, the higher the cost.

Every little part on the Squier Affinity is cheaper and lower quality than on the Fender Strats. The 2 screws that hold the claw in place are shorter and thinner than a Fender screw. They are some soft alloy. If they save a penny or two on the two cheap claw screws, you know they scrimped on everything else.

Overall, the Squier Affinity is suitable for a beginner to learn on. Maybe a casual player will use one. It is not built well enough to gig with. It will not hold up to that sort of use. The MIM Standard is a work horse. It is sturdy and well made. Guys I know refer to the MIM Standard as the working man's caster.

The Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster does cost several thousand dollars. On mine, the neck and body were made by one person. Both signed and dated. Hand selected the lumber. He hand fiited the parts together. One of the pickup makers made the pickups. Hand wound (not machine wound like the regular production guitars). The pickups were wound as a matched set. Then the guy building my CS Strat put them into the guitar he had assembled. The Custom Shop has craftsmen who are proud of their work. To me, it is definitely worth the difference. I appreciate and recognize the work someone put into the building of that Strat. The builder's skill and his pride in his work product are evident.

Which Strat is best for you depends on how you plan to use it. To learn to play on and to jam with friends a Squier Stratocaster will fit your needs. There are several models of Squier Strats.The quality increases along with the price. There is a difference between a $120 Bullet, a $180 Affinity, a $220 Standard and a $350 Classic Vibe. The MIM Standard has been around since about 1990. There are a lot of used ones on the market. You can get them for $225 to $285 in very good condition.If you are considering one of the more expensive Squier models, seriously consider getting a used MIM Strat.


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Acoustic guitar?


I am a beginner looking to buy a good acoustic guitar. I want it to last a while and have good sound quality. I have heard Hohner is a good brand. Is this true, or would a different guitar suit me better?

A really great guitar is the Martin DX1 Dreadnought Acoustic guitar. It has great sound, great playability, and a good price. Around 500 dollars. Martin is top brand in my opinion.

But if you're not willing to spend that much right yet since your just learning, I recommend the LH Leiland. Its by Oscar Scmidt, it has great sound and it stays in tune well. The price is usually around 200 for a gig package (i got mine for 50 bucks haha, friend needed money.) But its a great guitar for a beginner. Its what I learned on.

Playing guitar is great, it takes practice and patience but its fun. Don't forget to learn your music theory. Try this

It has great lessons and is very understandable.

Find a guitar that has the sound and comfort that you're looking for. Maybe go with somebody who plays guitar and is knowledgable. There's a great article about choosing an acoustic guitar in Acoustic Rock magazine. See if you can find it.

Good luck playing and enjoy it. It's a lot of fun.

Acoustic Guitar Lessons?

Pablo G

Anyone know a website or something that will teach my how to play the acoustic gutar? (Give links if possible)

Try these links below-

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What is a good beginner guitar for an 8 year old girl?


My 8 year old daughter wants to learn how to play guitar. I bought her a kids guitar last year but it's so cheap that the strings don't stay tuned and the fret board is loose. I'd like to get her an acoustic guitar but one that's smaller so she can learn to play it well. I want to spend under $200 if possible.

Yamaha makes a relatively sturdy and very nice sounding guitar that you can probably get in a kit with a strap and tuner at Sam Ash or It is a full-size guitar (but "full size" is relative, as it's smaller than most professional guitars), but I simply have not seen a child-size guitar that's made well. Let her try one at the store to make sure.

What's a good beginning guitar for an almost 8 year old?


My cousin really wants a guitar for his birthday and I want to get him one. Price isn't much of an issue. Like I said he's 8 years old and more on the smallish side. He has had no lessons in guitar but he wants to learn. I think an acoustic guitar would be best...maybe with nylon strings? Where can I buy him a good guitar that possibly comes with teaching techniques? Thanks!
P.S. I'm looking into a private tutor for him so he can really learn.
I said not much of an issue. But I would prefer the least expensive route.

Wow, you're nice! You said money is not much of an issue so I found the world's most expensive one for $2.8 million, a standard series Stratosphere, beating Erick Clapton's old record of $930,000.

Get the 2 million dollar one. Also, I am a private tutor. For Spanish though.

HEY, don't give me a thumbs down, I'm trying! I couldn't find the cheapest guitar in the world.

Answer mine please?;_ylt=Ausr7g7y2gymIp1qL4ffmynsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090418180054AA0StXT

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Friday, February 7, 2014

What is the best type of guitar to buy for my 6 year old?


I am planning on getting an acoutic guitar for my son whom has never played and I want a nice one but do not want to spend lots of money until I see if he will have an interest in playing and then I may sign him up for lesson. I saw a first act online at best buy but not sure if this is the right one to get. What size should I get 30"????? Please help..thanks in advance


fender makes a good 3/4 size acoustic. its only $100 too. wonderful guitar, the right size, and a good price. sounds like a winner.

there is also
if you wish to get him a classical guitar.

What and where can I purchase a guitar beginner 6 year old?


I have always been musically inclined and my son is ready to learn an instrument and he chose the guitar! I am a violinist, so I loved the choice (no matter what it was). I don't know much about guitars and wanted to know if anyone had any insight for my 6 year old. And, does anyone know a good quality beginner guitar produced for young players like my son?

You can get the little acoustic guitar made by First Act for about $20 at Target, Toys R Us and other places. I bought one for my son when he was three. It's actually a pretty decent instrument - especially for the price.

If you want to jump into a higher quality instrument right away you might want to check out a baby Taylor made by Taylor guitars. I'm not sure on the price but I'm guessing they are around $300?

Whatever you decide on, make sure the guitar isn't too big for him. The average "dreadnought" style acoustic guitar does not work well for young children.

From my experience as both a father and guitar teacher I think that you should take it slowly with him and make things more like a game than work. If you get private lessons make sure the teacher has experience with kids this age. Go for 15 minute lessons - 30 minute lessons are too long!

I host the free Beginning Guitar Podcast at It's not geared towards children but it is something that you could listen to together and you could help pass the information along to him. Since you already play violin you will have no trouble at all doing that.

Best of luck to you both,

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what kind of strings should I buy for my acoustic guitar?


I have an Indiana Scout acoustic guitar >

and I'm want to buy new strings... the other day I went to the store and they sold me all 6 strings for 25 dollars I thought it was to much and now I want to buy them online.

I'm not sure which ones I should buy. I am a beginner and would like some feedback.


Acoustic Guitar

"Acoustic guitar" refers to hollow-bodied guitars without electric amplification. They may have nylon or steel strings. The strings of a six-string guitar are tuned to E, A, D, G, B, E, a fourth apart except for the major third interval between B and G. Frets are placed by the fret rule "one-eighteenth the remaining length of the string". This makes them a semitone apart.

Top plate made of spruce or cedar. Spruce more prevalent in steel string "folk" acoustics while cedars are more prevalent in classical guitars. Williams, Jim, A Guitar Makers Manual. Brazilian rosewood is favored for making the backs and sides of a guitar because it is very hard and tends to contribute to a brighter sound.

A round hole 3 1/4" to 3 1/2" in diameter in the top plate creates a cavity resonance which strengthens the sound produced.

Just like brake pads on a car, guitar strings wear out with use. Old guitar strings often behave badly - they'll lose tuning more quickly, sound less "bright", and give you problems with intonation. Old guitar strings also break, often during the most inopportune moment. Be sure to head into any live playing situation with new strings on your guitar, and several more sets of strings packed in your case, should you break a string during performance.

When I'm playing my acoustic guitar a lot, I'll change the strings at least every two weeks (more than that if I'm using it for gigs). It's probably not necessary for beginners to be quite as diligent with keeping new strings on their guitar, but changing strings a minimum of every couple months is a very good idea.

What Sort of Guitar Strings Should I Buy?

Everyone has an opinion on which strings are best, but let's put aside the discussion of guitar string manufacturers for a moment, and discuss the type of strings needed for your guitar. If you own an acoustic guitar, you need "acoustic guitar strings". If you own a classical guitar, you need "classical guitar strings" or "nylon strings". An electric guitar needs "electric guitar strings". And a bass guitar needs... wait for it... "bass guitar strings".

You also need to consider the gauge (thickness) of strings you'd like. This is where personal preference comes into play, but for beginners, I recommend starting with "medium" gauge strings, and varying from that as you develop a personal preference. An oversimplified rule of thumb is thicker strings provide better tone, but are harder to play.

If you're intimidated by the thought of buying a set of strings from a guitar store, don't be. Simply march in, and say "I'd like a set of XXXXX (brand name - eg. D'Addario, Fender, Dean Markley) medium gauge acoustic guitar strings please." Prices vary from store to store, but a set of acoustic strings shouldn't set you back more than $8 (several brands, like the excellent Elixir strings, cost more, but the merits of these products belongs in another article).

what kind of strings should I buy for my acoustic guitar?


I have an Indiana Scout acoustic guitar >

and I'm want to buy new strings... the other day I went to the store and they sold me all 6 strings for 25 dollars I thought it was to much and now I want to buy them online.

I'm not sure which ones I should buy. I am a beginner and would like some feedback.


Acoustic Guitar

"Acoustic guitar" refers to hollow-bodied guitars without electric amplification. They may have nylon or steel strings. The strings of a six-string guitar are tuned to E, A, D, G, B, E, a fourth apart except for the major third interval between B and G. Frets are placed by the fret rule "one-eighteenth the remaining length of the string". This makes them a semitone apart.

Top plate made of spruce or cedar. Spruce more prevalent in steel string "folk" acoustics while cedars are more prevalent in classical guitars. Williams, Jim, A Guitar Makers Manual. Brazilian rosewood is favored for making the backs and sides of a guitar because it is very hard and tends to contribute to a brighter sound.

A round hole 3 1/4" to 3 1/2" in diameter in the top plate creates a cavity resonance which strengthens the sound produced.

Just like brake pads on a car, guitar strings wear out with use. Old guitar strings often behave badly - they'll lose tuning more quickly, sound less "bright", and give you problems with intonation. Old guitar strings also break, often during the most inopportune moment. Be sure to head into any live playing situation with new strings on your guitar, and several more sets of strings packed in your case, should you break a string during performance.

When I'm playing my acoustic guitar a lot, I'll change the strings at least every two weeks (more than that if I'm using it for gigs). It's probably not necessary for beginners to be quite as diligent with keeping new strings on their guitar, but changing strings a minimum of every couple months is a very good idea.

What Sort of Guitar Strings Should I Buy?

Everyone has an opinion on which strings are best, but let's put aside the discussion of guitar string manufacturers for a moment, and discuss the type of strings needed for your guitar. If you own an acoustic guitar, you need "acoustic guitar strings". If you own a classical guitar, you need "classical guitar strings" or "nylon strings". An electric guitar needs "electric guitar strings". And a bass guitar needs... wait for it... "bass guitar strings".

You also need to consider the gauge (thickness) of strings you'd like. This is where personal preference comes into play, but for beginners, I recommend starting with "medium" gauge strings, and varying from that as you develop a personal preference. An oversimplified rule of thumb is thicker strings provide better tone, but are harder to play.

If you're intimidated by the thought of buying a set of strings from a guitar store, don't be. Simply march in, and say "I'd like a set of XXXXX (brand name - eg. D'Addario, Fender, Dean Markley) medium gauge acoustic guitar strings please." Prices vary from store to store, but a set of acoustic strings shouldn't set you back more than $8 (several brands, like the excellent Elixir strings, cost more, but the merits of these products belongs in another article).

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Acoustic Guitars? -?


I am looking to buy an acoustic guitar.
What type should i look for, what models, brands and prices e.t.c...
would £200-£250 get me a good guitar?

if you want an acoustic guitar id recommend against nylon strung guitars since its probably not the tone your looking for... unless you want to play classical guitar

based on questions you've answered you seem to be a fan of rock so id recommend a dreadnought model to get a fair bit of bass response.
brand-wise look into yamaha since they generally have good products. Cruiser by Crafter have decent electric starter guitars which are quite popular for beginners but I've only tried one of their acoustics. Tanglewood are good also. Really with starters most of them will sound quite similar and the build quality and materials will be about the same anyways.

For starter guitars just go to a shop and tell them that you want to start and they should give you some guidance and pick out the most suitable guitars from their stock. play the strings open to get an idea of the tone, and then try to fret a few notes. if its too hard to hold the frets or you dont like the sound try something different until you find something you like.

if you haven't played guitar at all before you might feel a bit uncomfortable going into a shop and trying something out when you have no idea what you're looking for remember that the guys who work in the shop are their to help you out and most will gladly play something on it for you to hear the tone.

if you live nowhere near a good shop, or have the intention of buying online id recommend this: one of my friends bought the electro-acoustic version and it came set-up well and sounded pretty decent for a starter. aswell as having a very low price!

otherwise probably look to spend around £50-100 for a starter pack with a soft case, spare strings, plectrums and a tuner of some sort.

hope that helps


and £200-£250 should be able to get you a fairly decent solid top electro-acoustic

Acoustic guitars for beginners?

Guy B

What's a good brand and model to start with? Been playing for about 5 months on a cheap ass guitar and i think it's time to get a better one. If any of you know low action ones, that'd be awesome.

Stacey gives some good advice here, like taking the time to try out a number of guitars in you price range in a store.

Brands and models really don't differ that much in the lower price ranges, so it's better to find one that you like, rather than one recommended by others.

That said, you should opt for a steel string acoustic and skip the nylon string acoustics. The steel string guitars are more versatile and easier to play - given that you have it properly adjusted (set up).

Classical guitars have wider necks, higher action and a longer scale than steel string acoustics. In sum, this makes them hard to play for most beginners, even though the strings themselves are softer than the steel ones.

You may get lucky and find one that plays nice (and has a low action) right off the shelf. However, most guitars - even the higher priced ones should be adjusted to the string gauge and playing preferences the individual player has.

You may want to avoid the larger sized acoustic models, called Jumbo and Dreadnought. The smaller Grand Concert and Grand Auditorium models are smaller and easier to handle. The downside is a little less bass response and volume.

Also, make sure that you find a guitar with a neck that isn't too bulky/heavy. Ibanez is one brand that tend to have very nice, player friendly necks.

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Acoustic guitar tabs. Need help?

Ne Treba

I need links of easy guitar tabs.. Beginner

Answer is a great website to use, as is (which includes Ultimate Guitar tabs). I use Guitar Pro for Mac (you can download a free trial) which downloads files from those two websites and shows you the tabs, notes, and plays them out loud with multiple tracks such as drums and "vocals." Guitar Pro is also available for iPhone and iPad, which I prefer better than the pc/mac versions (it's cheaper too). Songsterr for iPhone/iPad is also a good app that doesn't even download tabs, it just searches for them. I believe it is free.

Learn to play acoustic guitar.?


I play bass, (started a few months ago) and I am also learning to play the keyboard better (I'm okay-ish) But, I have absolutely no Idea about anything concerning other instruments. I really want to learn the acoustic guitar... So, yeah. I can't read guitar tabs, I don't know anything about chords really besides that you play them with your left hand on the keyboard.

So, my question is, does anyone know a FREE website, where I can learn everything from scratch? I mean everything. Notes, Tabs, so on. From beginning to end, where in the end I'd like to be able to play random music sheets and tabs of my own choice. I just... know nothing! Oh, by the way, please don't say something like get a teacher or something. I can't, the town I live in is too small and... You get the picture. Also, don't post 'I don't know'. I'm quite certain you just thought about doing that. I just want serious answers. Thanks.

PluckandPlayGuitar has free video based lessons for absolute beginners and assume you know nothing or close to nothing.

It takes you step by step through the basic guitar chords one by one. There's also lessons on guitar scales, techniques and some easy songs to play.

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

What is a good but cheap acoustic electric guitar?


This is always a hard question. The competition amongst brands is fierce and there are way too many to cover. Many of them are in fact the same guitar, made in the same factory with just a different brand name attached to it.

To get a pretty good idea of what AE guitars cost, visit this site:

Next, go to your local guitar shop or musical instrument dealer and PLAY a few that you like. In the end, it is what you like, what feels comfortable, and what you can afford that should be the deciding factors.

If you are very fortunate, you can end up with the same guitar for years. But if not, it's very easy to sell a guitar and use the proceeds to move up in quality later.

Good luck!


Where can i buy a cheap acoustic electric guitar?


My boyfriend wants to learn how to play the guitar but hasn't really got around to getting a guitar. So I want to surprise him for his birthday! I really don't have a lot of money but I really want to surprise him with this! Thanks everyone!

I bought a very good acoustic guiat that has plug in for an amp for £60 on ebay it was brand new and plays amazingly. Check out ebay.

Also if you have a look in a local charity shop you might find a banged up old guitar, if you can get some new strings and give it a few touch up it will look fit for playing. If you pretty creative you could put sticker of band he likes on it or old retro bumper sticker. Tie a peice of ribbon or coloured/black fabric around the end of the neck under the strings to make it look cool. You could paint lyircs in ittalics on the back of yous' favorite song, just personallise it to hide the fact it was from a charity shop. also you will proberbly need to re-string it.

Im sure he will love the effort you put into it if you go for the second option. But £60 is about the cheapest you will get a new guitar for. Hope all goes well

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What is the best type of acoustic guitar to get?


i want to get an acoustic guitar for x mas and i dont know which one would be the best and not too expensive

Acoustic guitars come in two basic types.
Nylon strings (also known as "classical") and
Steel strings (also known as "dreadnaught").

Many guitar teachers recommend the nylon string guitar for beginners primarily because they are not
hard on the fingers. They only need 2-4 lbs of pressure
to make a great sound.
Their softer,"mellow" sound is played with the fingers instead of a pick.

Drednought (folk) guitars are good for experience players that have developed greater hand strngth.
They require 6-12 lbs of pressure to produce a good sound.
They have a "crisper" louder sound and are usually played with a pick.-maybe because steel strings are
"hard" on the fingers-.
Both instruments can be used to play all types of music
but for melody lines in music most players prefer the
nylon string guitar, and for back-up and just chord playing they tend to prefer the steel string guitar.

Either instrument can be found at local music stores and internet music sellers at prices ranging from $100 and up for a playable (Not a toy) beginner's guitar.
Anything under $200 will have a "laminated" top which is like a plastic-like film over a thin piece of wood.
This type wil take more "rough-handling" that solid-top guitars. The down-side is that the sound projected will never improved with age (unlik solid-top guitars).
What is sound like when new will be the same years later.
Solid-top guitars will start around $200.and up and they most likely will have either ceder or spruce as the solid-top.
The wood will "age" with playing and the sound will be superior than the "laminated" top guitars.
Because is a solid-top they are more delicate and subject to be affected by temperature changes.

Be aware that most guitars sold in USA under $800. are manufactured overseas.
Many factories made large volume of guitars that end up with different "Labels" yet they are all made at the same time out of the same machinery.
For this reason it is best to try several guitars in you
budget-range and don't pay much atention to the label.
Go For Sound over Looks and "Brand".

You could also check with Harmony Central ( the Users Review for the
specific guitar you found to your liking to check what
actual owner/players say aabout the instrument.

There are many reliable web music stores that will probably sell the instrument with good warranties.
Most have 800 phone No. and they could answer any question.
There is seldon charges for shipping and no sales tax if their store is not in your own state

If you go via the internet stay away from e-bay sellers.
Too many complaints from buyers about "shady sellers" and poor return polices.

I hope this help- Enjoy your guitar.

Acoustic guitar suggestions?


I'm going to be taking classes and teaching myself. I want to start out with an acoustic guitar, full size, something around $100-$250.

Does anyone have any suggestions, links would be great, thanks :D

An acoustic guitar could mean either a classical or a steel-string. The following is mostly slanted toward steel-strings, since that's what most people want.

Brand actually does make a great deal of difference in this price range - there's a LOT of junk out there. About $100 tends to be the cutoff point between adequate guitars and junk, but a few decent instruments are available at that price point. In the $150-250 range you should have several better choices. Yamaha is an excellent value, and you might also look at Epiphone and Jasmine. You should only buy from a music store after trying several guitars out to make sure you get one that is comfortable to hold and that has good action (strings close enough to the fretboard that you can press them down easily, but not so close that they buzz when playing at any fret).

A "full size" guitar means one with a scale length of 24.5-25.5" and does not refer to any particular body size or shape. You will find a wide range of body styles (with steel-string guitars; classicals have less variability) and it is a matter of personal taste which you choose. Most of the steel-strings in the stores these days are dreadnoughts, a large boxy shape that is good for playing backup. Smaller-bodied guitars give a more balanced tone and are often preferred by fingerstyle players.

It is not true that all Yamaha FG's have solid spruce tops as stated by another contributor. FG ("folk guitar") simply refers to Yamaha's variation on the dreadnought body design, and most of their entry-level FG's are all-plywood construction. They use an S after the model number to indicate a solid top. The FG-700S runs about $200 and is highly recommended. A solid spruce top will sound better and improve more with age. You can tell the difference by looking at the edge of the soundhole - also, if the product description doesn't actually say SOLID spruce, it isn't. Descriptions are frequently worded so as to not make it clear that a guitar is plywood, and in this price range, most won't have solid wood tops. A plywood guitar is perfectly adequate to learn on, but go for the solid spruce top if you can (you would have to move to a considerably higher price range to see solid back/sides).

Hope this helps.

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beginner at acoustic guitar?

Q. i want to find the easiest way to learn cause i get frustrated so easily but i always wanted to learn this so i don't want to give up. i don't want to learn how to read sheet music, is that okay? can i learn by chords or tabs? what do you recommend? please help.


If you get frustrated too easy, then you won't like my answer. There is no easiest way. It takes a lot of time, and dedication to learn how to play a guitar. It's going to take quite some time just to condition your fingers so you're not complaining that your fingers hurt. Anyone can make noise on a guitar. It takes an artist to play it. Been playing since the 60s.

What Are some good acoustic guitar songs for a beginner?


hi i just started playing my acoustic guitar =D after breaking my addiction to video games :P sooo now how do i play some simple songs? :) or what are some easy songs

i have an acoustic guitar that cost 129 $ and its a epiphone. i got mine at a major music instrument store. if you live in toronto canada their are lots of music instrument stores.

now for playing music i recommend guitar lessons email me at for more info.but if u just want to play simple music there are some youtube videos,websites and blogs that show you to play some simple songs.

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What acoustic guitar should I buy for under $500 - $1000 US?


Here are my top 3 right options (in order) right now:

1. Takamine EG523SC
2. Wechter Dreadnought Elite Cutaway
3. Taylor 110e

HELP!! They all seem like good choices, but I want the BEST for my money.. I want something that's easy to play (I'm an intermediate player), sounds great, and is built to last.

One more thing, can I get the best VALUE at this price level ($750)?? In other words, would it be better to drop down to a $500 guitar, or step up to $1000 and go all out???

Thanks for any help!!!

the big ones are martin, taylor, takamine, breedlove, and gibson. martin d-1 and d-15's are nice, very good all around. Breedlove atlas series dreadnoughts are all really sweet sounding, with a very cutting treble. I'm not a huge taylor fan, and have never owned a takamine, but i know that they sound good, and gibsons are probably out of your range.

try fenders perhaps though. I have a few martins, gibsons, and fenders, and though the gibson is my favorite (an old Gibson Dove from a friend), the fenders have a very distinctive sound and i like them almost as much. I don't know if youre willing to buy used, but you could probably get an ls-20 for about in your price range, which just sound amazing. Another guitar i got after i played a freinds and just fell in love, its the Fender J5 signature, of John5 who's an amazing player of all genres.

in short, look at:
Martin D-1 and D-15
Breedlove Atlas series Dreadnoughts
Fender used LS-20
Fender J5 acoustic

Also, I'm sorry, but the person above me is incorrect. Ask any luthier or player, but the major difference in guitars lies not in the metal or the electronics (when speaking of electrics) but in the wood. The reason that squier guitars sound somewhat...bad...and upper end fenders sound amazing is the difference in the quality of the wood. It would cost perhaps 300 dollars max to give a squier all the electronics of a 2000 dollar guitar, and it would still sound terrible, because it has terrible wood. Sorry, I just hate it when people think that wood doesn't matter.

Looking for a good acoustic guitar?


for intermediate player please... an affordable one too and give ratings for them thanks

A good intermediate acoustic guitar would probably be in the $500 - $1000 range. You should definitely be looking for one with a solid top (not laminate), and preferably a solid back and sides as well, although some of the Martins are using HPL (high pressure laminate) and sound pretty nice.

Any Martin or Taylor that falls in your price range would probably be a very safe bet. I also played a Cole Clark guitar that was very nice and cost right around $1000. You'd still want to play them first to be sure it's what you want personally though. Breedlove and Takamine guitars are also very nice intermediate guitars. Seagull makes fine guitars too and you can get a pretty nice one for around $500, just be careful to play it first because they use a lot of cedar tops and they have a different tone than spruce. Again, you really have to play any acoustic before you buy it to be sure the tone and feel are good for you. I have a great old Guild acoustic that I love playing, but it's a pre-Fender one and I haven't played any of their newer ones to know if they're still any good. I think they're still a good option though.

If you want something under $500 that's still a good instrument you'd probably be looking at something like a Yamaha or one of the lower cost Takamines, or possibly an Epiphone if you like them. They're all good brands and I've played some in the $400 - $500 range that sounded very nice. I've heard good things about Walden guitars and have played a few and liked them, but they're not easy to find in music stores.

Those would be the ones I would mainly focus on. Again, it depends on what you consider affordable and intermediate, and what you're playing now. If you're playing a $50 First Act or Gibson Maestro as your "beginner" guitar, then a $200 Ibanez or Dean might seem like a good intermediate guitar for you.

EDIT: See, I'd consider all of the ones Mikey listed as pretty high end hand made guitars costing several thousand dollars. If that's your definition of "intermediate" and affordable, then by all means get one of those, it's a great list of guitars. I wouldn't mind having a $7,000 McPherson myself! I'm not the one giving you thumbs down though Mikey, so don't take it out on me. Some people looking to learn guitar just don't have thousands of dollars to spend I guess.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Good Acoustic-Electric Guitar for 200-300 price range?


Is this a reasonable price range?

Acoustic-electric in the 200-300 range?

I'm going to show you 3 different guitars, you sit and play them all. You tell me what you think.

Well, that's what I would do if I was still working in the guitar shop and you walked in with that question. I suggest going to a store to do just that. Different stores will carry different brands. Shop around. Maybe do it 3 or 4 times at 3 or 4 different stores.

My suggestions to look for might include...

Samick manufacturer - priced relatively lower, materials rated high, craftsmanship okay (check that guitar out).

Ibanez - now making an excellent line of acoustic/electrics with fancy looking stain jobs and special woods. You can find at least one of their guitars in your range, if not 5.

Fender - starting recently with a good line of acoustic guitars, acoustic/electrics are of course available. It's a similar comparison to Ibanez, however, Ibanez gives you more appearance flash for your buck; and the guitars sound different. A Fender tends to be deep like a Martin, and an Ibanez is mid-range to bright, like a Taylor.

Martin & Taylor are 2 high priced end guitar brands that I still suggest. My preference, for sound, construction, playability, and durability is Taylor. I always used to compare Ibanez acoustics of good quality to a cheap priced Taylor guitar. There are major differences, but I guess that means that after all I've given you so far, I would lean you towards Ibanez.

What's the best acoustic/electric guitar for under $200?


I want to get something that I could play at home and on a sound system. I'm a church worship leader, new to the guitar. My budget is small. If there's anything of decent quality that is under or around $200, what is it?

Hi, I'm a worship leader at my church too and have been playing guitar for over 35 years.

On an acoustic guitar, you really want to look for a solid spruce or cedar top. That's hard enough to find under $200. Adding good quality electronics on top of that and keeping the price under $200 is pretty tough, but there are a few guitars that might fit the bill and be reasonably good sounding:

My first choice (slightly over your $200 limit) would be to go on Ebay and search for Walden D550CE. There's seller selling a bunch of those. He's asking $299 for Buy It Now but also has a Best Offer open. Try offering $200 and maybe go as high as $250. Never hurts to try! Those are very good beginner guitars with a solid spruce top and the Fishman Classic 4 electronics.

This Washburn WD7SCEA would probably be my next choice under $200. It has a solid spruce top and decent electronics with a 4 band EQ.

Hohner HW300CE - I know Hohner's are pretty decent quality and the Fishman electronics are great for this price range. This one does not have a solid top, but it might sound good plugged in:

Mitchell MD100SCE - has a solid spruce top but cheap electronics. I've never played one though.

You might find an Ibanez or Fender under $200. Those are decent (not great) acoustic guitars.

Other than the Walden and possibly the Washburn though, those are not guitar brands I would typically recommend or even play myself. My personal favorites guitars under $500 are Seagull, Takamine, and Yamaha. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get one of these brands new under $200 with a solid top and good electronics. If you can find one used though, that would be a better buy than spending money on a lower quality new guitar. Check out Craigslist and see what's available in your area. If you know and have a specific model you like, Ebay is a good option, but again, only if you already know what you're looking for (don't just buy a cheap guitar on Ebay).

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Guitar For Beginners.......?


Can I Start With An Elec.Guitar Or Is First Started With An Acoustic?
How Do I Learn The Basics Without Any Music Classes If I Use The Internet?
Where Can I Learn The Basics If I Am Mainly Interested In Heavy Metal?

Hey :D
I am currently in almost the exact same position as you, except that I've already bought my guitar. I got an electric and ignored everyone's advice about buying an acoustic first. I really love it. =]
I got a cheap guitar, that came with an amp and all that, and it even came with a dvd, with some instruction, but I basically only use it for the chords =P
I would suggest with starting by learning how to read tabs and the names of the strings.
Names of the strings:
From left to right, its
Low E
High E
But you might also hear people refer to them as
In that same order. The thickest one is Low E and/or 6 and the thinnest is High E and/or 1
What I mean by left to right is that if you lift your guitar up vertically, then that's the order you'll see.
Next, learn how to read tabs.
I'd reccomend to ge there --v;_ylt=AnDbS0tHzoErXfA1IQWSxMjpFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090630175135AAON5Ev

Now, once you got that down, try some easy songs. An extremly easy song, which I learned in minutes, was Smoke On The Water. (Another, semi, easy one is Sweet Home Alabama bgy Lynard Skynard)
(Not the video I learned it from but I can't find the one I learned it off of =P)

You can also try looking up some of your favourite songs (I, personally, am currently learning Enterlude by The Killers, ExitLude by The Killers, and A Certain Romance by The Arctic Monkeys.)
Just go to and search for the tablature that you want. =]
I hope I helped you some =P
Ta ta for now xD

What kind of acoustic guitar should i buy for beginners?

Lady Dee

So im new to the guitar world.So what kind of guitar should i get the price range under $200 or 300. And what other stuff should i get with the guitar.

Yamaha's are really good for beginners and affordable! They have great sound, and look great. Believe me, I own one! Some other stuff that you should get with the guitar is probably a tuner. I have a tuner and a Yamaha, that's basically what you need. But you'd always want extra strings but you might also want to see this.
Yamaha's are sold basically everywhere, and you can find them on this website.
I try going to the second website, it's easier to navigate.
Hope this helps!

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acoustic guitar for beginner?


about 6 months ago i decided to start playing guitar...i didnt really know if it was gonna be a fling or a real new hobby..i bought the maestro gibson guitar(from best buy) since it was just a begginer guitar..but i honestly didnt like it...i dont know if youve ever tried it or if all guitars are like it..but the notes sound so off..even right after tuning..i replaced the strings with eernie ball strings but it just doesnt seem right..
when i see vids of ppl playin guitar it feels so smooth but when i play..i could really lose like a pound every half hour because it takes so much effort to play..
so although im still considered a begginer, any ideas of a good non expensive guitar..give me model types and prices plz..thanx
btw-does anyone know the kind of guitars and how much they cost in this video...i know its prob RLY expensive bt i love the smooth and very nice sound :)

Seems like regular Ibanez acoustics in that video. Probably not their cheapest models though, due to the floral neck inlay, but they are not super expensive. What you define as really expensive is of course a subjective matter. The top end acoustic instruments costs $10,000 or more and are hand built.

Also nothing particular about the sound in these guitars. Any decent steel string guitar with fresh strings and a good set-up (well adjusted) should be able to produce at least similar results.

If you go by brands such as Ibanez, Yamaha, Jasmine (by Takamine), Samick or Epiphone and make sure you get a steel string guitar with a solid (all wood) top, you'd be good to go. You should be able to find a good beginner guitar for around $200 and up in the US (they tend to be slightly more expensive in other countries).

Make sure the guitar is being properly set up/adjusted with light strings. Most lower priced instruments needs to be looked over to play well. If you take any guitar right off the shelf and just change strings, it is very likely going to be much harder to play than what is needed.

Only expensive guitars come with a good set up from the factory and even in these instances, the guitars tend to be a little on the "hard to play" side. The reason is that each guitar needs to be adjusted to the person playing it. And if the action (string height) has been set too low, it is much harder to bring it up again.

So, any decent guitar adjustment involves picking the right strings, setting the neck relief (almost perfect straight neck) and then then taking the action/string height down to where it fits the player :-)

Acoustic guitar beginner?


i bought an acoustic guitar and i have no idea how to use it...i don't know how to read guitar tabs or how to play it...the youtube videos i watch confuse you know any good websites or good youtube videos. please help me it would mean alot.

omg! i think its so awesome that you are deciding to learn the guitar yourself! that is what i did about four years ago :). um i will give you my bets of advice. which is basically what i did to learn it. in all honesty-the videos did not really help me so i did it what some would call the "complicated" way but it helps a lot in the long run. i took and learned from multiple sources. and also i have never learned how to read musical notes-but i can read tablature and chords, and i still play it really well so for acoustic guitar learning those ways of reading music will help tremendously. for learning how to read notes i recommend taking a music class in school that teahces you it-thats what im doing next year. soo anyway-i learned from a few different sources-this book-
(it was very helpful-but take everything it says with a grain of salt-not EVERYTHING is entirely true. and if you have any specific questions, you can email me.)
and to read tablature-which is VERY important in learning chords/chord progressions and how to read and begin to play music-is here(its a VERY helpful article):
also this one might help:
and this image will help you too:
ALSO-remember to leanr where each string is located and which string is the first, and which is the last. and what frets are. and of course what chords and tabs are. good luck!!! it sounds really complicated but it gets MUCH easier!! and once you begin to learn-don't forget that you must practice what you know on the guitar EVERY SINGLE DAY for about 3 months for your fingers to form caluses which are very imprtant because they make your playing experience much easier for your fingers(stops the guitar strings from hurting your fingertips) and also it makes you sound better when you are playing then. GOOD LUCK!!! Your gonna need some. :).

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

loss of quality with an acoustic electric guitar?

kevin p

It's time for a new guitar, I think the acoustic electrics are really cool and i'd kind of like to get one. But i'm wondering if it loses any quality on the acoustic side because it's more expensive. The one i'm looking at is a Martin 000CX1 and it's $675. I would imagine that a $675 acoustic guitar would be pretty decent, but with the electric components wouldn't that kind of jack up the price making it so less quality is spent on the acoustic side? Any info would be appreciated, thanks.

Of course the addition of the pick up is going to jack up the price,they cost money and to match the quality sound of a Martin you'll want a high quality pick up.But that being said,if you buy a high quality pick up it should match the natural quality acoustic sound no problem at all. They sound exactly the same if you want it too.Laters.

What is a good quality acoustic electric guitar?


lately ive been wanting to learn how to play guitar. when my sister comes to visit she brings hers, but that is rarely, and she wont let me borrow it. so that is my only chance to practice. i just wanted to know of some good sounding acoustic electric guitars.

You'd have to go to a store and try some for yourself. Im a martin fan and I love the martin gpcpa4 but thats probably too expensive for someone learning. Good quality electric acoustics are expensive.
Some cheaper brands to check out for electric acoustic:
These will be more expensive than non electric acoustics because you'll need an amp and headphones (so you don't piss anyone off) Its up to you what you learn with but I would get a non electric. Lot more choice and cheaper. If you decide not to get electric here's some more brands and models worth checking.
Yamaha fg700s
Seagull s6 slim
Yamaha fg720s
When you get good then let the neighbourhood hear you.

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guitar size?


I am an about a 5'10" 15 year old how tall should my Acoustic Guitar be?

Well, are you gonna dance with it or play it?!

Seriously, it's not about your height, it's more about your hand size. Does a full-size guitar fit comfortably in your hands, or a does a 7/8 size, or a 3/4 size fit better.

My recommendation is to try as many as possible, and buy the one you like. Buy the best one you can afford. Figure on spending around $250 for a decent starter acoustic. Cheap guitars are exactly that, cheap. They can be hard to play and my make you want to give up, so don't buy the cheapest one you can find.

Cheap Acoustic Guitar?


I rounded up about $150 bucks. (I've been working around for like 4-5 monthes top!) And, I don't know how to play any instrument (sad, but true) and I always wanted to play Guitar since I was little. And with my budget, Electric Guitars are out for sure and I really don't want to spend so much at an instrument I might end up, well, sucking at >.<. And I've heard Acoustic is a bit harder to play then an Electric (I'm not 100% on that statement.) So, I'm just looking for a Cheap Acoustic Guitar, luckly, at a store. Does anyone know a good relieable store that might sell an Acoustic Guitar with steal strings, adustable/replaceable strings, a pick (really don't care for a pick though. I can get one easy.) And for someone thats 15 years old. Thank You!

Hmm...I would go to Guitar Center or Sam Ash. If you tell an employee what your price range is, they can recommend the best guitar that they know of for your budget.

Yes, electrics are a bit easier in my opinion. You could actually get a cheap electric guitar for around that same price, except you would have to buy a cable and amp also. If you scrounged up about $50 more, you could get a starter pack for about $200 that includes everything you need to get started on an electric.

Just go to a real guitar shop, not a pawn shop, so that they can help you out with your choice. Make sure you get a full size, too.

Hope this helped =)

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Monday, February 3, 2014

What's the difference between a regular sized acoustic guitar and a beginner acoustic guitar?

no one

I'm 17 and am very intrested in learning how to play acoustic, but I am having trouble deciding what kind to get. I know that beginner acoustics are 38 inches instead of the standard 41, but I don't know why.

Are they meant for children? Should I buy a beginner or a regular sized one?

I don't want to spend a whole lot on a guitar because if I don't like it, then it would be a waste.

a few years ago i started guitar, and i was wondering the same thing. what i ended up getting was more of a beginner guitar. beginner guitars can be used for pretty much any age. i would definitely recommend the beginner for starting out, since they don't cost as much but have pretty nice quality for starters. after awhile, if playing guitar really grows on you, then i would go and buy the full-sized. as for finding the right one for you, i would go to your local music store or Guitar Center to make sure you're getting a fair deal. so i would say, go with the beginner to start out with. :)

What acoustic guitars are best for beginners, not child size though. Adult?


I'm looking at taking up the acoustic guitar. And I need to know what features are best for beginners. If guitar experts and/or teachers could help, that'd be great! Thanks in advance.
Oh, and if any one knows, it'd be great to get the general cost of acoustics, so I know whether i'm getting a deal or not. And thanks these really help!
I'm good on lessons. I'm taking them from a local musical instument school. They teach guitar, bass, flute, vocal, piano and drums.

Since i have not seen a truly sufficent awnser yet....

I'm going to have to suggest Ibanez acoustics. Although they dont make very good acoustics when it comes to the higher end of the spectrum, they definitely give you good bang for your buck when it comes to beginner acoustics. Another good one would be Yamaha. If you want a descent starting guitar, you're going to have to spend $225+, and the more you spend, the more you'll benifit. As far as the guy is saying about strings making a difference, they really make no difference on how you play. They make a bit of a difference when it comes to sound, but the majority of your sound quality will come from the guitar itself. However, you shouldn't really be that concerned with sound, as your ear will not be developed enough to be able to distinguish small differences. The thing that is going to matter most is build quality. The main thing that we are looking for here, is to make sure that you aren't ending up with a complete piece. The important thing is to get a guitar with the strings descently close to the fretboard (neck). If you know someone who can replace strings for you, it would be worth getting a smaller gauged string for starting out, because otherwise the strings will RAPE your fingers at first, it is verrrrrry painful when you start out.
So my suggestion: Get an yamaha FG700, or an Ibanez AC30, AW30, or EW20, or even a takamine G440. Also, i would suggest getting a Korg CA-30 tuner, so that you can accurately tune your guitar at any time, because when you're just beginning these things can be tough.
If there is one thing to stay away from, it would be listening to people you know as far as suggestions, because from personal experience, they will only suggest what they have owned, and that is rarely the best option. Why listen to me? I own none of these guitars, but i am giving an honest unbiased opinion on these guitars that i have actually played.

And oh yeah, if you know for a fact that you will actually keep with it, feel free to spend more, into the $400+ range, in which case takamine becomes a very good option.

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what are good cheap acoustic guitars for an experienced guitar player and one thats good for playing chords?


Good and cheap do not go together, especially where any of the stringed instruments are concerned. A semi decent guitar will start at one hundred dollars, and go up from there. A decent one will start at about one hundred fifty dollars, and a nice guitar will start somewhere around three hundred fifty dollars. A good quality starts around five hundred dollars.

Anything below one hundred dollars is going to need an equal amount of money or work done to it to make it anywhere from semi reliable to reliable. Anything under sixty that's new a guitar luthier is going to be less likely to want to work on. Anything that's below fourty dollars, and they're not going to want to bother trying to work on it, as it will cost far more than it's worth to make even somewhat reliable. I've seen fretboards coming loose from the neck on those below sixty dollars in the discount stores, that are new. That said, any guitar, or even a piece of junk guitar (which causes a lot of frustration especially keeping it in tune), will be good to play chords on.

Here are a few brands to look though that have semi decent guitars in the one hundred to one hundred fifty dollar range.


Edit point:

Also stay away from the discount retailers, as well as what you can find online. When you buy online you could end up with a GSO or guitar shaped instrument. Go to a shop and try different ones instead and buy from there. That way not only can you find what you want, but also the one that feels the best to you.

Is there any cheap guitars?


I want to buy a guitar but I want one that won't be so expensive does anyone know a place where I can get a cheap guitar ?

Cheap guitars can be found pretty much everywhere. Even supermarkets and department stores have super cheap guitars for about £40. Toys R Us, any and every guitar store... It also depends on the kind of guitar you're after. Acoustic? Electric? Semi-Acoustic? Classical? Start by taking a trip to your local guitar store and ask some questions there.

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Which instrument should I learn, guitar drums or bass?

Chip n dip

I have always wanted to learn a musical instrument, although I am undergoing a problem, I'm stuck on which instrument to play.

On my experience with a cheap acoustic guitar that I was supplied in music class, I liked it and am learning it quickly. I can already play riffs from songs such as "Smoke on the Water".

Another factor that is making me lean toward guitar is that I don't plan on playing in band, just by myself or with my friends ocassionly. After hearing guitar is the best option for lonely musicians, it's looking to be a good option for me.

Now the thing that is turning me off. If I DO join a band, I don't want to be the guy duking it out in the spotlight, I'd rather play a rhythmic role due to my sense of rhythm. Yet again, joining a band isn't on my radar.

I haven't had my hands on a bass yet, although it looks interesting and great for my situation. A rhythmic instrument that has complexity towards it.

One issue is that I heard that playing bass solo is less then a fun experience sometimes, saying it can get tedious and boring.

I'm kind of on the rocks with drums whether it's the right instrument for me or not. At school, I've had the most experience with the drums and am one of the top students (not to sound like I'm bragging), being able to play a lot of songs by just listening to them.

Although one thing that needs answering should be asked. I've had to play on a low budget electronic drum kit at school because our teacher had surgery on their ear, making us resort to acoustic and electronic instruments that can be played through (don't ask why electric guitars or basses weren't aloud). But from what I remember on that kit was that was boring and felt lifeless, although this is on a cheap electronic kit.

Although I find myself playing drum beats with my feet or on desks without noticing it.

With all that information gathered, what do you think would be a good instrument for me?

Thank you for your time.

If you really aren't interested in playing with a band in the future, I can't really see much value in learning the drums and the bass. There are soloists who can make either sound interesting on their own but it can be pretty tedious playing drums or bass by yourself for hours on end. Guitar is a bit richer of an instrument if you're just playing by yourself.

Still, that's a lot of work to put into an instrument if your goal is to just play by yourself and never really do anything with it. Most of us learn guitar or drums or bass because we want to become good at them and play music for other people. That's kind of the idea.

how can i improve this song?


ive posted various versions of it as ive changed it but im still not happy what do i need to change?

(right now i have it being sung with an acoustic guitar edited to give it a weird echo and some samples of radar pings in the background, song is ment to be comparing a drug trip to the flight of icarus... er hence the name)


Beyond the sun
I float on painted wings
with sonar song
and radio streams
out here where theres no-one else
no-one else but me
I am the dreamer
I am the dream

fly Icarus fly
and dont come down
till they make you
fly Icarus fly
and dont come down
till they make you

(verse 2)
I've flown beyond
your boundries and laws
into the void
the dark beyond the stars
out here where the message ends
the silent cold
I am the dreamer
I am the dream


(verse 3)
On melted wings
and failed ambition
a shooting star
I fall from heaven
I crash and I burn
I crashed and burned


I was the dreamer
I dared to dream
- iarus is a guy from greek legend who had wings made for him by his father in order to escape the labyrinth icarus was warned not to fly too close to the sun cause the wax in his wings would melt, long story short he was so overcome with the joy of flying he forgo what he was doing strayed too close to the sun, promptly lost his wings and fell to a messy end

I rather liked it. Although its kinda hard to imagine the music you have mapped out with it.

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