Saturday, April 26, 2014

What key should electronic tuner be in to tune acoustic guitar?


I am tuning my new acoustic.
The electronic tuner is asking for the note as well as the key i am tuning in..
what do i select for key?

That's kind of weird that it asks for the key but just put the key of C major, because all of the open strings are in that key. Save up for a good chromatic tuner. If your acoustic has an input on it you can get the Korg Pitchblack, a great tuner. If not, tune to a piano or pitch pipe

How to tune Acoustic Guitar?

Q. Years ago my parents got me the guitar because I asked for it and it ended up in the closet and I played Violin, now I want to actually learn to play it a bit. I am trying tuning applications and videos for the guitar but the notes seem too low when the string feels a little too stretched (maybe just opinion from playing violin). Can someone help me with this? I don't want to have asked for this without at least learning it. Thank you.
(Played Violin 4-5 years in school, feel free to relate anything of the Guitar to Violin if you have a tip)
Ill also add that it is a "First Act - Player Series" All Wood Acoustic Guitar

with online tuner may be one step,
by ear

ãã E A D G B E
ã ãâ â â ââ½ âãããããããã

Online violin tuner

ãã ã D G A E
ã ã ã â ââ½ âã

if you can start with violin high E
same with high E on guitar, and tune up
each one fret up from same tone 5/5/4/5/5/5

ãã ⺠ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬âââââââ E
ãã â· ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââºâââââââ B
ãã â¼ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ·ââ¼âââââââ G
ãã â¹ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼âââââââ D
ãã ⶠââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¹âââââââ A
ã ã â ââ´ââ´ââ´ââ´ââ¶âââââââ E

ã ã â nut / open
ã ãâ ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââ¬ââââââââââ E
ã ãâ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ ââ¼ââââââââââ B
ã ãâ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ ââ¼ââ¼ââââââââââ G
ã ãâ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ ââ¼âââââââââ D
ã ãâ ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ââ¼ ââ¼âââââââââ A
ã ãâ ââ´ââ´ââ´ââ´ââ´ ââ´âââââââââ E

âºâ·â¼â¹â¶âº â â

if you have access to piano, you can test keys to tune strings,

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