Saturday, June 14, 2014

Questions about buying a bass guitar?


I'm a beginner but hoping to play professional. So I need a bass guitar for a good price that has awesome sound! Any suggestions? Also I need to know what all I need to begin playing as soon as possible. And where should I look for one? Thanks! :) If you can answer any of these questions I would really apreciate it!

If you REALLY go on to play professionally, chances are that the instrument that is your main gigging axe as a pro will not be the same one you learn on as a beginner. Don't get ahead of yourself. What you need right now is something to learn on. By the time you're ready to buy a pro-quality instrument, you will know enough not to be asking people on Y! answers what you should get...

Do you have an actual budget? You can learn on anything, it's a matter of what you're willing to spend. Figure out what your budget is, go to a music store, and start trying stuff out. Buy the instrument that feels most comfortable in your hands and that you like the look and feel of. The staff should be willing to let you plug it in and try it out. Do the store the courtesy of actually buying from them, don't use their inventory and then go buy from the internet. If there is literally no music store anywhere near you, there are lots of websites; musician's friend, sweetwater, zzounds, and amazon for that matter.

The absolute cheapest bass you can get that is still worth playing is an SX; they're only sold online at They are cheapest chinese mass-produced instruments, mostly copies of Fender designs, but they are real wood and real hardware and the two I've had played quite well. You can get one for around $100 + shipping.

If you have around $300 (not counting an amp and accessories), look at a Squier from the Vintage Modified or Classic Vibe series. I wouldn't bother with the other lines of Squier, if you can't afford a VM or CV just get the SX from rondo. A Peavey Millenium or Ibanez SR300 is also worth thinking about, especially if you like very slim necks.

If you have more like $500-600, you can think about a standard Fender, or (my personal recommendation) a Yamaha BB424x. There are lots of other brands in that price range too. If you have more money than that to spend, then there are lots and lots of good instruments and you just need to try them out and see what you like; most beginners don't spend that much on a first instrument unless they're very well-heeled.

The other things you'll need are an amplifier, tuner, strap, cord, and preferably a gig bag and stand. Bass can be played fingerstyle or with a pick, you should plan on learning both. Fingers you already have, picks are very cheap (75 cents apiece or so). For an amp you should just get a cheap practice amp to start; rondo sells some for $50 or so (+ shipping), in a store it's likely to run more like $100. Eventually, when you're playing with a band, you'll need to invest at least $500 or so in an amp that has enough power to be heard over pounding drums and wailing guitars. You can get a tuner for $15 or so, straps start at about $7 (but you can spend $100 on a really nice strap if you want), cheap cords are $5 or something but it's worth spending $20 on a good one, gig bags sometimes come with the instrument but cheap ones are $20 separate, a stand will run you another $15.

Basically, I'd say plan on spending $100 on your amp and another $100 on the accessories. If you go to your local craigslist, you can often find a lot of this stuff used for maybe 30-40% less than you would spend on it new. To tell the truth, all of the basses I currently own except one I bought used - a Yamaha BB415 I got for Christmas (that's the only new one), a custom bass I got used, an acoustic bass I got in trade, and an SX I bought from a guy on craigslist.

How do you start professionally recording music?


What tools are best for recording music, rock music, with
x3 Guitar (1 Bass, 2 Treble)

First decide exactly what you want to do. Let's say you want to produce songs with drums, keyboard, 3 vocals, bass, 2 guitars. You would need a 16 track digital audio workstation (DAW), either a computer-based system if you already have a good enough computer, or a stand-alone DAW, like the ones I linked. Why 16? Because you'll want at least two tracks for drums (maybe 4 or 6), two for stereo keys. Do not get exactly how many tracks you think you want. You will grow out of them, I promise. DAWs typically have CD burners, so you can take your project all the way to CD. Send that in along with your artwork to a duplicating house like or Discmakers, and you're ready to sell your music.

Very important: Buy a large-diaphragm condenser microphone. Any decent salesperson will know what this is. They are more expensive than dynamic mic's, but this is a very important investment. Small diaphragm is second choice, followed by dynamic. A large-diaphragm mic is what you would use for vocals and acoustic guitars. You can use less-expensive mic's on other instruments.

If you want to record real drums, you'll want to consider mic'ing most of the drums separately. Shure SM57 and SM58 are $100. These have been industry standards for decades, and they take a pounding. They are good for drums, guitar amps, and other instruments. You can buy them in a package with a special bass drum mic (link below). Add to that a pair of small-diaphragm mic's (link) for "overheads" - for cymbals and overall ambience, and you have a great drum mic kit. For a smaller budget you can just get the overhead pair and a bass drum mic.

You'll need to monitor your music (listen while recording and mixing) so you'll need a decent power amp and speakers (monitors) or powered speakers. Good monitors are an important investment, too, because they are your window to the ears of your audience. They need to be accurate, because your music will be heard through ear pods, headphones, computer speakers, in cars, and good stereo speakers. Your best shot at sounding your best in all those formats is to buy decent monitors. You can get budget ones for around $300, but they only really start to get good at $600. Lots of people use headphones to monitor. That's OK if it's all you can afford, but your ears tire out after long sessions. The better the monitors, the longer you can listen without fatigue. You will need a set of headphones for when you're recording acoustic instruments; you can't have speakers on while recording with microphones in the same room.

One very important but overlooked aspect of studio recording is acoustical treatment. It can get very pricey, and there are a lot of expensive and useless products. I've included a link to some excellent advice for room treatment. I recommend Roxul brand rigid fiberglas, called rockboard, insulation board, etc. The article will tell you how to use it.

Once you have a good idea of what you want to accomplish, find a knowledgeable salesperson who will help you fill in the blanks. The type of set-up I've illustrated here is fairly expensive, so have a budget in mind when you talk to them. Try

There's nothing wrong with getting an 8-track DAW, a $100 microphone and a set of headphones. Learn the basics. This will prepare you for better-informed decisions when you're ready for the serious gear.

It's a real adventure. Have fun.

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Would this guitar be worth buying as a first guitar?

ninja boy

I've never played a guitar before and with my recent guitar hero addiction i would like to learn. I'm sure it will not be as easy to tear through freebird on a real guitar as it is in the game but i would at least like to give playing a real guitar a try. My musical interests are classic rock and country (lol) i found this guitar on ebay and actually have never been in a guitar store yet but just wanted to know if i should spend the money or if this thing will just be a piece of crap. I will take any recommendations about buying a guitar.
Heres the ebay auction site
if the link doesn't work just go to and search for
Black Electric Guitar 10 W AMP, Bag Straps Tuner String
and it should come up.

Careful - it says KIT. If it means Kit guitar, you have to assemble and do the electronics.

Avoid this stuff like the plague - if you want cheap, take someone who plays to your local pawn shop AND retailer. Find something cheap that stays in tune and keeps an octave, and don't forget to haggle.

Then, get a Monster cable - unlimited lifetime free exchange when it breaks, and see if you can afford a used Line 6 spider 15 watt amp - it has built in effects. Have your friend help you out with accessories - they're cheap.

I only recommend Squiers (above) if they play well and are set up right. Otherwise, the Yamaha Pacifica is good, the OLP MM1 (great neck+pickups), Schecter or Ibanez also make a good guitar for 200 bucks or so. The Pacifica you can find for 170 or so.

My daughter just gave up trying to learn guitar after 2 lessons to stick with guitar hero - so you might even consider starting acoustic. For 200 bucks, the Takamine G230 or for $180 a Yamaha F335 (make them give you picks and strings for free) is all you need.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES AT ALL should you bid on that. Some poor tree gave it's life for nada.

where can I get a decent, cheap acoustic kit on the net?

Q. As in a put together kit, it would have to be left handed or left handed stringable. Also, do you know of a good book telling in detail how to build and wire an electric guitar?

Im a lefty guitarist aswell, some good sites are ,, although dont buy anything too cheap, i made that mistake once it sounded horrible.

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What is a good brand of acoustic guitar for beginners?


I am interested in learning to play, and i'd like a nice guitar, thats not crazy expensive...or maybe a kit that comes with a how to video. Please suggest a brand, and maybe a website of a good store to buy from. Thanks a bunch!

I work at a music store and the guitars we sell the most for beginners are Yamaha and Harmonia. I bought a Harmonia myself because they have more color selections than Yahama. (I bought a red one.) I've had a few friends who are guitarists look at it and they say that except for the action being a little high, it is a pretty good guitar.

Difference between electric, acoustic, and electric-acoustic guitars? Best for a beginner?


^says it all.

An acoustic guitar makes sound when the vibrating strings set of sympathetic vibrations in the body of the guitar; the vibrating body moves air and that's what people hear. Some are nylon-string guitars, softer sounding and easier on the fingers, others are steel-string, brighter sounding.

An acoustic-electric guitar is an acoustic with a piezo pickup installed; this is a kind of microphone that picks up the vibration of the body and can send the signal down a cable to an amplifier. This is valuable if you're going to play in a band and need to be heard over a drummer, etc., or if you want to amplify your guitar for an audience and don't want to have to stand right in front of a microphone pointed at the guitar.

An electric guitar works differently; it always uses steel strings, which vibrate over magnetic pickups. Oscillating metal over a magnet creates a small electromagnetic pulse, which is then carried down the cable to an amplifier.

Advantages of an acoustic guitar; it's self-contained, just buy the guitar and you're pretty much ready to play. Many people say that acoustics have higher "action" (how hard you need to press the strings down to make a note), so they're better to train your fingers on. Personally, I don't think that finger strength is really as important as accuracy.

Advantages of an electric guitar: There are sounds you can get out of an electric guitar amp that you just can't get out of an acoustic (even an acoustic/electric), and a wider variety of them. Also, the action on an electric guitar is much easier to adjust, just a few turns of some screws; if you WANT an electric with high action, you can have the shop set it that way. However, it also means investing in an amp (and cord), so when you go to play somewhere you have to lug the amp along. You can't play electric guitar around a campfire or anything.

You can get a reasonably decent starter name-brand acoustic guitar for around $150. You can't get an equally decent electric guitar AND AMP for that price - not name-brand anyway, but the starter kits at would probably be OK (I wouldn't get the acoustics sold at rondo). It depends on what you want to play. If you want to play rock music, get an electric. If you want to play folksy stuff, get an acoustic. Other styles - jazz, blues - get played on either, so up to you. If you don't know, I'd probably start with acoustic, just because it's simpler (no amp etc.).

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Friday, June 13, 2014

good acoustic beginner guitars?


I was wondering if a fender DG-60 acoustic guitar is a good beginner guitar? Or do you have any other suggestions? I only have $200 dollars.And if you have any tips on what i need to know before i buy it that will be really helpful thx. This is going to be my very first guitar so i have no idea of what i need to know

There are many good quality guitars that you can get for around $200 bucks (Sam Ash is always advertising great deals!).

I don't know anything about that Fender model. My first guitar was a Washburn and I paid a little over 200 bucks for it in 2004. The main thing is get the best guitar you can afford (even if that means sacrificing a few dinners out or movies or whatever). If you go too cheap, your guitar will go out of tune quickly or the "action" may be too high or the quality may be too poor, all of which may cause you to lose your motivation to practice. My Washburn (like many guitars in the $200 - $300 price range) is a mass produced-made in China guitar but the quality is very impressive for a mass-produced guitar.

Just make sure when you buy your guitar, to play/strum a few guitars in the model you decide to buy. You just may find that a Takamine or an Epiphone feels better in your hands than a Fender does. You won't know until you've tried a few different models. Play a few, go home and think about it. The guitar you want will "speak to you". You'll know.

Don't go too crazy. If you stick with the guitar, I guarantee you this won't be the last guitar you'll buy! It's very exciting to get your first guitar. I hope this becomes the beginning of a very long love affair.

Good luck and happy practicing!!!

Tips for learning to play acoustic guitar?


I would like to learn how to play the acoustic guitar, but reading music is so complicated. Are there any tips to learn how to play the guitar at a slow (but suceeding) pace, and the best way to learn how to read music from books?

1. Find a qualified guitar instructor and buy a beginner's guitar chord book having basic music theory.

2. Have your instructor show the good habits to form in building chords and playing them, how to string a guitar, how to take care of your instrument, and how to tune it.

3. As you learn and practice forming various chords ask your instructor to teach you the basics of music theory.

4. As you progress, ask the instructor to help you in:

a. Chord progression
b. Key transposition
c. How to determine the key signatures in music.
d. Writing basic music notation.
e. Playing rhythm as he plays melodies and vice versa.
f. Learning the Chromatic Scale with chords and notes.

5. Practice rhythm and strumming techniques--both striking the fundamental bass tone and strumming down and then back up. Practice fingerstyle methods of right picking different strings in chord backup.

6. Keep your instrument clean and in good shape. Treat it better than you would your own body. Keep your hands clean and dry while playing. That cuts back on oily residues.

7. Watch other guitarists and their technique or style. Copy their methods up to the point of forming your own style.
And finally, your fingertips will hurt terribly until you can build the calluses on them. Until then, you must endure hours of practice. If you don't have the motivation and strong will to work past the problem of sore fingertips you will never be a guitarist

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How do i record an acoustic guitar video with good audio quality?

Brandon Ta

Hello i tried recording a fingerstyle guitar cover on youtube with my sony hd that costs $400 but it sounds like crap. How do i record a guitar cover with studio quality sound? i have lots of studi EQ and mixing software.

First priority is recording a good sound. You'd probably record this separately with one or two condenser microphones into an audio interface, and synch this with the video in a video editing program.

Using one mic is easy enough; using two mics is trickier. The AT2020 condenser mic works great on acoustic guitar. You could get the regular XLR connector version (AT2020) that plugs into an audio interface, or the USB version (AT2020 USB) that plugs straight into the computer.


Position it 6-12 inches above the 12th fret, with the diaphragm angled toward the sound hole. You could add a little stereo reverb in your sound editor to make up for it being just one mic. Two mics is a hassle so I don't recommend it.

If you do want two mics, then pick up two condenser mics and a good audio interface like the Roland Quad Capture ( -- you'll get better sound quality with an audio interface than with the USB version of mics. If you really want to go higher end, get a pair of oktava mk012 mics, and use an XY stereo mic'ing technique like these:

Acoustic Guitar............?


So, i want to learn how to play guitar because im sick of piano DX my parents will only let me get a guitar if it's acoustic so what's a good brand or guitar? Something cheap that works well :D

This pack will have everything you need plus more. I think that this is the guitar i actually started with. Just be aware that in my experiences that acoustic has been harder to learn over electric. They also have the gigmaker standard. Only diffrence is a cheaper guitar and a diffrent video. In my experiences, yamaha acoustics have sounded great to me.

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hello i suck at a BEGINNER at i dont know crap.i know the parts of the guitar but thats probably pretty much you guys know a site or a program i could use that will help me improve and maybe even master the guitar??

ps.i live in a sorry excuse for a town so there is like no one who gives guitar lessons or anything sooo yeaahhh...

Google the phrase "guitar tabs." One of the many sites you'll find is which is my personal favorite, but by no means is it the only one.

All beginners suck at guitar. Look at it as a rite of passage. Everyone who is or ever was good at guitar sucked at it for a while before they got better.

Learn chords. Just like with tabs, you can google "guitar chords" and take your pick which site of the many you like best.

Learn scales. Start with the minor Pentatonic scale, I'll even pick a key for you... A: Lots of open chords go well with that, like Em, G, Am, C, D, and some barre chords, F and Bm. After that look up harmonic minor. If you plan to play any form of rock and roll whatsoever, these scales and chords are essential.

Be patient. Be determined. It's not easy to teach yourself. It's worth every minute. If you're doing it right your fingers will hurt for a while, maybe even blister up and bleed, and you can't let that stop you.

I've heard that Guitar Pro is good for learning things by tabs, but to be honest I've never used it. Or any program, for that matter; I taught myself right before and during the dawn of the internet, out of sheer determination.

Good luck, kid.

Guitar Q - What Chords Do i have to learn as a beginner to acoustic guitar?

Jordan G

Can you tell me what chords i need to lean i know i need to learn

G A B C D E F - minor and major .. but are there any others?

Hi Jordan

Here is a good site for chords and positions as well as scales to match your chords.

check it out. YOU simply input the name of the chord or scale and it gets it for you.

Here is a good site for progressions. It's useless to leanr chords if you don't know how to use them

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Cheap, Quality Guitars?

Q. I have no access to a guitar, so I'm looking for a very cheap one that I can use to get a feel of how to play it. I'm not sure how good I am since I've never played, so I don't want to spend a lot of money. I just want a full sized acoustic guitar that won't break when I play it, because I'll have no idea how to fix it. I need to buy online because guitar shops around here are very expensive. Amazon would be nice. The highest I'm willing to spend is $50. I've seen them on Amazon for $15, but I'm worried about the quality. I'm not looking for something top of the line, just something that's not crap please. An expert opinion would be highly appreciated. Also, if you can find a guitar with add-ons like a guitar case, pick or cool design, that would be great ^^. Other than that, just a good acoustic under $50.

"Cheap" and "quality" just don't go together, as posted above. It would be dumb to spend a lot when you aren't sure you want to keep playing, but don't expect quality sound or decent action for $50. Just buy something in your price range and see what you can do.

Where can I buy a high quality acoustic guitar for cheap?


My husband wants an acoustic guitar for Christmas, looking to spend around 200 dollars. I am a bargain hunter and would like to be able to get him something really fantastic for the money. Any suggestions other than a pawn shop?

Pami Pami pami ! go to music and be good and God bless!

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good cheap acoustic guitar brands?


I am looking to buy a nice guitar. What are some good brands?
I forgot to add:
My BUDGET is $600-700.
I've been playing guitar for 8 years.

Yep, Eastman is great but a bit over your $700 max for the decent models with all solid wood (Elderly has a used AC-420 for $600, which is on the lower end of their solid wood models). I just recently picked up an all solid wood Martin OMC-1e on Ebay for $700 and it's a great guitar as well. Bedell also makes some nice solid wood guitars in that price range. I've also read some good reviews of Walden guitars but haven't played any of their higher end models and wasn't too impressed with their cheaper ones.

With any acoustic guitar though, you really need to play it and see how you like the sound. I played several in music stores before I bought my Martin on Ebay, and I like the fact that it was made in the US (all the others I mentioned are made in China).

Good cheap acoustic guitars?

Jerry Hut

I've been using the same guitar for some while now and have been wanting to upgrade to a new guitar. I'm not a beginner but not and expert either. What guitars would be good for an intermediate player that sound great but is under $250?

I'd get a Yamaha, one of the models made in the 60s and 70s. Great guitars, much better than the ones they make now. Supposedly the best were the ones made in Japan; they're marked "Nippon Gakki". You can find them on Craigslist and eBay.
There are many models though; you'd have to read up on them before buying.

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Good acoustic guitar brands?!?

Hannah Ble

I have a Gibson Maestro guitar that I got over half a year ago when I was just starting lessons, but I am getting better and more serious at guitar and want a better acoustic. My price range is around $200-$250. Please give me some good quality and great sounding guitar brands and models!

I'd strongly recommend going to a guitar store and trying some Ibanez guitars. I'm assuming from your name that you're a girl, so you'll likely find Ibanez acoustics much more comfortable to play than Epiphone guitars. Epiphone makes great guitars, but the necks tend to be really chunky, which makes them challenging for many people to play (especially females, since we tend to have smaller hands than the mostly men who design and make guitars).

Ibanez guitars are built like rocks, sound incredible, and are often nicer than guitars costing twice as much. They're also famous for having very thin, user-friendly necks and low action (strings close to the fretboard), which makes it much easier and more comfortable to move smoothly between chords and notes. I've been playing guitar for more than 20 years and Ibanez acoustics are my absolute favorites. I've owned much more expensive, prestige-brand guitars, but none of them holds a candle to my three Ibanez acoustics and acoustic/electrics for sound and playability.

I'll post a link to the Ibanez listings at Musician's Friend so you can read the reviews and see that I'm not exaggerating. It would be ideal if you could test drive them at a music store before buying, though, since you'll find some body styles more comfortable than others. I'm partial to medium-depth guitars, for instance, because I'm kind of short and struggle to reach around gigantic-bodied guitars.

What brand name guitar should i get after i just got good at a "first act" acoustic?


i bought my first guitar and is a first act acoustic guitar, but now i think I'm ready for a actual guitar now. So i was wondering what type of brand guitar should i get (a cheap guitar less then about $250). I'm into R&B and rock music :))))
i already have a first act acoustic guitar and i think im good at it now and want a actual brand now. What type of brand name acoustic guitar should i get???? im into R&B and Rock music. :-)

Hello there,

Are you looking to move up to a better acoustic or are you looking to switch to an electric?
The first answer assumes you want an electric, but I do not see that in your question. I will check back.


Hello again,
Thanks for the additional information; that gives me a better basis for a recommendation. Not to be sexist, but I am guessing by your id, that you are a woman and have small-shi hands. If so, take a look at the Takamine Jasmine series of guitars. Takamine makes some mighty nice guitars and the Jasmine series is targeted towards the newer players.

Fender makes some good acoustics and some, shall we say, very mediocre ones. The Squier series is all right for newer players. I would stay away from the Starcaster line because it is not much of a step up from what you have. If you are willing to buy a used guitar, you can probably find one of the better Fenders. I see those sell used on eBay for around your price range. You might consider one of the Fender acoustic electrics. You can use it as an acoustic. When funds permit, you can add an amp. That would work well with those styles of music.

I really like Gibson acoustics. They are good. Not the best, but they have always been my favorites. I even like the Epiphone acoustics. I have had some very nice ones. I guess I like them because I have had good luck with them.

Ovation makes some good guitars. I never really warmed to the plastic bowl backside. They sound good and play great. But the looks to not appeal to me.

Martin makes excellect acoustics, but even used are likely out of your price range. If you find one in decent shape within your budget, give it serious consideration.

I am not a fan of the lesser priced Washburns and Yamahas. I have seen some Washburns that the fret ends were quite sharp. Had to polish them down. Too scratchy feeling.

So, in short, my first recommendation for you if you want a new guitar is to look at the Takamine Jasmine series. If you are willing to buy a used guitar, get a Fender acoustic/electric. You can also give the Epiphone a try. I love them, but not everyone does.


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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

acoustic guitars?


approx how much is the average gibson or fender or other good brand acoustic guitar cost???

which brand do you like best?
any good teach yourself guitar books you know of?

For my students I always recommend the Yamaha acoustic, I find it's the least expensive and the best sounding for for books go on the this site they have lots of beginner for recommending one ....the one that I teach with is no longer for sale, it's out of print.....there are some free sites on the Internet.....I'm not crazy about the free sites, there not very know what they say, you get what you pay for. I like the paying sites better, but I'm not sure if you can afford them. Here are some free sites to look over.....but first if you want to check out this site for beginner books they have lots of them.....
Free sites :
Youtube also has free guitar lessons, and this is better then most.
If you want to check out a couple of paying sites, here are a few : (click on the guitar, this site has a lot of information for guitarist, click on where it says chords and just name the chord and they show you how to make it ..
Good luck to you, bye.

acoustic guitar...?

Arif I

i want to buy an acoustic guitar. but i dunno what to look for. can somebody help me...? i'm not a beginner. n not an expert too.

I play classical guitar, but recently bought an acoustic, I didn't want to pay much as I was buying a new classical. So I checked out the Yamaha acoustic electric cutaway, it was $250.00, (sometimes even less on sale, and the Guitar Center is very good at droping the price) and I was so surprised at what a great sound that guitar had, so I bought it and was very pleased with it, it sounds just as good with or without the electric. They also come without the electric, just acoustic. They had so many of them it took me a few hours to pick out the one that I thought had the right action, sound, and feel, they all sounded just a little different. For this price I was very happy with my purchase !!!!!! There are a lot of other great acoustic guitars out there but I didn't want to spend a lot. Martin, Gibson, Taylor, Fenders, all make great acoustic guitars, and some of the Japanese are pretty good, it all depends on how much your willing to spend, and you didn't say what your budget was. So if your budget is low try that Yamaha and see what you think! Hope this helped some, bye.

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Where can I buy a cheap acoustic guitar?

Cher Z

I'm looking for a starter guitar, I tried Target but all they had was the First Act and all the reviews were terrible. Any idea of where to find a decent cheap one? Since it's a starter one, I don't want to spend a lot of money. Thanks!

Amazon (they sell everything, and are connected with some smaller music stores), and major music retailers like Sam Ash, Sweetwater (these first three are my preference, mostly based on customer service). Amazon is probably the best place to start since all the major specialty retailers sell their products there as well.

Other common retailers include Musicians Friend / Guitar Center / ZZzsounds, American Music Supply.

Local or web, specialty or non-specialty retailer - it doesn't matter anymore. Focus on the specs of the instrument and the brand - and note ones which are common (like Martin, Fender, Epiphone, Takamine, and others). The common ones are slightly more reputable, but these days they are all made in similar factories in South East Asia. No matter where you buy, it will come in a box from south east Asia, that your retailer has simply slapped a price tag or shipping label on.

Locally, your best bet might be Guitar center. You may have a local music shoppe, but the tastes of the owner, a lack of selection, and the prices may lead you to buy online or from a major retailer instead.

And do try to get a full-size instrument. Most of the reduced size instruments or student's / children's guitars have appalling quality, and you would be better off in spending the extra 20-30 dollars to get a real, full size instrument.

where do they sale cheap acoustic guitars?


im getting a guitar so im looking to see in what store they will sell a cheap acoustic one.?

Guitar Center or Sam Ash will have a good selection of inexpensive but decent-sounding and decent-playing guitars.

DO NOT buy a guitar from Best Buy, or Walmart, or K-Mart. Whatever you get from any of those big-box retailers will be guitar-shaped objects not much better than toys, that will not play well, stay in tune, or sound good. Don't waste your money!

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Where can I buy a cheap Acoustic Guitar (UK)?


I want to buy an acoustic guitar for a music project I'm doing at school (and I'd like to play anyway). I don't want an expensive one at all, just a second hand one like under £30. Any one got any websites/shops I could look at? Thanks :)

There may be one available from a member of the LETS network in your community. You can buy it for cash or trade for something of equal value. The Local Exchange Trade System is personal and can be a lot of fun to join and participate.

Good luck.

Where can I get a cheap electric acoustic guitar ??


My paper round moneys just come through and at the minute I'v got about £130, and I'm dying for an electric acoustic!! I mean you can only strum a normal acoustic so loud before I'll be paying for new strings.... help ?? x
And no-no pawn shops here :(
Yes... looks like e-bay it is :)

I'd avoid a pawn shop, their mark up is terrible. Go to a music store and see if they have free street press & music papers. They sometimes have a 'trading post' section with people selling privately. I don't know where you live but a lot of towns have weekend advert liftouts too. This is best place to get a potential bargain...
I'd also avoid want to play the thing before you buy it. It might look great but sound terrible.

Also try:*XCTFJ3%3CJORK54A%3A%5E%3B%40U%5DZOLF%2FVYW2K*NZ%40OB!0)%5E%25F%256Z%0AMW*L%22'E1.%3AU%2FO'%22BN%5D'%3F%2C5)%22)*-%26R%22I%3AD_%5DE*%409U5J%25_OBK%26%3BJ%2BV!AJQ!NY..%0A%24IW%3A_O+++%0A

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What are some fun songs to play on an acoustic guitar?

Stevie K.

I've got some free time and my guitar. I'm getting a bit bored with my played-out play-list. Any Suggestions.

Personally one of my favorite acoustic artists is Jack Johnson. A lot of his songs are really fun to play on the guitar, and some can be pretty complicated. In my opinion his best guitar work was on the album Brushfire Fairytales, and on that album, the song "Inaudible Melodies" is one of my favorite songs to play on the acoustic guitar

"Never Know" off one of his other albums is fun and complex too.

What are some great acoustic guitar songs to play?

Q. Lately me and my aunt have been jamming now and then with our guitars, and she's just now learning so she's still a beginner. I've been playing for two years now. I want to find some tabs for some great acoustic songs for us to play that will be easy for her and still fun for me. Know any really awesome songs we could try? Links to tabs and stuff would be awesome.

I´d say there are many awesome songs for acoustic guitar. Personally, i´d choose Classical Gas from Eric Clapton, Dust in the Wind from Kansas, I´m Yours from Jason Mraz, Your Body Is A Wonderland from John Mayer, Paradise City from Guns ´n´ Roses, and many songs from Jack Johnson are very good for acoustic guitar like "Flake". In Spanish, cause that´s my native language, I´d choose, La Flaca from Jarabe de Palo.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Are electric guitar strings different than acoustic?


My friend let me borrow his electric guitar so i can practice on it because i play acoustic guitar. He is missing a string and im just curious if i ca put my spare acoustic string on it? i dunno just a thought

Yes, you can put an acoustic guitar string on an electric guitar, but you cannot put an electric guitar string on an acoustic guitar. However, acoustic guitar strings start on the high E at about .13 in guage, and electrics normally start around .09 or .10. While that may not sound like a big difference, it will feel different. Also, acoustic strings are meant for a shorter scale than electrics.

You can go pick up guitar strings for around $5-$7 in most music stores. I would suggest getting whatever their cheapest brand of strings are, I'd guess you wouldn't know the difference. And get yourself either .09 or .10 guage strings for an electric guitar.

can i put nylon strings on an acoustic guitar?

da man

i got a new guitar and i was wondering if i could go buy some nylon strings and put them on my old guitar. Would this sound the same as having a nylon string guitar?

A nylon string guitar (called some times a classical guitar) *is* an acoustic guitar ... and so is a steel string guitar.

Both require individual types of strings though. Steel strings have higher tension (as pointed out correctly by someone else) and they are meant for steel string guitars only - they will totally break a nylon string guitar.

Nylon strings will not produce enough tension on a guitar braced for steel strings. Furthermore, the strings are fastened differently. You'll use bridge pins to fasten steel strings with a ball end - nylon strings are usually looped and tied to the end of the bridge. You may find nylon strings with ball ends, but these are still meant for nylon string guitars.

Just for the records: The three wound strings in a nylon set have a nylon thread core - they are not steel...

You do have a type of string which is called silk and steel. These are meant for steel string guitars and are softer than regular steel strings.

You might also want to have your guitar looked at and possibly set up properly, if it is hard to play (and that is the reason why you'd want to try out nylon strings).

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Acoustic guitar recommendations for a somewhat beginner?


i've been self teaching myself guitar for about 4 years, but i'm still by no means an excellent player. piano's my main instrument and i've been playing it for almost 12 years, so guitar was kinda just a side thing because i wanted to try something new. i go through phases with playing it usually, but now that i'm going off to college, i have to leave my piano, and i really want to take a nice acoustic guitar with me and focus on my guitar playing more.

currently, i have a fender squier...which i know is considered a pretty cheap, crappy acoustic guitar, but i got it in a beginner's guitar kit and so far, it's worked fine for the kind of playing that i would do. now, i want to be more serious about it, but i'd still classify myself as beginner though i have a ton of other musical experience with piano and also singing...

does anyone have any recommendations for the next step up after my squier? i definitely want acoustic rather than electric, and the kind of music that i want to start playing is folk (lots of plucking involved, not just plain strumming chords. kinda like a laura marling style...). i'm not really looking at a certain price range, but obviously i don't want anything too expensive.

any recommendations will be much appreciated!! thank you!
what do you think about alvarez acoustics? i asked this same question late last night and that's what the one answerer suggested along with takamine.

i want to get pretty serious about guitar, and so far i'm getting really into that plucking style of folk music, but my fear is if i buy a guitar known for that, what if i fall out of that plucking phase and i want to play a different style of music instead? i guess i just want an all around good guitar that i can play multiple styles of music on.

do you think it's worth buying one that can be hooked up to an amp? it's not like i'm in a band or anything and giving concerts, but you never know what the future holds...

Well first you have to decide exactly how serious you'd like to get about guitar. If you're going to keep playing for a while, there is no point in just getting a few steps up; you might as well just go all out and get a nice guitar. It's better to do that than buy a step up, then buy another step up the next year, and so on.

If you like plucking/fingerpicking, you might like a classical guitar a lot more than what you're using now. The strings are further apart and they are either all nylon or half nylon half steel. Those guitars are designed specifically for what you want to do, and as a general rule, get better as they get steeper in price.

If you want to stick with a standard acoustic (like what you have now) the best brands are Taylor and Martin. A step below that would be Breedlove and Takemine.

What kind of acoustic guitar for a beginner?


Hi, Iâm looking to pick up acoustic guitar playing and Iâm not sure what guitar to get. I want one that will last me awhile, yet not that expensive, have 23 frets (or how many is standard) so when I get to more advance I can still use it. What kind of guitar do you think would be good for my needs and be in between $100 and $200 dollars?

Any advice is really appreciated. If there are any starter packs I would go for that too. Just point me in the right direction.


The Fender or Yamaha starter kits are usually pretty good at that price. They are both a decent quality of guitar.

However, if you've got about $400 to spend, I usually recommend the Yamaha APX electroacoustic series with cutaway to all my students above 15 yrs old.

And if they've got cash to burn, I recommend the Ovations for electroacoustic or Maton for acoustic only.

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