Monday, February 10, 2014

Where can I buy a martin OM-1E guitar in the Uk?


I've seached online but cannot find one anywhere. Don't really want to wait for delivery from the USA

That;s a helluva of nice guitar. Here is a UK link :)

What guitar should I buy?


Hi, I want to get a guitar for my boyfriend. We both play, but I dont really know what brands are the best! I know he likes Taylor, but they are so expensive!
I was looking to spend about £300. Any idea's anyone?!
Ps, I don't want an electric, maybe electro accoustic. he has been looking at 12 strings too.
Also, anything with a country/folk sound would be a bonus!!
What is the point of having a place to ask people's opinions if people will state the obvious and be rude?

Dont answer if you have nothing helpful to say.

Well, £300 is not a huge amount of money for an acoustic guitar, but the good news is that it is enough to buy something pretty nice.

Your aim should be to buy a guitar with the best specification for this sum of money. In terms of acoustic guitars, this would mean choosing an instrument with a solid wood top (rather than a laminated top).

Personally, I would recommend a Simon & Patrick guitar. These are made in Canada by a company called Godin, and are built to a very high standard. I have one myself, and although I do own more expensive instruments, I find it to be an excellent guitar and play mine a great deal. I would expect the cost of a new Simon & Patrick Woodland series to set you back about £300 with a hardshell case (by the way, always have a hardshell case for your guitar - these cases prevent damage so much better than soft case alternatives.) You will sometimes see these guitars sold as a Simon & Patrick SP6 (this is the old model name, which they changed to "Woodland" quite recently, although the guitar is identical.)

You can find information and pictures of the instrument at Simon & Patrick's website. The guitar has two options, a solid cedar top (which produces a more mellow sound) or a solid spruce top (which produces a brighter sound).

These guitars are also available as 12 strings and electro-acoustics, although these will be more expensive.

The cheapest place to pick one up new, in the United Kingdom (in my experience) is Sound Control. See:

In fact, here you go:

£249 for the guitar, the case will run you another £50.

Of course, there are other options available. Yamaha make excellent guitars in this sort of price range. I recently played a friend's FG750, and though it was a really nice instrument. These also retail for around £250. See:

You're quite right that Taylors, Martins etc. are expensive, although they have brought out lower priced models in the last few years. I am not that convinced by these, personally, I must say. I tend to prefer good Seagulls, Yamahas, or Simon & Patricks to cheaper "big name" guitars. Of course, once you get into the really big bucks, Taylors, Martins and Gibsons are unbeatable...Speaking of which, Seagulls are very popular amongst folk players (although the necks can be quite chunky.) Excellent, affordable guitars though. See:

If you find a guitar and want to research it more before buying it, then take a look at Harmony Central's review section - it contains user reviews for virtually every manufacturer and model of acoustic guitar:

One last thing, if you live anywhere near the Midlands, I find the people at Sheehan's guitar shop in Leicester to be really helpful. (note: I am not associated with this business in any way, I've just had good experiences buying guitars from there). They're right by Leicester railway station, but I think they do mail order these days too. See:

Good luck with your purchase, I hope your boyfriend enjoys his new guitar, whatever it is.

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Title Post: Where can I buy a martin OM-1E guitar in the Uk?
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