Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I am looking for an acoustic guitar under 900 dollars. - Something that sounds good playing blues.?

best acoustic guitars under 900
 on emusers - What are you listening to right now? (Number 12 Looks Just ...
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I really like the sound of jimi hendrix's guitar in "hear my train coming" i realize that's a 12 string custom guitar someone made for him - but i like the deep sound is the point. I also like the sound of gibson hummingbirds and especially older dove models. Even if i had 2000-3000 dollars i sure as hell wouldn't spend it on a guitar. Any suggestions are welcome - i was considering getting a guild. Thanks.

Understand what you are saying and the guitars you mentioned have such characteristics. I too have played those models in the past.

Funny you also have in mind a Guild, which Gibson had taken over some time back. Found a Guild jumbo at one time that certainly projected the deep tones that were impressive. So, you're on the right track, but agree that there are many others one can choose from without going into the thousand dollar range.

Suggest that you hunt down some of the Breedlove models.These are the only ones that (to me) had the trait and particular attention built into some of them that highlighted the bass strings and were reinforced to play with such expression.

$900.00 seems to be your goal, and it is possible to have this much of an incentive to purchase towards many sales reps at some music stores and guitar shops. Realize that shelf prices reflect a percentage markup on about every unit they will sell according to their price tags. But there should always be room to negotiate when we are talking a grand in what anything may be worth in the store. One could possibly cut a few hundred bucks off, in order to seal a deal with both parties involved.

(And likewise, if it has to be a few hundered more for a model that you know is 'it'. Are you willing then to go ahead and get this instrument, even after you tried to bargin it down?)

Don't be put off either by where they are made nowadays. The quality and overall instruments' performance and durability have changed drastically over the decades. The Guild I had picked up that one day was made in China. Surprise.

It may take a bit of a hunt on your part. But believe me, it could be worth what one is really looking for in their personal preferences in a guitar. Don't ignor those acoustic/electrics too and plug 'em in.

What electric guitar should I get?


I've been playing for almost a year now (11 months) and I currently have an electric acoustic guitar (Fender CF-100 CE Folk). I'm planning to get an electric, but I'm not sure which to get. I'd say I'm at the beginner to intermediate level, but I want a guitar that can last me a while as I get better. Also, my price range is less than $500, if that is possible. Less than $400 would be the best. Thanks!

There are two issues.
1. What 'sound' are you looking for? Humbuckler or Single coil?
a. Establish what sound: The best thing you can do is go to a Sam Ash or Guitar Center and play can also try some better quality used ones they have in the store which will boost the quality of the price range.

2. Resale value. As you get better you will want to trade up in all likelihood. So the suggestion would be Fender made in Mexico pre 90s or early 90s as they are US components assembled there. Fenders are like legos as well, easy to trade out pickups etc..and remember, import guitars have different sizing than US guitars for the most part....I honestly don't think you can find a better value and they are very under valued can grab a nice tele or strat for that all day long and always trade out the pickups...but you'll have a quality guitar. Gibson Epiphone Korean or Japan are a good value used as they don't hold thier resale value well unless its japan from the 70s on... don't know what kind of music you want to play, which also makes a difference...don't buy off brand, don't buy China new, although they are now producing some very higher quality hollow body's in the 900+ range...and they do make the solid body Gretch now, which as decent reviews...

Go to a big store where you have a variety to chose from...if you have an internet phone, then do some research on the reviews and pricing....and don't be pressured to buy ...and make them 'set up' the guitar first...neck adjustments, intonation etc...(which they generally through in)...(take someone who knows guitar necks, new or used has to be good...)

Oh, not to forget, use the type of amplifier you will be using..a good amp makes a lot of difference..and one with the least amt of 'effects' as they don't sound good and you can get a pedal for which is always better...

Good luck...but I'm serious when I say those Fender MIM Tele and Strats are undervalued (and NOT THE SQUIRES) ...and the older ones are better... I'm a Gibson guy, as well as put some together for my roommates friends who perform...etc...don't be pushed to buy something you don't like...and a Fender is simply easy to resell and upgrade to what ever sound you want latter if your taste change....

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Title Post: I am looking for an acoustic guitar under 900 dollars. - Something that sounds good playing blues.?
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Author: Unknown

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